The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1548 Necromancer (fifth update)

Only players can use such extravagant delaying tactics.

Anyway, you can be resurrected after death, and the dropped equipment will be picked up by the brothers behind you. At this passionate moment, every player went to their death very happily.

Sergey Lavender's very powerful plague outbreak. From a visual point of view, he throws poison bottles one by one, and then uses his skills to smash these bottles in mid-air, thus erupting a huge plague. Poisonous mist, players will continue to lose blood as long as they come into contact with these poisonous mist.

There are also various debuffs, depending on what bottles he throws.

You can't stop him, you have to be careful, Weiyun Danyue quickly ran out of people to send, and in just a few minutes he lost thousands of people.

The strongest wild BOSS currently available to players is not that strong. Lu Li must re-evaluate the strength of Sergei Lavendere. Perhaps due to the event, this unknown necromancer is actually so strong.

The BOSS is coming, everyone is ready to fight, Lu Li shouted loudly.

Line up! Tirion Fordring climbed onto his horse, and halo after halo reflected each other under the feet of the paladins. Even the players also enjoyed this benefit, and Lu Li saw his attributes exposed again and again. Increases defense, movement speed, attack strength, etc.

Why didn't you give it before? Lu Li wanted to complain.

He quickly directed some of the people to clean up the remaining monsters in the town. Although some were very strong, they were far behind the Necromancer who ran over immediately, and the decisive battle could only begin after these monsters were cleared.

Let's leave the perversion of the necromancer to those paladins and dwarves for the time being.

Sergei Lavendere was surrounded by the fog of plague. Originally, these poisonous fogs had no effect on the Paladin. They were evaporated when he got close to the Paladin, but this time the fog of plague brought by the BOSS It seems different.

The paladins showed pained expressions for the first time.

This is perhaps the most direct damage to the Paladin, and is much more effective than those physical blows. The same is true for the Wildhammer dwarves, whose originally powerful movements began to slow down.

They might not even be able to get close to the Necromancer at all.

Pastor, disperse! No matter if it was useless or not, Lu Li still took measures.

If the BOSS were to kill the Paladins and Dwarves, it would take players like them years and years to kill the BOSS.

Follow me, Yiren shouted with tears wrapped around her fingers, and she led her team towards the BOSS. They were paladins. This suicidal charge seemed a bit tragic.

The priest's dispellers, especially the big ones, chased the paladin and started to spread inside. These big ones could quickly dispel magic, but they had little effect on poisonous wounds like the plague. However, the power of the big ones still dispersed the mist. The plague at least provides vision for others to attack.

The fog of plague was gradually dispersed, and finally dissipated.

Players' long-range professions took action one after another. At that moment, the sky was almost completely covered with various gorgeous skills and arrows.

Sergei Lavender was a little stunned by the long-range magic attack. As the saying goes, an elephant is killed by ants. This is what it means. So many skills were thrown at him, causing his health to drop immediately. A trace.

Although it's not much, it's really embarrassing for a BOSS that doesn't take players seriously at all.

The spell breaks down!

A net-shaped spell was thrown out, and all the magic systems in the area were affected.

The effect of this spell is to reduce the casting speed by 300%, which means that a spell that could originally be read in one second now takes three seconds, and the spell's combat effectiveness is immediately abolished.

However, this spell is also very simple to deal with.

The players who have been tricked can just withdraw. Anyway, there are tens of thousands of players here in Lu Li, and there are thousands of legal professions, and the area covered by Serge Lavender's spell only covers a few hundred people.

Weaken the plague!

The range of the skill is wider, and at least thousands of people are enveloped in it. This BOSS is definitely a bug. If Lu Li had brought people here, it would only take a matter of minutes for the group to be wiped out.

One skill can cover hundreds of people, and one skill can cover thousands of people.

Lu Li felt like he was dreaming, and his views had been refreshed.

He finally understood why the plague spread activities were mainly NPCs, and they were usually battles between large corps, because the strength of these key figures was simply not something that ordinary players could compete with.

He couldn't help but begin to sympathize with the clubs trying to kill the boss.

They are probably as shocked as Lu Li is now. The difference is that after their shock, they may be faced with the destruction of the group, but Lu Li is different. He has very powerful allies.

Charging past him was the regrouped Paladin of the Silver Hand.

The players' casualties were not in vain!

Looking at the Wildhammer dwarves, they also rushed over closely behind.

**\u0026...% A difficult-to-speak and jerky spell rang out, and all the bones on the ground were pulled by a mysterious force and gathered in front of BOSS Sergey Lavendere to form bone shields.

These bone shields would definitely form an obstacle to the Paladin's charge, so Lu Li quickly ordered everyone to attack those bone shields.

Obviously, the threat that players pose to the BOSS is far less than that of these Paladins. This is generally the case for mages. They can only cause maximum damage when they maintain a safe distance. Once they are attacked by a powerful person, it is estimated that A devastating disaster.

This time, the role played by players like Lu Li was really limited.

They couldn't break these bone shields in a short time, at least not before the Paladin's charge arrived. However, the Wildhammer dwarves took action. They dropped their battle axes and other weapons, grabbed a smaller ax from behind, and then Throw it hard at those bone shields.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Those seemingly very small axes seemed to contain very amazing power, and the bone shield instantly turned into dust after being hit.

The paladins raised their hammers and rushed through the dust.

The paladins, shrouded in holy light, slammed into the BOSS.

Backing away, he couldn't help but back up again and again. For the first time, Serge Lavender showed signs of being invincible. This undead mage who was so powerful that people felt that he couldn't match it, turned out to be the same as an ordinary mage when approached by a paladin. No different.

But he was a powerful necromancer after all, and his death did not deprive him of some of his abilities during his lifetime.

An arcane shield was opened to protect him. It was ridiculous to say that arcane magic was the magic that Sergei Lavender despised the most. At the critical moment, he still had to use this magic to save his life.

This seems to be the fifth update. Okay, I won’t say anything anymore. If you have any support, please support me. There may be a day off tomorrow, and there may be an update... It seems to be the period of double monthly tickets. Those with guaranteed monthly tickets will give it to everyone. Let the thief take one

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