The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1541 Hand of Tyr

Tirion Fordring's military tent is located on the edge of the camp, and you can imagine the treatment he received.

The military has gone too far, Lu Li said with a little resentment. Halford Rebain is the commander of the Seventh Army, but his reputation has never been comparable to that of Marshal Windsor and others. , it is not unrelated to this person’s pattern.

Indifferent, stubborn, even philistine.

Halford Rebane is a brave soldier, Tirion Fordring said gently: He is not a paladin.

Listening to the tone, it seemed that Tirion Fordring didn't have too many complaints in his heart.

Okay, Your Majesty, let's study the rescue issue. Now that he had made up his mind to manage their relationship, Lu Li no longer focused on things like mission rewards. He might be greedy or shrewd, but he was not a A person who has no sense of proportion.

At this time, Tirion Fordring was in a state of decline.

As a close friend of Uther the Lightbringer, the founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand, he is one of the most noble paladins in the Knights of the Silver Hand. His pioneering performance in the Second War is worthy of the sacred name of the Silver Hand. , the old Fording was once the most watched powerful man in the human kingdom.

After living in seclusion for a long time, he gradually lost his voice in the empire. Some people even thought that he was a deserter.

Halford Rebain may have thought so. He did not doubt Tirion Fordring's character, so when he saw Lu Li and Tirion Fordring getting acquainted, he subconsciously trusted Lu Li and Solomon. But in his eyes, Tirion Fordring was rotten enough to be put in a coffin.

And he felt that it was almost ridiculous to send out an army for a group of paladins who were so old that they could barely walk.

The Hand of Tyr, they are all imprisoned here, Tirion Fordring spread out a parchment on the table and pointed to a certain point on the map.

The Hand of Tyr is located in the Eastern Plaguelands, east of Lake Miredal. It is the hinterland of the Scourge Legion, not far from the Holy Light's Hope Chapel. Lu Li once again understood Halford Rebain's Legion. Commander, if it were him, from Halford Rebain's point of view, he might not send anyone to rescue him.

Perhaps many people don’t know the origin of the name Hand of Tyr.

A long time ago, on the continent that we later called the Eastern Kingdom, a small group of creatures were struggling to survive with the few supplies their parents left behind when they exiled them to this strange beach. These creatures became humans. Sometimes they They would gather around campfires and try to read scrolls of ancient civilizations and heroic legends from the mother culture that abandoned them.

One of the scrolls tells of a great leader, a paragon of order and justice, a hero who sacrificed his right hand to fight an unreachable evil.

Although he was able to use his abilities to repair his right hand after the battle, he chose to replace it with a fist-shaped right hand made of sterling silver. The hero thus taught each of his followers that order and justice could only be achieved through personal sacrifice.

The name of this hero hidden in distant memory is Tyr.

In fact, Tyr was fighting against Galakrond, the ancient ancestral dragon. The five guardian dragons were created by the Titans based on the appearance of Galakrond that had evolved to a certain extent. In other words, he was the descendant of the dragon. The ancestor, in terms of size alone, Galakrond is tens of millions of times larger than the five Aspect Dragons.

In that battle, Titan Guardian Tyr led the black dragon Neltharion, the red dragon Alexstrasza, the green dragon Ysera, the blue dragon Malygos, and the bronze dragon Nozdormu to fight Galakrond.

The five-headed dragon was unable to inflict fatal damage to the larger Galakrond. Because Tyr's combat plan only focused on himself as the core of the battle and did not guide the five dragons to cooperate reasonably and closely, Tyr's arm was bitten off by Galakrond during the battle, his war hammer was also knocked away, and the artifact on Tyr's waist was even more severe. Swallowed by Galakrond.

Malygos and Alexstrasza rescued Tyr, performed a simple rescue and then quickly evacuated to a frozen wilderness in the north, which later became Northrend Dragonblight.

Soon, the final battle between the five giant dragons and Galakrond will also begin over the Northrend continent.

Malygos understood why Tyr chose to unite them to fight against Galakrond. The five dragons must work together, united like a big family, and only with seamless cooperation can they defeat Galakrond.

In the decisive battle, the five dragons showed their tacit understanding of becoming guardian dragons in the future, helping each other and fighting to the death.

Malygos and Neltharion picked up a boulder, hoping to throw it down Galakrond's throat.

But at the critical moment, a group of undead dragons flew from the sky. In order to save Malygos, Neltharion went alone to fight against the undead dragon army.

It can be seen that Xiao Heizi and Xiao Lanlong were not incompatible when they were young.

On the other side, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu attracted Galakrond's attention, and Malygos successfully threw the boulder into Galakrond's throat.

Galakrond couldn't breathe because his trachea was blocked, so he began to run away. The five dragons chased him. They knew that if Galakrond spit out the boulder, their battle would be in vain and Azeroth would be destroyed.

As the five dragons chased him, Galakrond fell to the ground, and his huge body shattered the entire mountain. After landing, Galakrond still tried to take off again, but during the struggle, his His movements gradually slowed down, and after a period of twitching, he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

After the five-headed dragon defeated Galakrond, who was thousands of times larger than himself, Tyr and two other Titans appeared. The Titans visited Azeroth again and gave the five-headed proto-dragon the responsibility and power of the Guardian Dragon.

This is the stuff of myths and legends, and the description of the battle process is very childish.

But Till's philosophy was passed down.

Only by sacrificing the ego can justice be achieved!

This is the Holy Land of Tyr's Hand and the Silver Hand. Unfortunately, it has now become the territory of natural disasters. The sect of the Curse Cult hopes to find Tyr's body here and turn him into an undead.

Your Excellency, High Lord, I have been to Tyr's Hand, and that place is really not that easy to get to. Lu Li inevitably had to back off after knowing where he was being held.

To be honest, he is not afraid of sacrifice. Players can be resurrected infinitely anyway. What he doesn't like is unnecessary sacrifice.

It is almost impossible to win someone from Tyr's hands.

Do you think this is completely impossible? Tirion Fordring seemed to be able to see through what Lu Li was thinking. This NPC was endowed with powerful intelligence, more like humans than ordinary humans, and was a powerful Humanity.

I don't think we have much hope of success, Lu Li said calmly.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, the Silver Hand will never give up on my brothers. Even if I am alone, I will fight for them, Tirion Fordring said solemnly: The only way is to sacrifice the ego. , Only then can justice be achieved!

Uh... Come on, if you die, I'll be fooling you. Lu Li complained wildly.

You can choose not to go, you are still young, and I... Tirion Fordring said with a wry smile: Even if he dies, Azeroth will only have one less bad old man.

Your Excellency, High Lord, I think we must have a plan, Lu Li said, imitating lines from the movie.

A plan, since it is a rescue operation, then they really need a complete plan, from infiltration to rescue, from rescue to safe evacuation, and they must also consider the variables that may occur in the process.

It's a pity that Rebain refused to lend a helping hand. If I had two thousand soldiers... Tirion Fordring had obviously considered the whole plan for a long time, but it was a pity that his plan did not convince the Legion Commander.

Yes, we do. Although the strength may be a little weaker, we have two thousand, no, twenty thousand. Since you want to play, let's play a big one. In this large-scale event where the plague is spreading, Lu Li must have the courage to make a desperate move to get the benefits he wants.

Unlike other clubs who took advantage of the chaos to grab the boss, Lu Li took the route of completely integrating into the war.

If it doesn’t work out, then let’s be benevolent.

An old man who only lives once dares to fight alone. What does he have to be afraid of as a player?

Twenty thousand! Tirion Fordring was frightened.

The current number of the Seventh Legion is about 40,000 to 50,000, and the number displayed in Frozen Hill Fortress to confront the Scourge Legion is only 30,000. This is already one of the most powerful military forces in this area. In addition to the Scourge Legion, No one can match them in numbers.

Now, Lu Li suddenly said that he had 20,000 people.

It would be strange that Tirion Fordring was not frightened. Fortunately, he had dealt with Lu Li before and knew that this elf had no other advantages but that he was very reliable.

I can gather a team of 20,000 people for you to dispatch, Your Excellency, but their strength is a bit weak. Only about five people can resist a patch monster, and they are not soldiers... Lu Li did not feel that in this battle, Quantity makes all the difference.

Simply looking at the number of people, several clubs together can kill the Scourge in an instant.

However, they may not even be able to defeat a group of death knights from the Scourge. Players in this land are no better than the helpless civilians.

It doesn't matter, we are just rescuing people, not fighting them. The situation was much better than Tirion Fordring expected. He originally thought that he and Lu Li were going to fight with a few old knights. Woolen cloth.

Lu Li did not hide anything and told Tirion Fordring the characteristics of these people.

In the game Dawn, it is common for natives to have some weird abilities of adventurers, so Tirion Fordring is not surprised to know that Lu Li can use portals to summon teammates. Perhaps in his understanding, this is magic. category.

We travel along the edge of literature... Tirion Fordring's finger drew a curved line on the map.

But Lu Li had a different idea: No, we are not going from the Western Plague Land. This place will become a battlefield for a great war. No matter how lucky we are, we will not be able to travel through such a long area quietly. Once we are identified by the Lich King, If it is a threat, we will be greeted by continuous resistance, and it is difficult to say whether we can reach Tyr, let alone save people.

In fact, what Lu Li said was a bit exaggerated, but it was not unreasonable.

Tirion Fordring also knew that what Lu Li said made sense. On a ten-point scale, the original difficulty of the rescue was twelve points - meaning there was no hope at all. With the twenty thousand people Lu Li said, it has now been reduced to seven or eight. points, but this is still not something they can afford.

Actually, we can pass through the Hinterlands. There is a secret passage over there connecting the Hinterlands and the Eastern Plaguelands, Lu Li said.

This is impossible! Tirion Fordring shook his head repeatedly: The reason why the Hinterlands were not infected by the Plague Land is because of those high mountains. If there were passages, I believe Arthas and Kel'Thuzad would not Afraid of those dwarves in Eagle's Nest Mountain.

Please believe me, Your Majesty the Great Lord, I will not lie to you about this kind of thing, it makes no sense, Lu Li said confidently.

The Hinterlands can indeed go directly to the Eastern Plaguelands. It is not just the way Lu Li mentioned. If you swim along the coastline, you can also achieve this goal. But this time it is not just them, but also Tirion Fordring. These paladins all need mounts to assist in combat, so crossing the water is impossible.

The dwarves of Eyrie Mountain control a passage to the Plaguelands.

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