The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1531 Ashkandi Sword of Brotherhood

Many people have received skill points, and this time the system has given out a big gift package.

However, many people did not include Lu Li. He could only watch others rejoice. Fortunately, the equipment rewarded by the system soothed his cold heart - the Bloodtooth Breastplate Mold.

Clothes he could use, even though he had just gotten the Night Slayer Breastplate not long ago and didn't need such a quick upgrade.

However, Blood Fang is a higher-level equipment. Both its attributes and special effects are much improved than Night Slayer. The Night Slayer breastplate he replaced will also be thrown into the guild warehouse for others to use. Now it can be improved to level 60. The space is no longer as large as the five levels per grade before, but at this stage, even a small improvement is a good improvement.

Everyone else also received first kill rewards.

Skill points, materials, skill books, equipment, everything is available. This is the welfare of land reclamation. People who participate in land reclamation can dispose of it at will. Only the equipment that is found next needs everyone to compete.

There was a synthetic stone that added dodge, so Lu Li took it directly and planned to use it himself.

It just so happened that the new clothes he made in the future lacked gems. Although other people complained about him, they were actually convinced. You guys have been working hard there for so long without making any progress. The CD is about to pass. Well, Lu Li went over and killed the BOSS three times.

After the stones are divided, there is a skill book. Surprisingly, there is a warrior enhanced charge in it.

Charging is one of the most important skills for a warrior, so the enhanced skill book is naturally the most popular. Everyone's attention was immediately focused on this skill book.

Lu Li also had a headache. He wanted to give Moonlight, but he didn't have many points right now, so he couldn't go too far with the secret operation.

Let's bid. You can fight once a week anyway. This BOSS enhancement skill book is probably a must-have, Lu Li reassured the excited warriors. He wasn't lying. A BOSS of this level is a must. , it is true that a strengthened skill book must be produced, but it does not produce a strengthened charge every time.

The fierce bidding began, and DKP's score did not stay in double digits for long, and quickly reached 200 points.

Two hundred and twenty points, You Xingtianxia's face tightened. This is a necessary skill for warriors. It can be used by any type of warrior. The two hundred and twenty points should be the highest price. After all, the warriors in the team are either I came late, or I had more or less taken some equipment.

Youxing Tianxia really didn't get much equipment. After all, there were two great warriors, Azure Sea Breeze and Yueguang, in front of him.

The others looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Okay, it belongs to the world, Lu Li distributed the skill book to You Xing Tianxia, ​​and the DKP that You Xing Tianxia had saved for so long was almost emptied all at once because of this skill book.

In fact, what Lu Li didn't know was that after Youxing Tianxia took the skill book, he didn't study it himself, but gave it to Piao Ling. And Piao Ling gave the skill book to Yueguang. As for why You Xing Tianxia did this and what transaction happened between him and Piao Ling, Lu Li didn't even know.

Next came the materials, a total of six pieces. Lu Li took the Black Dragon's Blood and asked Weiyu Pavilion and Wushuang City to each pick two pieces.

As for equipment, gold equipment can be divided randomly, and dark gold equipment can be divided according to their own needs. The overall division is carried out in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. The unhappiness of strengthening the skill book just now has disappeared.

However, with the emergence of legendary equipment, this harmony disappeared again.

There is no way, after fighting the BOSS for so many days, this is what you are looking forward to. Who doesn’t want to get a piece of top-quality equipment to improve his strength? Players in the elite group who don’t want equipment will not last long. If you fall behind in equipment, you will be behind. Those who are chasing after each other are surpassed, and their strength is not as good as others, so they will naturally have no place in the elite group.

Misudar Soul Reaver's Headgear!

The legendary hat, judging from the special effects, is for the priest's healing profession. Everyone immediately turned their attention to the two great priests at the scene, March Rain and Xingxing Nannan, but they didn't seem very interested.

Lu Li thought about it and understood. He didn't want to waste DKP and was waiting to get the T2 set parts.

The parts of the suit are all made from molds, and they are very likely to be of the best quality when made, which is much better than these legendary parts. Moreover, the suit is something that all priests are grabbing for, and the DKP required is also very exaggerated. They must save their DKP carefully. .

Neither of them was willing to take action, so they naturally gave the other priests an advantage.

Brother Ji, who always thought he had no hope of getting the equipment this time, actually defeated his opponent to get the equipment. He put on a new hat and watched happily as his attributes increased. With two great priests here, he had no hope of competing for the T2 set. , now it is worth spending less than 100 DKP to get this hat with very good attributes.

If it were a pastor from another club, there would be no such opportunity.

That’s how it is when playing games. Some people prefer to be the head of a chicken rather than the queen of an ox, but there are also people who think it’s easier to enjoy the shade against a big tree. The key lies in whether the tree you choose is thick enough. The equipment Brother Ji got is actually the whole dawn of the game. Just this one thing.

Tears of Neltharion!

As soon as this thing was posted, all legal systems were excited.

It's a level 60 graduation jewelry. Lu Li sighed inwardly. As soon as such a top-quality thing comes out, the better [Ashkandi Sword of Brotherhood] will probably not be available today, but this is actually fine, he really doesn't want to Watching everyone fight to the death.

However, it turned out that he thought too much.

Just this piece of legal jewelry is enough to make everyone beat their heads and bleed. Look at what these legal professional players are doing. Some are making deals with potential opponents, some are persuading, and some are trying to get close to them. Selling favors, some even threaten death...

Okay, the copy is here. There will be opportunities to buy it in the future, and there is no minimum price set. Now everyone, please start giving points.

Two hundred and five!

A voice screamed, and everyone turned to look and found that the person who shouted such a terrifying high score was actually Qingcheng Ming, a professional mage player from Weiyu Pavilion. She blushed slightly and glared: What are you looking at? I just offer two hundred and fifty points, and whoever is taller than me can take it.

The second thing that broke through 200, these people were really bleeding a lot today.

In fact, there is really no one in the legal profession who can score higher. After all, Qingcheng Death has played so many dungeons and only got a Burning Demon Belt and a Synthetic Stone with low scores, while others who have the strength and her The competing legal professions had more or less obtained some good things, and some even had their DKP cleared by Lu Li. Those who had not obtained many things did not have as many points as she did.

This time she was so hot-headed that she directly smashed all her DKPs regardless of how many points others had.

Okay, if no one else bids, this piece of equipment will belong to Qingcheng. Lu Li gave this item to Qingcheng. He had no reason to feel unbalanced. He said that we were allies in the past and made a decision in the future. The connection between the sword and Weiyu Pavilion in Wushuang City will only become closer and closer.

Let's see if there are any other things. Such an ultimate BOSS cannot only have two legendary pieces of equipment.

Shaman T2 Breastplate...



Everyone was speechless. They just thought it was so weird that the equipment dropped. The entire team only remembered this shaman.

Why are everyone looking at me? I...I will be shy, the female man actually made a shy expression, which made everyone seem to pull her into a corner and beat her severely.

You always get equipment with low scores. Do you keep so many DKPs to cook and eat? Lu Li was also speechless.

Now, apart from Hachi-chan, who rarely gets equipment, the top scorers in the team have almost become Luo Yingmei, who only gets equipment with low scores.

I don't want to either, Luo Ying recalled saying that she was innocent.

Deduct 50 points, you have so many DKPs anyway, Lu Li said bitterly, winning unanimous praise from everyone, completely forgetting that he could not even get a legendary suit part for 50 points in his dream.

Fifty points, okay, you can take it, Luo Ying recalled saying it didn't matter.

As long as she doesn't bring more shamans, she has the advantage of taking whatever equipment she has, and with the current situation where shamans are so weak, it's probably unlikely that a team will bring more shamans.

It seems... there seems to be another piece of equipment, Can Meng said weakly.

I touched the parts of the Shaman suit, but the system showed that I can continue to touch them, which means there is still something left.

At this time, the ones who win in the end are usually mounts, pets, or equipment, and equipment is more likely to win.

The difficulty of the forty-man dungeon exceeds that of the Blackwing Lair ultimate BOSS in Molten Core. He is one of the ultimate villains in the current version. Killing four legendaries for the first time on Nightmare difficulty does not seem to be an unacceptable thing.

What is it? Lu Li asked anxiously. You should feel it out.

If it weren't for the fear that his hands might be dirty, Lu Li would have almost touched it himself if he was lucky enough to be able to change the equipment that had already appeared.

The sword of Ashkandi Brotherhood seems to be a two-handed sword. Why is it a two-handed sword? I'm so angry, I can't use it, Can Meng was still talking there, not noticing that Lu Li had said dullly. Speechless.

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