The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1529 Mysterious Potion (Second update please vote)

Double attack!

First, most of his health was lost at once, and then a second attack followed him like a shadow.

Reducing damage!

Lu Li's heart sank. If he had known it, he would not have allowed the shaman to join the team. Windfury Totem is indeed a very unsolvable matter. Therefore, many teams do not bring the shaman to fight this BOSS. It is said that the chance is 20%. In fact, as long as this totem appears, the BOSS can basically perform a two-hit combo, and it is an enhanced version of the two-hit combo.

However, what surprised Lu Li was that Azure Sea Breeze was not dead!

Add blood, add blood, Wucao, hurry up and add blood, help! Azure Sea Breeze's shouting voice interrupted Lu Li's doubts, and he was very sure that Azure Sea Breeze was not dead.

The water elf used his ultimate move to instantly fill up Azure Sea Breeze's remaining several hundred health points.

After looking at the battle records, Lu Li understood what was going on.

Without March Rain's timely shielding, without Moonlight's support, without Night's treatment, and without Azure Sea Breeze's own damage reduction, he would not have been able to withstand these two consecutive attacks.

Even so, his blood volume was almost cleared.

If Lu Li hadn't knocked down the totem in time, Nefarian would have followed up with another such attack. By then, the real day lilies would have been completely cold, and it would be difficult for the gods to come down to earth to save the group from being destroyed.

Okay, well done, Lu Li praised, suddenly feeling confident that he could deal with Nefarian this time.

In fact, Lu Li also played a very important role in why everyone was able to respond so quickly. He may not have realized that every time he was stingy and started to extravagantly let everyone throw away props and drink potions, it meant that there was a possibility. Kill the BOSS.

At this time, everyone cheered up.

Just now, Lu Li, who was absent-minded in fighting monsters, ran to fight totems, which showed that the situation was very serious, so Yue Yue subconsciously set up a shield for Azure Sea Breeze. Yue Guang's hands were not slow. After all, he was an experienced racer. Six-channel ears to listen to all directions is the most basic quality.

Azure Sea Breeze listened to Lu Li the most. As soon as he heard Lu Li's call for damage reduction, he handed over his most convenient damage reduction almost at the same time.

The second stage passed in such a thrilling manner. Nefarian's health was only 20%. Entering the third stage, Lu Li looked at the number of people in the audience and began to order the druids to gather people.

Many people died in the previous two stages.

It would be difficult to kill the BOSS with just the number of people left, so potions couldn't be spared at this time. No matter how precious the potions or props were, Lu Li would not hesitate to ask everyone to use them as long as needed.

The third stage is very chaotic. Nefarian will resurrect all the drakes that have been killed by players before.

They turn into bone dragons and attack the players again.

During the entire previous battle, Lu Li was actually constantly adjusting the player's position. He had already known what would happen in the third stage. Not only did he have the foresight given by his rebirth, Piao Ling and Weiyun Danyue had both entered the third stage. Three phases, at least what happens in the third phase.

According to Piao Ling and Weiyun Danyue's descriptions, there are too many mobs at this stage.

They will swarm towards the MT, and in the process, because the healer needs to continuously add blood to the MT, it will also bring hatred effects. Some monsters will kill the healers on the road nearby. The healers and MT will be in double danger, and each other will be in danger. If there is no balance between them, the whole group will be easily destroyed if the situation becomes chaotic.

What's more, the battle they commanded resulted in too many casualties in the early stages, and by this stage there were not many left.

Unlike Lu Li, there were only a few people who died, but if the Druid was allowed to fight again, the third stage was almost full.

Depending on their respective positions, the mobs began to flow in several directions, and there were other professions in these directions that could easily intercept them, especially Piao Ling and You Xing Tian Xia. They only had to stand there and wait for the mobs to come over.

The healing profession seems to be helping them pull monsters.

It was precisely because of this diversion that Azure Sea Breeze's side was not beaten to death by a group of monsters because of too many monsters. The nightmare-like start of the third stage for Piao Ling and Wei Yun Dan Yue seemed to be easily accomplished under Lu Li's command.

At this stage, the only test is the speed of output.

Because there were too many monsters, if they were not dealt with as soon as possible, the three MTs would not be able to survive for long, so Lu Li not only arranged for people to help gather monsters, but also arranged for people to place traps and throw engineering explosives. Anyway, he used various means to fight for it. The fastest to clear monsters.

The limited invincibility potion collected by Liang Bing, the first pharmacist of the Judgment Sword, also came in handy.


If you want to drink instead, give it to me!

At this moment, Lu Li completely forgot how much the production cost of this thing made him heartbroken. The entire club actually didn't have much inventory, and only half of it was used for land reclamation this time.

Even if Lu Li and others clear Black Wing Lair, if there are not enough limited invincibility potions released next week, the following team may not be able to defeat this BOSS again even if they know the strategy.

Pastor, let me see what interesting things happen with your therapy.

That's right, the most embarrassing part of the second stage continues in the third stage. This is also one of the reasons why the third stage is the most difficult. It is a replica of the second stage and adds so many more that are painful. of mobs.

Priests, pay attention. Set up shields for MTs, and don't have too many anti-fear wards. Also pay attention to saving your own life. Don't use healing spells. Okay, that's it. Bajiang strengthens Tranquility. Wuji adds blood to MT. Wuji Undo the curse, you will be beautiful without foundation!”

What about me? Bachi felt aggrieved.

She has obviously added a lot of blood, and the amount of healing is ranked high. Moreover, the enhanced serenity is so powerful that she has eliminated at least three output and healing professions from falling to the ground just now.

Well, Bacchan is also beautiful, Bacchan is the prettiest, Lu Li replied weakly. He praises you all day long, and he will also praise you to the point, okay? You are the daughter of the system. Isn't it normal for you to be awesome? ?

After thirty seconds of being named, the priest joined the treatment team, and the danger was temporarily alleviated.

Master Feng, drink that bottle of potion, Lu Li glanced at the magic values ​​of the healing professions. Lu Li knew that the healing professions were basically at the end of their game. Everyone had very little magic value left, and the available magic recovery methods were basically the same. Used up.

Now what restricts everyone's ability to reach the end is the magic value of the healing profession.

The magic value of the healing profession has always been one of the biggest bottlenecks in land reclamation, especially when the treatment pressure is high and a protracted battle is required. In the end, the healing profession will just watch the MT run out of blood without using any healing spells. This is the most important thing. Embarrassing and most heart-wrenching.

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