The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1527: Angry to death

After midnight, a new CD starts, and the previously killed BOSS in the copy will reappear.

This means that if you can kill the Black Dragon Prince today, you can continue to fight tomorrow. If you can't kill him today, the Black Dragon Prince tomorrow will no longer be the Black Dragon Prince today. It means the same thing to go around. If today If you can't defeat it, everyone will have one less BOSS to defeat.

When Lu Li took over the land reclamation, he wanted to do it seriously.

Piao Ling: Am I not serious?

I thought you could kill them while I was away, was the first thing Lu Li said after joining the group. It was very hurtful, but there was nothing Piao Ling and Wei Yun Dan Yue could do about it. It seemed that every time Lu Li came over to take command in order to defeat the boss. , the two of them had accomplished nothing without Lu Li.

How about I take command first and see where the flaws are? Piao Ling said.

Okay, you go first, Lu Li had no objection. The loss of one more fight was nothing to the club.

The battle began. In the first stage, someone went to talk to Nefarian. Everyone's ears were numb after hearing these conversations for so long. After the dialogue was completed, the door fell, and dragon beasts began to clear the two doors on the left and right.

There are several kinds of dragon beasts, corresponding to the five-color dragon and the multi-colored dragon created by Nefarian.

The red dragon beast causes stackable fire damage to the surrounding area. Not only that, it is also immune to fire spells.

The blue dragon beast causes frost damage to the surrounding area and reduces the attack speed. It absorbs mana and is immune to ice spells.

The green dragon beast is the weakest. Its skill is to stun the player for one second and reduce the player's hatred.

The black dragon beast releases a wide range of fire damage to the surroundings. Its fire resistance and dark resistance are relatively high.

The bronze dragon releases a large area of ​​arcane damage to the surrounding area, and its arcane resistance is relatively high.

In addition, there are colorful dragon beasts created by Nefarian, one of which will be refreshed every once in a while. This thing must be killed quickly. After all, it is very powerful, and it will be troublesome if there are too many.

Nefarian is invincible at this stage. Players cannot cause damage to him. If you don't hit him, it doesn't mean that he won't hit you. He is not focusing on summoning dragon beasts, but releasing shadow-based AOE group attack skills. , while controlling the player.

The controlled player will either gain blood or take damage. Anyway, he will temporarily defect to the opponent's camp.

Your dragon beasts are too slow to clean up. After fighting for so long, haven't you figured out a reasonable way to clean up the dragon beasts? Lu Li couldn't help but speak out after looking at it for a while. At this stage, you must kill a certain number of dragonmen as soon as possible and ensure that there are not too many casualties in your team, otherwise you will not be able to fight later.

I couldn't handle the first stage well, and I couldn't beat this BOSS even if I was exhausted.

I have put together a set of coping strategies, but they haven't been adjusted well yet and are a bit messy, Piao Ling said.

The red dragon ones over there are drinking potions, fire kangs, hunter traps, and mage blizzards. Others don't need to get in the way. Go and pay attention to the two warriors. Don't let those dragon beasts run around. Those two warriors from the fourth team, just you, don't mess around. If you run away, just stay there.

The colorful dragon is out. Where are the people from the physics department? Go up and kill it. Turn teams six and seven into a chopper team with physical output. Team six is ​​dedicated to killing the colorful dragon on the left...

Originally, everyone was running around and seemed disorganized. Now that Lu Li has made such adjustments, everyone is basically doing their own thing.

It immediately became more efficient.

Moreover, Lu Li could pick out whatever monsters appeared, who to attack them, what types of skills to use, and what potions to drink.

The others didn't suspect anything. When Lu Li was doing the mission, he also took the time to pay attention to their land reclamation. He almost accompanied them throughout the whole process. Lu Li naturally knew everything that everyone could know.

For the person being controlled, the mage transforms into a sheep. Weiyun Danyue is responsible for transforming the first and second teams into sheep, and Huadi Liqing is responsible for... Piao Ling originally had an arrangement, but Lu Li made some adjustments to ensure that anyone is controlled. will be lifted as soon as possible.

The BOSS's shadow arrows can be avoided. Why do you think there are so many pillars in this hall for? Just hide for a while. Don't keep taking shadow resistance potions. It's free!

If you can't dodge it, just eat it. Why did I give you the secret resistance potion?

Lu Li hoped that everyone in the team would not become marionettes, but would have a spirit of discovery and be able to make their own decisions at least once in an emergency.

As time goes by, the first stage slowly passes.

It took a little longer than really needed, but Lu Li didn't expect to get through this time, so everything was still acceptable.

In the second stage, the dragon-shaped Nefarian fell from the sky...

Frankly speaking, the scene of him falling from the sky is quite cool and has a strong impact on players. Later, the game team even made this shot into CG and inserted it into the official promotional video.

There is something that makes Lu Li very lucky.

When he entered the game, Nefarian's falling from the sky was not just for good looks. This kind of landing would cause damage, and the damage was not ordinary. Killing a large area instantly was not a problem at all.

Only if everyone is equipped with a cloak made of Nefarian's sister's dragon skin scales can they barely survive.

But now there is none.

Lu Li was almost happy when he first found out about it. Fortunately, he asked the logistics department to rush to make Onyxia's scale cloak.

In fact, this cheating skill was added to the game two versions later.

It is said that the difficulty of the game Dawn becomes easier as it gets cut down, but that is not necessarily the case. At least in Nefarian's case, the game has really made it extremely difficult, so that if a team of forty people does not have twenty or thirty A cloak, don't even talk about passing it.

Therefore, the order of Onyxia's lair and Blackwing's Lair was decided directly. If you don't take down Onyxia's lair and get the cloak, don't expect to challenge her brother.

As for now, even though Nefarian rushes down in such a cool manner, MT is actually fine at all.

In the second stage, one of the biggest difficulties is gone. All that needs to be dealt with is the BOSS's roll call, as well as fear and the curse of the fog.

But the team was still destroyed at this stage.

Although Piao Ling and Weiyun Danyue were lucky enough to reach the third stage a few times, the main team eliminations were in the second stage, mainly due to fear and roll call.

This time Lu Li participated was a bit of an exception. The main reason for the team's destruction was due to the dual effects of the fog curse and the roll call.

The effect of the curse of the fog is to reduce the treatment effect by 75%. This is very painful, but it is not troublesome to solve. Just find a druid to take charge. Piao Ling did find someone to do this, and the person he found was Tong Yanwu. There is absolutely no problem with this method of operation.

The key is that this time, Tong Yanwuji was particularly unlucky, and Tong Yanwuji was named.

No one has lifted the curse, and by the time other druids react, it is already too late. At this stage, as long as the MT moves, the team will be destroyed, let alone the tank cannot be healed and the tank will be knocked down.

It's actually very simple. Can't you just find a mage as a substitute? This kind of team battle has a very small fault tolerance rate. Any small mistake may lead to the destruction of the team. Why don't you consider that a key profession needs to face two situations at the same time? situation.

Piao Ling can only pat the thigh.

I'll give you a command and show it to you. Let's still provide the most basic supplies like this, Lu Li said.

The most basic supply is to take medicine that cannot be let go. It is still in the trial stage for the time being. Only when you are certain, will you fully invest in it. If you fully invest in it from the beginning to the end, the Sword of Judgment will not be able to open up wasteland long ago. And went bankrupt.

In the first stage, Lu Li was actually not much different from the one commanded by Piao Ling.

It's just that although the battlefield under his command does not look as neat as Piao Ling planned, and even looks messy, the efficiency of everyone's monster spawning is much higher, and the first stage naturally takes a lot less time.

The time Piao Ling commanded just now, when Nefarian landed, there were actually several dragon beasts on the ground. Fortunately, Piao Ling reacted quickly and arranged for other defense professions to pull the mobs aside and kill them.

Because Lu Li killed so quickly in the first phase, the ground was cleared before Nefarian landed.

The priests of the second team should pay attention to applying the anti-fear enchantment to the MTs. If any of them fails to apply the fear enchantment, I will blame you. Even if you don't have any healing power this time, I won't blame you. Lu Li has taken the responsibility. And he also decisively gave up the healing amount of a priest.

Brother Ji, pay attention to lifting the curse. Qingcheng will ask you to be the backup person to lift the curse.

Lu Li directly brought two racers to use. Either one of the two could do the job. If they were deployed together, at least the skill Curse of Mist would not become a team-destroying factor.

Thief, stop hiding and face me bravely!

The rumbling voice of the Black Dragon Prince came. The first person to be named was the thief profession. All the thieves were teleported to the dragon head, and none of them could move...

At this time, Nefarian was still attacking continuously, and occasionally flames came out of his mouth and sprayed onto MT's face. This kind of fire is called Shadow Flame, which causes 3937 points of fire damage to enemies in a cone area in front of the caster. Few people here except MT can see this large-scale high damage.

If nothing else happens, all the thieves will be buried in the flames.

Master Feng, move to position D, and keep everyone else away from the fan-shaped area D, at this time, Lu Li, who was unable to move, still gave the command calmly.

The blue sea breeze pulled the faucet and moved it slightly, and the direction of the fire spray changed.

Although the thieves still have to settle down for a while, at least their lives are guaranteed.

Fear, okay, Brother Ji is beautiful, remember to set the time and reload, Lu Li said he was satisfied with the priest who had arranged to add defense against fear enchantment. The interval time between fear and the cooldown time of defense against fear enchantment were almost the same. As long as the arrangement was If something is unreasonable, there may be an embarrassing situation where fear is about to come, but the anti-fear barrier has not yet cooled down.

Some guilds were so destroyed here that they had to arrange for two priests to take turns applying fear wards to the MT.

Priest, all priests should stop healing. You can add shields. I'll repeat it. Priests don't need healing. All other healing professions should be added together. Don't kill people. Didn't you hear me? Brother Ji is just talking about you. I just praised you. Just a few words from you will make you swell, right!!!

Lu Li was so angry that he almost died.

This chapter has 3,000 words and is considered the second update. Tomorrow the company will go out for team building. I don’t know if there will be two more updates. Please continue to ask for recommendation votes.

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