The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1524 Bullying the few with more

Magic originated from elves.

In the Elvish language, the meaning of demilich actually means half-trained, incomplete, which actually means that Angelish has not really transformed into a lich.

However, despite his lack of strength, he, a demi-lich, does not have any obvious flaws.

They are the same as lichs. Liches have all the abilities in life and have endless time to study magic, so they inevitably have powerful magic.

The only difference is that they cannot store their souls in the phylactery like the lich, and naturally they cannot create a new body and resurrect as long as the phylactery exists like the lich.

It is precisely for this reason that the demi-lich Angelish cherishes his life even more, and is more able to explode with absolute power when encountering a crisis.

Let's start fighting. Treat it according to the standards of wild BOSS. It will probably be smarter and the hatred will not be too stable. Lu Li made a judgment based on his understanding of lich. The only lich they had faced was Les Frostwhisper. And the instructor is chilling.

But these two BOSSs have both entered the dungeon, and their strengths are simply not the same.

I appreciate your courage, Angelish, still sitting upright, raised his staff and said to the few people who appeared in front of him, but I spit on your souls..

But he almost jumped up the next second.

Because there are too many people!

Day, surrounded!

When a large number of people appeared densely on the bridge head and both sides of the bridge, including the surrounding hills, Angelish knew that he had underestimated the enemy.

The shackles of mana that had not been loosened for many years were dissolved like ice and snow at the moment of becoming this lich.

Angelish was already immersed in the feeling of a sudden increase in strength, and after performing several tasks without difficulty, the cautious and cowardly teacher was truly dead.

When a crossbow arrow was thrust into his eye socket, the demi-lich immediately let out a huge roar - the form of this howl was not measured in terms of sound, but penetrated the soul, like Spreading far away like a wave.

Lu Li immediately felt something was wrong.

Just in case, he immediately made some targeted arrangements.

When other people saw that MT had stabilized their hatred, of course they went up to output without hesitation.

More than four million HP is enough for a quasi-BOSS, and many real BOSSs are probably at this level.

Solomon couldn't wait to get to work before Lu Li nodded.

This mission was issued by the military behind his back. It was his personal mission and was closely related to his future. If he could get this batch of medicine and send it back to the Allied pharmacists to develop the antidote, then his achievements would be great. It's just too big.

If he failed, he could push adventurers like Lu Li to take the blame, but wouldn't he still have to continue being the damn scout captain?

Solomon's damage is very high, causing OT directly.

With a wave of Angelish's staff, a series of ice arrows hit his face, knocking him back repeatedly. A thick layer of ice armor formed on his body, which not only slowed down his movement speed, but also reduced his attack speed. The speed is also greatly reduced.

He originally wanted Solomon to rest first, but when Lu Li saw Solomon's health, he immediately gave up the idea.

A little alliance officer actually has two million health points. It would be a waste not to let you take this kind of blood bull seriously.

Obviously, whether it is a demilich like Angelish or an NPC officer like Solomon, the moment they stepped into the Plague Land, their attributes and blood volume were greatly enhanced. Marshal Windsor They don't necessarily have that much blood.

With people fighting against monsters, others feel relaxed.

Moreover, Solomon caused the highest damage to Angelish and was the greatest threat, so the hatred was stable. Except for some AOE skills, Angelish didn't even bother to look at these ant-like players around him.

Arrogance has eroded his soul.

If he were still that cautious magic teacher and still had a heart for research, he would have discovered that the combined damage caused by these ants to him was much higher than that caused by Solomon, an opponent of comparable strength, much... …

Angelish brought a dozen of his younger brothers this time, including four strong stitch monsters.

But these monsters are not enough to be seen in front of the five hundred-man group. With more than ten levels of legal AOE brushing back and forth, these monsters were all killed before they even touched the players.

After clearing out the mobs, all go to fight the BOSS.

The blood volume dropped loudly!

Angelish finally couldn't sit still anymore. He jumped out of the car, his staff danced, and various skills emerged one after another.

A facial bone shield appeared beside the demilich, forming a relatively complete defense system that could at least intercept most of the damage.

The damage at this time was much less than before, and Angelish's blood volume decreased at a slower rate. What's even more speechless is that this bone shield can also convert part of the absorbed magic damage into the demilich's health.

Even a demilich, an existence of this level cannot be insulted, especially in today's Plague Land.

Try not to hit the shield if you are a magician, and hit the bone shield with a burst if you are a physics professional. Commander Solomon, hit his shield, Lu Li shouted.

Of course, physical professions are more efficient when playing shields, while legal professions using shields will replenish Angelish's health.

After fighting for a while, Angelish's bone shield was finally knocked off, but he quickly put up an ice shield.

Damn, I hate the legal BOSS the most.

Fortunately, the ice shield will only reduce damage and will not increase his health. Otherwise, Lu Li and others would vomit blood. Who said that undead bosses are easy to deal with because they rarely restore health? They must be lying. ,definitely is.

What Lu Li hated the most was the endless array of skills of this legal field boss.

Why don't you put this thing into a copy.

The strange skills in the dungeon are limited, and no matter how many there are, they will never exceed ten. But who dares to expect that a demilich outside the dungeon who has studied magic all his life only has ten skills?

This old immortal can even charm!

You have such a skeletal face, but you actually use the charm skill, go ahead and eat shit.

Fortunately, I have five hundred people. Even if one person hits you, you will be uncomfortable for a few seconds. Moreover, Lu Li also brings a lot of treatment. Players affected by AOE can quickly fill up their blood. Even if they are killed instantly, someone will kill them. He pulled him up and continued working.

Half of the blood volume was quickly knocked out, and if nothing else happened, the battle would be over in a few minutes.

Boss, it's not good, many undead are coming this way, someone informed Lu Li.

Sure enough, I just heard the Lich let out a soul howl and felt something bad. It was actually a summoning ultimate move. Fortunately, some thieves were arranged to investigate on the periphery. Otherwise, if they were caught off guard, the boat might capsize in the gutter. .

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