This person was originally trapped, and Lu Li was in such a hurry that he didn't have time to untie him.

Besides, this man was about to turn into an undead. Who knew whether he was an enemy or a friend? He didn't expect that he could break free from the rope by himself. He jumped up and looked around, as if he wanted to find a weapon, but there was no weapon here. Nothing suitable and let him pick.

He could only pick up a round wooden stick, about the thickness of a bowl, and it didn't look very smooth.

You bastards, the human uncle rushed over with a log stick and hit a cursed cultist directly on the head. His heart seemed to be full of resentment, and he used all his strength to hit the stick.


From white to red, with brains splashing around, this cursed cultist was immediately attacked.

And then the next one…

This sudden change shocked everyone, and Lu Li and the others had to break away from the battle and retreat. Otherwise, they could not guarantee whether this human uncle could distinguish between friend and foe.

Three of the Cursed Cultists were killed by a sneak attack. In the rush, they began to organize a resistance. The human uncle also began to be injured. Lu Li and the others had to go up to help. Fortunately, the human uncle was in front to fight against the monsters, and the thieves could only Just output as much as you need, the difficulty has been more than doubled.

The eight Cursed Cultists were all killed quickly. Their death conditions were basically the same, their heads were smashed.

This Mediterranean uncle with red eyes and pale face is actually a skull-crushing maniac.

After the Curse Cultists died, it was the turn of the undead.

Uncle Mediterranean stared at these slow-moving undead, suddenly threw away the wooden stick, covered his face and cried bitterly.

Lu Li and others looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

If the guess is correct, these people must be acquaintances of Uncle Mediterranean, maybe family members, maybe friends, or at least neighbors, and they were all captured together for experiments.

Now, he was the only one left.

These are real undead. They have become completely undead. There is no way to use potions on them. No matter how good the potion is, it can't solve the problem. At least no one in Azeroth has developed such a potion.

Do you need our help? It was so painful to kill one's own relatives, Lu Li felt that he should stand up.

No, I'll do it myself, the big man suddenly raised his head and grabbed the stick again.

What followed was a one-sided massacre. This big man was covered in wounds, some of which were already there, and some of which were left by the cursed cultists. However, his fighting power did not weaken at all, or in other words, his willpower supported him to complete the task. this matter.

A middle-aged man in his thirties or forties roared and cried while completing the most helpless and saddest battle in his life.

He wants to kill these relatives and friends of his in the most direct way, even if they have become undead.

Lu Li and others stood nearby, watching all this numbly.

This is Shia, my daughter, how I wish he had not been born in this world, the grieving father killed a young undead, and he chanted the girl's name, Shia, his daughter.

He was then able to identify each person who died at his hands, and sometimes he would tell something about them.

For example, one winter, he took his son to fish on the frozen lake. His son fell down and the sharp ice pierced his new clothes. The little guy was unhappy for several days until he used it. The fish sold bought him a fine dagger.

For example, the middle-aged undead named Said was his playmate who grew up with him.

When they were young, they worked on the same farm. One night they were so hungry that they couldn't bear it anymore, so they went to steal food from the farm kitchen...

Everyone has an experience that leaves a deep impression on him.

They used to laugh together and work together, some of them he even watched grow up, but unfortunately now they all turned into corpses in front of him.

Which of you, and what kind of power, would make human beings kill their own kind? Uncle Mediterranean solved the last undead, touched the tears on his face with his sleeves in confusion, and turned around to ask.

It's an evil force, sir, Lu Li replied.

I killed my relatives and friends, and I am also evil, the human uncle said.

They are already dead. Before you kill them, Lu Li paused and asked, Do you have no other relatives, sir?

No more. My relatives and everything I have are all here. The human uncle shook his head. He seemed to have lost all his strength, vitality, and hope in the battle just now.

Then what are your plans in the future? Lu Li motioned to others to destroy the cauldron, and he decided to leave.

The person who died was not his relative. He could feel the pain, but it was not fatal.

I don't know, but I don't want to become an undead, he said through gritted teeth: Undead, I want to go out. I can't become a monster that I hate.

Okay, we'll escort you out, Lu Li said.

A new mission has appeared on the mission scroll, escorting Bourne away.

Thank you, Bourne struggled to stand up. He picked up the stick and helped Lu Li smash the cauldron. Lu Li picked up the notes on a cursed cultist and lit a fire to burn them. This church.

At this point, they completed the task of destroying the ritual of the Cult of the Curse.

The mark behind the mission becomes deliverable, and the delivery object is the Quartermaster in Stormwind City.

Unfortunately, most of the monsters here were killed by Bourne, so they didn't drop anything. The few that Lu Li and others killed did drop some materials and equipment.

The equipment has little value, but the materials, especially the two rare materials, are a good harvest.

The next step is to escort Bourne away. If Bourne were an ordinary person, this task might be very difficult.

But Bourne is not an ordinary person. He holds a stick as thick as a bowl and fights like a madman. He keeps getting more wounds on his body, but there is no sign of falling or stopping.

Lu Li explored the path ahead to avoid encountering an invincible being.

All the others had to face were some scattered monsters. It took more than an hour for them to appear on the edge of the Plague Land.

I have some friendship with the people from the Seventh Legion, Lu Li admired the farmer's fighting ability and decided to help him. With Lu Li's friendship with Lord Bolvar Fordragon, the military should be able to accept him. Byrne.

Thank you, I think I have a place to go, Byrne stood on a rotten wooden pile, looking into the distance.

What was flying there was a bloody battle flag.

A group of warriors wearing bloody armor were frantically slaughtering the undead.

Scarlet Crusade!

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