It's great, do you want to fight again? It's not like Mo Wangfeng has never had two chickens in a row like this, but he has never felt so good, especially with the number of kills in the second round. The four of them almost killed this round. Half of the players in the game.

No more, I'm going to play the dungeon and play again next time, Lu Li shook his head and refused.

The game Desperate Survival can only be treated as a hobby, or played with the water elves. It is impossible to use it to build the popularity of the club or simply make money.

The most direct way to make money is to lead people to fight chicken. The low-end game is not difficult. An average expert can easily lead three idiots. The high-end game is very difficult. You will be exhausted after a game, and you will not make much money. If you have more than a few thousand yuan, you will be considered a wealthy person.

Lu Li didn't rush to say anything to Tong Yanwuji. He didn't feel it was necessary, as long as everyone knew what was going on.

If we really wanted to talk, we would wait until the time was almost right.

When Lu Li returned to the team, the team was reaching a critical moment. It was the fourth regiment commanded by Weiyun Danyue. The composition of the four regiments was the most complex. The members of the Sword of Judgment only accounted for a small proportion. Basically, they were all micro The core elites of Yuge and Wushuang City.

Through Weiyun Danyue's perspective, Lu Li could see that the BOSS still had 4% of its health.

Four percent is nothing, let alone four percent, even one percent has appeared two or three times. Weiyun Danyue commanded this group of rabble, and the best result was even one hundred percent. The second look.

Lu Li watched for a moment and felt that there was no suspense in this battle.

First of all, too many potions are consumed, and those with short cooldown times are fine. Those with longer cooldowns can only be used at the last moment.

In terms of personnel retention, Weiyun Danyue's overall view is slightly worse.

However, one thing is certain, this man does have commanding ability. As long as he is given enough time - for example, three to five weeks, he still has hope of defeating the little red dragon.

After a while, just as Lu Li expected, the group was wiped out at 2% health.

As the level of the BOSS increases, even 1% is still a lot of blood. You must have enough manpower, and enough potions and methods to survive.

Okay, everyone, let's have a rest and have a meal. We will be online in an hour. Lu Li did not continue. There was only one last afternoon left for the Dragon Slayer's Roar. If he couldn't beat it, he had to do it well. A little red dragon takes three to five weeks to prepare.

After everyone had a complete rest and came back online, Lu Li had already made preparations.

The first was the potions. He had emptied out almost all of Liang Bing's inventory of the best potions. As long as he could use them, he took away all of them. Just a bag of potions would be worth hundreds of thousands at the very least.

The second step is to analyze the personnel composition with several commanders.

In the next battle, neither one group nor other groups will be allowed to participate. Instead, the most elite players will be drawn from the four groups, and the ones with the highest output will be selected. Because the time of the Red Dragon Essence is limited, only the output reaches a certain level. It is only through standards that it is possible to resolve the battle.

There are five strongest thieves. These five thieves can basically be ranked at the forefront of output in every battle.

Then there are the berserkers, who are also the strongest ones.

Finally, there is MT and treatment. Piao Ling is excluded from the new team. As an anti-rider, he cannot hold the little red dragon at all. This BOSS is basically immune to all taunting skills. Only the warrior's heroic strikes and armor piercing can quickly accumulate enough hatred.

So this team is basically dominated by warriors.

In addition to thieves, the main output berserkers, there is also a group of warrior MTs, and the number of professions such as mages and warlocks has been reduced to the maximum.

There are only a few healers and priests in the healing professions, and there are very few shamans and druids. DPS shamans like Luo Yingmei have naturally improved their dungeons.

Those who are selected are naturally happy and excited. Only they themselves know how they feel about the people who are not selected. Some people are not suitable for their profession, which is easy to say, while some people just have poor output or treatment, or make too many mistakes. Lu Li made it very clear this time and everything was based on data.

Even Can Meng and Hachi-chan joined the team based on their true abilities.

Can Meng has many physical skills, and her pets can also enjoy the Dragon Slayer's Roar BUFF, so her output can always be ranked at the forefront. As for other positions, as a fixed member of the first kill team, even if A pig has become proficient after practicing for so long.

Hachi-chan is even more amazing. The equipment on her body is very awesome. It would be great if others can have a piece of legendary equipment. Now, she has all legendary equipment on her body.

Moreover, she has the ability to strengthen Tranquility and be able to use the method of recovery twice in a row.

Compared to Canmeng who can pretend to be dead and escape, Hachi-chan's transformation into a bear is not weak at all. The little white bear she transforms into has super thick blood, which is not inferior to the bear T with more main body constitution. Although it does not last long, at least Being able to withstand a BOSS blow, being able to withstand a BOSS blow is amazing.

As an auxiliary treatment, there is no one more suitable than Hachi-chan.

Although everyone has been selected, it does not mean that you will definitely be able to follow me and get the first kill. I plan to use three opportunities to test whether the people in the team are qualified. If they are not qualified, they will be replaced by outsiders. Everyone, please take care of yourself. , Lu Li said.

In fact, the team reorganized in this way must practice coordination.

Testing the team three times is actually using three battles to make the final run-in. There is no difference in nature, but the words are different.

This is the art of speaking. Lu Li learned it when he was auditing in school. If they get used to it, the people here will probably relax and lose the sense of urgency. In other words, it is to test the team, and the others will They all cheered up.

In fact, Lu Li expected to defeat the BOSS in the second or third time, and did not necessarily wait until the so-called last time.

There is no last time.

No matter how many times it is, once you kill the BOSS, it will be the last time.

It's too late, friends. Nefarian's fallen power has taken effect, and I can't... control myself. The line that everyone is almost tired of hearing is full of compassion. However, this sympathy has long been buried in the words again and again. The team was wiped out once, and now everyone just wants to kill him.

Come on 1T, the others quickly get in position, and say three layers of armor breaking, Lu Li announced the start of the battle.

1T is a friend of the world, and Azure Sea Breeze will take action to draw out hatred at critical moments later. After this period of testing, the hatred caused by the three layers of armor piercing has been very stable. As for the deeper armor piercing, it is not possible at first. It is easy to stack up, and secondly, all the time of the Red Dragon Essence is wasted, so the output cannot keep up.

Okay! Youxing Tianxia shouted.

Let go of the output, pay attention to your position, and don't use skills that will make you move a lot, Lu Li said.

The main reason for not walking around is to stabilize the BOSS's cleave. As long as you get a cleave in melee combat, it will take seconds. If your melee position is wrong, it will affect other people in the right position to also get cleave. This boss's main output It's thieves and berserkers. Once you kill a few in melee, you can start over.

The people here are all selected. In the eyes of others, Beier has face, so they naturally don't want to be replaced.

Therefore, both Lu Li and Water Elf were doing violent output. The first place on the output ranking list was Water Elf, and the second was Lu Li. Except for Moonlight, who was ranked third, the rest of the top five were all thieves.

Yueguang took a relatively special potion, which was the exclusive secret recipe of Emperor Liangbing. After taking it, his blood volume was fixed at 20%. No matter how he added blood, he could not increase it. However, at this time, Yueguang After being attacked, you will receive 10% of the damage. If you convert it, it can barely be regarded as a damage reduction potion.

This is very powerful for Moonlight, and combined with his weapon special effects, it abruptly raises his output to a higher level.

Except for Lu Li and Water Elf, no other thieves could compare to him.

The reason why Lu Li's output is high is because he has the skill Enhanced Shadow Attack. Water Elves basically rely on enhanced skills. Other thieves don't have as many enhanced skills as they do, and even if they do, it may not be this kind of main output. skills.

Moreover, everyone had played the first stage so many times that they knew what they were going to do even if they closed their eyes, so Lu Li didn't need to invest so much energy in directing.

The hatred of Nefarios has made me stronger than ever. Run away, mortal, the anger of the King of Black Stone surges in my blood! Thinking of the lines that marked the beginning of the second stage, Lu Li knew I can't be so reckless in my output.

He had to put more energy into commanding, so his output ranking plummeted, and he soon fell out of the top five.

Bajiang, please pull up the world. Can any of the dead over there get up? Lu Li took a breath. He had the urge to curse these people who died suddenly.

Fortunately, he knows that he cannot lose his temper. Once he loses his temper, the atmosphere of the team will be different.

Sorry, You Xingtianxia whispered.

Lu Li didn't say anything, because now was not the time to hold people responsible. He said calmly: Go on, there will be another Bacchan, and I will pull one too.

Please, run, run for your life before I lose all my mind, the black flame is burning in my heart, I must release him! It started to ignite, and the first person to be ignited was Youlan, Huadi Liqing, he ran to a safe location to wait for death.

However, as the guild's number one DPS mage, he stayed away while doing DPS, and still occupied the top five DPS position until the moment of his death.

2T pay attention to the explosion zone, 3T pay attention to positioning, use heroic strikes, okay, fill up the MT position, break the armor for the third time, okay, that's it, everyone continues to deal damage, Lu Li was a little nervous.

This time we entered the third stage without losing anyone.

Is it just one time?

It's not impossible. Lu Li discovered that many times, when everyone's concerns about gains and losses are not so heavy, they can actually perform exceptionally well in a more relaxed atmosphere.

But Lu Li didn't say much to encourage him. This was only the third stage.

I have seen one percent several times.

The only thing he asked everyone to do was not to be stingy with the potions. You must use what you should use.

Seven percent!

A small mistake occurred, which shocked Lu Li. Fortunately, Azure Sea Breeze took action in time. As Dawn's number one MT, he naturally had some tricks to keep the bottom of the pack.

Five percent!

Fire, death, destruction, you mortals, let the power of Lord Nefarian... No, I want to fight, Alexstrasza, help me, I must fight to the end!

Alexstrasza, Guardian of Life, the magical and ancient queen of the Red Dragon Legion, has the power given by the Titans to protect the young world of Azeroth with the fire of life. She is as old as the mountains. During the War of the Ancients, One of the three dragons that fought against the demons.

The little red dragon is said to be one of Alexstrasza's consorts and the most capable warrior under Alexstrasza.

Although he has fallen, his mind is still sober occasionally. When he is sober, he will apply the red dragon essence state to everyone, and everyone will be shocked.

Lu Li knew that he had to kill the BOSS within the time limit of the Red Dragon Essence, otherwise it would become more and more difficult to fight later.

Boss, there seems to be hope of getting through, someone said hesitantly.

Then everyone looked at the composition of the team and felt that there was hope. We have played Little Red Dragon so many times, even if we don’t know how to command, we at least have this kind of vision.

Stay steady, whoever is going to run away, don't be greedy, Lu Li commanded the person who was set on fire to run quickly.

The man was suddenly startled and quickly ran to the designated explosion area to wait for death.

Don't be distracted. Just play well. If you can clear the Little Red Dragon this time, everyone's DKP will be tripled, Lu Li said solemnly. He didn't mind promising more DKP benefits, although DKP is Things are very precious at present - if you give them too much, it will cause inflation. If you ask the guild to exchange them for real currency, it will seriously increase the burden on the guild.

Two percent!

Success or failure depended on this. Lu Li adjusted his team and planned the people who must be saved, as well as the people who died or not.

You have to make a choice, otherwise you won't be able to make it to the end.

What makes Lu Li most confident is that the healing profession is relatively complete. The Dark Moon card has not been used, and the soul stones tied to the priest by the two warlocks have not been used. This is equivalent to three more healers at the back.

One percent!

Less, less!

Thank you, I... am finally free!

Listening to the boss's last words, Lu Li was still a little stunned. Is it over like this?

There was no hard fight as imagined, and there were even some methods and medicines that were not used. The little red dragon that had blocked everyone for two days was solved like this?

The consumption of countless potions and gold coins, the super masters selected from hundreds of thousands of people in three large clubs, and repeated training and training, just like this, the super boss that the game company originally planned to block the players for at least three weeks was killed!

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