The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1487 Brother Ji is coming

The next day, I continued to fight against the little red dragon.

This is the last day of the three-day Dragon Slayer's Roar BUFF. If you can't get it today...

Lu Li could already imagine the scene where they would open up wasteland day after day, maybe ten days and a half months - that's better to think in an optimistic direction. If you look at it more pessimistically, they might not be able to defeat it in a few months. Everything Lu Li established Like a castle on the beach, it cannot withstand any blow.

When a guild that often gets first kills is stuck on dungeon progress, what else can be attractive?

When we first entered the dungeon, everyone was the most energetic and played very smoothly from the beginning. On the one hand, Lu Li promised various benefits, and on the other hand, he put competitive pressure on everyone.

We are a group. If we are overtaken by people from the second, third or even fourth regiment, what is the meaning of our group’s existence?

Almost no one died in the first stage, and a few died in the second stage, but the most important thing was that they were all still alive. After entering the third stage, everyone cheered up even more. Lu Li shouted until his voice became hoarse, lest someone could not think of a crime. A small mistake.

It's a pity that everyone's good state did not last until the end.

One percent!

Can you believe it? It was the last trace of blood. Only 1% of the blood volume was left. Everyone was wiped out.

The boss doesn't even go berserk!

If yesterday's 4% annihilation made Lu Li see hope, then today's 1% made Lu Li see strong malice.

Not only did he miss an opportunity to defeat the little red dragon, but he also suffered a huge loss in the battle. The two remaining Dark Moon cards were all used up. One of them was the last chance, and the other one was used. It can only be used once again, and this kind of loss is much more heartbreaking than losing the cost of repairing the potion.

For the current team, Lu Li couldn't arrange many druids and warlocks, eight thieves, eight warriors, and eight priests. This would remove twenty-four people, and the rest must have a few positions for paladins, otherwise The halo can't be added at all.

The importance of Darkmoon cards is self-evident.

Fuck, come on to the second group. No matter which group they are, as long as they defeat the little red dragon today, the club will give them extra rewards, Lu Li decided to calm down his mood a little. Although the first group only fought once today, But based on everyone's current mood, it is estimated that it will get worse as the fight continues.

This sense of frustration was so strong that it was inevitable that his character would be affected.

Now he finally understands why in his previous life he heard that so many big guilds were disbanded because they couldn't kill the little red dragon. This BOSS even served as a sign of whether a big guild was qualified or not for a long time.

He couldn't even take down the little red dragon, and he actually claimed to be a big guild.

When Lu Li was typing the notebook, he turned off all the messages. Now when he reopened the messages, several messages popped up immediately.

Lu Li glanced at the material preparation status sent by Root Number 3. Since the three guilds were united, there was no need to worry about medicines and equipment. At least four teams would be more than enough. This is probably the advantage of established clubs or wealthy clubs. They don't need to consider logistical issues at all, but Lu Li has to be careful and spend every penny wisely.

The information about root number three made Lu Li feel a little more at ease.

But later I got a little excited because of another person's message.

Mo Wangfeng, the soul of the Dharma God Temple, brought Lu Li unexpected news.

In my opinion, he wants to get in touch with you. It's just an idea for now. After receiving Lu Li's communication request, Mo Wangfeng explained his guess. He had previously sent a message to Lu Li, saying Tong Yan Wu Ji wants to fight with Lu Li to survive in desperate situations.

And an additional sentence said that Tong Yanwuji had decided to leave the Jiangnan nobles.

It’s self-evident what it means to find yourself playing games together at this time, and it’s still during the contract termination period.

I remember he has the best relationship with you. Why didn't you go to the Dharma God Temple? Lu Li was puzzled.

No matter what, Tong Yanwuji used to be the core of the Jiangnan nobility. Although he was later diverted from some attention by Xingmeng Qingwu, it is not something that my Dharma God Temple can accommodate, Mo Wangfeng said with a wry smile. This is a bit exaggerated, but it is undeniably true.

From the nobles of the south of the Yangtze River to the Temple of the God of Law, and having to succumb to a veteran racer, Tong Yanwuji only went to the Temple of the God of Law because his brain was in trouble.

Even in terms of economic benefits alone, the Dharma God Temple cannot afford to hire Tong Yanwuji. Their Gada is as poor as a ghost. Tongyanwuji can instantly kill Mo Wangfeng, the so-called Dharma Master, even if he cuts his own worth. god.

Maybe Jiangnan Nobles is not good in many ways, but it is ridiculously rich, and their racers are among the best in the industry.

What's more, even from the perspective of personal development, it is impossible for Tong Yanwuji to go to the stagnant Dharma God Temple. The future is more important than friendship.

Children's words are baseless... Lu Li hesitated and gradually calmed down.

In the memory of his previous life, Tong Yanwuji did not leave the Jiangnan nobles so early, but he did leave in the end.

He changed his talent and became a damage-dealing druid after joining the Scarlet Banner. The Scarlet Banner gave him a main position. Tong Yanwuji shined in the game and was worthy of what the Scarlet Banner gave him. High salary.

Unexpectedly, in this life, Tong Yanwuji would leave the Jiangnan nobles so early.

But this is not difficult to understand. The Sword of Judgment can almost be said to have stepped on the Jiangnan nobles. The situation of the Jiangnan nobles is getting increasingly difficult, and Jin Se Wushang is also a famous blame-shifter. In several competitions, All the losses were thrown to Tong Yanwuji, who was responsible for leading the team.

This made Tong Yanwuji depressed and finally couldn't help but look for a new way out.

It's just that he didn't go directly to the bloody battle flag, but did some analysis. The bloody battle flag was just one of the candidates, or in other words, he added the sword of judgment to his candidates, and the sword of judgment was The ranking is still relatively high, so I asked an old friend, Mo Wangfeng, to play a role in the middle.

Tong Yanwuji and Lu Li had no connection with the Sword of Judgment.

The Jiangnan aristocracy where Tong Yanwuji belongs has always been a sworn rival to the Sword of Judgment. They are facing each other tit for tat on the field, and they are also fighting in the wild after they get off the field.

The number of Sword of Judgment players who died in the hands of the team led by Tong Yanwuji was not thousands but hundreds. When they heard the name Tong Yanwuji, many Sword of Judgment players were filled with hatred, so it was unlikely that he would directly So he came to contact Lu Li, and with a middleman as a buffer, even if things were not harmonious, everyone's face would not be too ugly.

If Lu Li was not interested in Tong Yan Wuji, he could simply reject Mo Wangfeng.

If he is interested, then we can naturally find an opportunity to meet and discuss changing jobs.

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