The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1485 She is not free

In the afternoon, Lu Li once again increased his chips.

He brought eight priests into the dungeon. Even if the three clubs unite, they can't gather more than thirty priests in a short while, so they can only reduce the team to three - anyway, the BOSS mechanism is almost figured out. There is no need for four regiments to work at the same time.

Lu Li, your death makes my sins even worse!

When the commander was named to be killed, everyone's hearts were shattered. Lu Li felt that he did not have OT, and his position was not that conspicuous.

The viewing angle after lying down was very narrow, not enough for Lu Li to control the whole scene.

Lu Li had no choice but to let Xiaobajiang pull him up - he was using the Zhanfu MT quota. This was something he couldn't do. Not only was Lu Li a very important commander, but also because Lu Li also had the Zhanfu skill. One of them, and this time the fight was a bit smooth.

Maybe it will get through.

Lu Li had seen many dungeon guides in his previous life, and there was one sentence in them that had a great impact on him.

Never give up hope, even if only one person is left in the end!

Unfortunately, this time he was overthinking it. After struggling for a while, the little red dragon still destroyed Lu Li's team with one hand.

The sentence Your death makes my sins worse was originally a very sad and emotional line, pity and struggle, but after hearing it, the only one who is sad is the player.

We pity others, but who will pity us?

If you are not too tired to move, then continue, Mr. Feng, be prepared, and the others will take medicine to recover, Lu Li said calmly, as if he was not affected by the group destruction at all.

Others ate bread silently, repeating failure and death in this dark underground cage. Fortunately, this is just a game, and it is not the so-called 100% virtual that was once prosperous. There is a saying about virtuality, and it is not. It's not that higher is better, but that it fits best.

It's so difficult. Why doesn't the boss die? Hachi-chan groaned as he sat on the ground and didn't want to get up.

My dad asked me what I do every day in the game, Can Meng said with a pout, I told him that raising pets and making money is not difficult at all.

Do you two want to stand in for a while? Lu Li didn't want to be blamed for exploiting child labor. They, grown men, were tired, let alone two spoiled little girls. It was definitely not irony or punishment to let two little girls stand in as stand-ins. .

No, what if I get the first kill? The two little girls shook their heads together.

I don’t know why they are so obsessed with the first kill. Could it be that they were infected by the blue sea breeze and turned into naughty kids who love to watch TV.

For your good advice, let's get started. One group will fight again, and if it doesn't work, we'll give it to other groups. Lu Li looked at the time. One group has fought enough times today, so it's time to give other groups a chance, just in case. People from other groups fought over.

I'm going to have a good time after playing the game today, Azure Sea Breeze decided to reward himself.

Hehe, what are you doing, are you... Brother Ji came over with a lustful smile on his face.

You really think too highly of him. All he wants to do to get high is go to the KTV and sing a song. You don't even know how terrible his singing is. What's even more hateful is that he's such a bully that he won't let go. Cain shook his head with his left hand. He followed the blue sea breeze to get high last time.

Uh... I'd better not go then. I have something to do in the evening and am very busy, Ji Ge changed his face slightly and quickly declined.

What's wrong with my singing? Your singing is out of tune, said Azure Sea Breeze, expressing his dissatisfaction.

I was a little out of tune, but you didn't hit a line, Cain's left hand recalled the process of being tortured, and his heart was slowly filled with shadows.

Alas, Piao Ling is the best. We sang together. He never said that my singing was unpleasant. He listened to me singing with a smile every time, Azure Sea Breeze sighed. These people were really not friendly at all. No wonder he had the worst relationship with Piao Ling. good.

Piao Ling: I can always find a sense of superiority from this guy.

Okay, everyone, cheer up. If anyone makes a stupid mistake, we will punish him and Mr. Feng to go to the KTV together, Lu Li said with a sneer.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience burst into laughter. However, only those who had heard Feng Shao sing turned a little pale. These ignorant guys will not laugh so heartily after you have truly experienced it.

Opening up wasteland again is no different from before.

Repeating this cycle many times will only make everyone more familiar with it. It is completely nonsense to say that you have suddenly realized some amazing operation.

Brother Hua, why don't we take a gamble? Brother Ji is a healer, but his technique is skillful and he still has the energy to speak.

What are you betting on? Huadi Liqing didn't even look back.

Let's bet on who will be called out first. How about a hundred gold coins, Brother Ji is good at everything, he just likes to play this.

Okay, Huadi Liqing must be the most powerful in front of her. She dares to take on any challenge. And as a magician with strong output and a magician who is OT all day long, the probability of being named is always higher than that of a healing priest like this. Much bigger.

A powerful treatment, a powerful output, in fact, there is really no absolute possibility.

After all, due to the roar of the Dragon Slayer, thieves and berserkers also have output that is not part of the mage.

Master Feng, pull your monster, it's a little crooked, Lu Li shouted: Do you want to go singing at night and tremble with excitement? If you give me a T now, believe it or not, you won't be allowed to sing for a month.

Wucao, if I'm not allowed to have sex for a month, then I'm going to die, Azure Sea Breeze immediately cheered up.

After a while, he asked again: I'm playing well now, how about I sing an impromptu song now? Maybe the boss hears me singing, and we can pass this copy.

Shut up. From now on, if anyone says one more nonsense that has nothing to do with the dungeon, five DKPs will be deducted immediately. Lu Li felt very tired. It's not like he had never heard the blue sea breeze singing. How could he sing for him now? Opportunity.

The little red dragon actually doesn't have enough health when it comes up. It only has 50% of its health. The first stage is about 20%. The same is true for the second stage. The third stage is only 10%. However, this 10% The difficulty was also devastating. Lu Li felt totally unsure when he saw that the BOSS only had 4% health left.

Xue'er, disappear! Lu Li shouted loudly.

The water elf paused and disappeared obediently. However, it was still a little late. The boss tilted his head slightly, and then all the people standing on the water elf's side were killed.



The water elf was obviously distracted. At least she didn't follow Lu Li's request to pay attention to the hate list - this was something Lu Li repeatedly emphasized. Other bosses may not have such rigid rules, or they may only need to pay attention to a few specific people, such as Huadi Liqing. some type of.

After getting the Dragon Slayer's Roar BUFF, the melee profession entered the first echelon, but the number of times the water elf OT was only counted.

This time OT directly led to the group's destruction.

Emma, ​​I'm so excited to say this, is Miss Shui going to accompany me to sing tonight? The blue sea breeze broke the dead silence after the group was wiped out, and everyone recovered from their disappointment.

She's not free! Lu Li said angrily.

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