Hello, we have senior hairstylists, special hairstylists, technical directors, and technical supervisors here. What level of hairstylist do you need to serve you? A slightly older woman who looked like a foreman came over enthusiastically. .

Lu Li wanted to sneer at this. You guys all gave these messy professional titles yourselves. Several of his former younger brothers worked in barber shops and knew the trades there, but it is not ruled out that those with higher rankings would be a little more serious and perhaps a little better.

According to his usual style, he should have waved his hand grandly at this time: Give me the cheapest one.

But thinking about his original intention of getting a haircut, he hesitated for a while and then gritted his teeth and chose the so-called highest-level technical supervisor. For the first time in his life, he was extravagant on such an insignificant matter, and after making this decision, he did not What a regret.

As soon as she heard that Lu Li needed technical supervision services, the foreman became even more enthusiastic.

But they are obviously quite formal, unlike some barber shops that sell you all kinds of things and treat you like a biological father, but they never mention money. You won't know what you spent until the final check. What an exaggerated astronomical figure. As for calling the police - do you think the police will really stand on your side?

Guiding Lu Li to sit in front of a barber's counter, the head waiter greeted the waiter to serve the tea Lu Li chose.

The so-called technical supervisor was quickly in place. He was a very artistic man with braided hair. At least in terms of temperament, he took good care of himself. Lu Li never thought that a barber who dressed in weird clothes could do anything normal. s hair.

You are going to meet the girl you like, the supervisor said with a venomous look.

Hmm... Lu Li responded vaguely and did not refute anything.

What kind of person is she? the supervisor asked.

What are you curious about? Lu Li didn't like discussing water elves with others.

This is not a curiosity. I am a designer and a professional. No matter what you do, you are not as professional as me in hair design, right?

What exactly do you want to ask?

Okay, okay, let me be honest, I have to know her taste before I can design a hairstyle that suits her aesthetics. One less customer doesn't matter to the supervisor, but the feeling of being returned is not pleasant, even though there are so many people in this club. There are only three barbers and supervisors.

The hairdressing industry is very deep, and there are a lot of scammers, but who are the people living in this community? Who dares to scam? If an old man who looks very easy to scam randomly comes out, he may have been the director of a certain bureau before.

She is very... Lu Li couldn't find an adjective.

The cute type, the quiet type, the goddess type...

Goddess type, with higher education...

Wait a minute, I think you look familiar. Could it be that you are Lu Li.


Oh my god, I almost forgot that the headquarters of Sword of Judgment is nearby. In fact, I also play games and opened a shop in the game. I mainly work in hair design, not a combat profession, but I have heard of you. , I've also heard of water elves... Even though Lu Li didn't change his appearance, the image in the game is still different from the real one. After all, the race is different, and the profession partially affects the appearance.

But the designer is very good at looking at the essence through the surface, and finally recognized Lu Li with an idea.

I'm in a hurry... Lu Li was helpless.

I'm anxious to go on a date with the water elf, haha, I understand, this is really great. Although the supervisor still couldn't calm down his excitement, he at least found his work rhythm.

First, I asked the guy who was doing the hair washing to help me wash my hair, and then I returned to my seat.

Mr. Lu Li, the person you are about to date is one of the most deadly beauties in the gaming industry. I am not confident that I can cut her hair to satisfy her, the supervisor added, So I think you should have a cool hairstyle. , just dress up and you will be a handsome guy.

Wait a minute, why is he the deadliest? Isn't he the most famous? Although Lu Li is illiterate, he is extremely sharp - he is a sharp thief.

Countless people are willing to die for her. If they could hold hands with the water elf, they would rather live ten years less. Don't look at me like this. Your eyes are a bit fierce. This is what people have said. The supervisor quickly changed the topic: Therefore, I think you should still get a haircut. With my level, I can do it quickly and well.

By the time Lu Li came out of the styling club, he already had a new hairstyle.

Frankly speaking, although he wanted to kill the hairstylist, his skills were still very good and he was worthy of the nearly four-digit high price. He thought the hairstyle was very nice and looked like a star in a TV series, but it was a bit strange.

Because of this delay, when Lu Li arrived at the agreed place, the water elf was already waiting there.

This is an outdoor basketball court. At this time, there are neither enthusiastic teenagers playing basketball nor grandparents dancing in the square. The water elf is standing next to the flower bed, not standing quietly like that, but kicking a small stone. , the innocent pebbles showed that she was a little emotional because of Lu Li's lateness.

Until Lu Li came over.

Does it look weird? He was wearing uncomfortable clothes and had a new hairstyle that cost him nine hundred and ninety-eight dollars to make for the first time in his life. Lu Li even thought he was weird, so when he Seeing the water elf suddenly laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, he felt that today was a failure.

No, he's very handsome, it's just... The water elf held back his laughter, stepped forward and took Lu Li's arm.

She is not a person who is content to watch others put in their efforts. Although Lu Li's appearance today is a little ridiculous, she can still see that he has changed in some aspects.

This hairstyle really doesn't suit Lu Li, especially for those who are familiar with him. The stylist actually lacked another consideration, and that was Lu Li's identity and personality. The hairstyle of such a sunny and handsome guy was really inconsistent. Besides, who would wear this kind of clothes on such a hot day - the kind made of thick fabric.

It had been many days since Lu Li wore this outfit to participate in the competition. How could the clothes he wore then still be suitable now?

A few minutes later, the water elf took Lu Li to a fashion store.

There are brand-name fashions from all over the world, and a small-scale fashion show was held some time ago.

The quality of the service staff was quite good, and they did not discriminate against Lu Li because of his inappropriate clothes. There was nothing to be discriminated against. No matter how tasteless a person was, as long as he had such a beautiful girl holding his arm, it would be enough. Make him a winner in life.

The water elf is obviously very good at picking out clothes.

After Lu Li put it on, he immediately lost the sense of incongruity that the sunny boy had, and paired with his new hairstyle, he actually had a calm temperament.

Although the man is not top-notch handsome, the two of them really match each other when standing together. This was the result of a discussion by several salesmen in the store afterwards. They did not recognize the so-called doggy couple, or they could not imagine them in the game at all. The Great God actually needs to buy clothes and eat...

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