Come on, let's leave, Wendelian summoned her mount.

Sister, do you want to go back to the city directly? a player asked. He had just witnessed a high-ranking racer being raped to death in the presence of more than a dozen people. At this time, it was not only him, but also other players. Several players who were not racers also felt their scalps were numb.

No, at least the Sword of Judgment doesn't have the courage yet, Wendelian glanced at him and said coldly.

They deserve to kill one of their torrents. Who asked them to come here to cause trouble? But if they kill star players like Wendelian and Yuntianye, they must bear the risk of a large-scale war, especially these two. A racer has decided to go home.

As for Hearthstone returning to the city, that is really timid.

Good stuff, do you want it? The water elf leaned against a big tree and played with the Hunter T1 wristband he had picked up.

You can keep it, Lu Li shook his head: If you don't come, unless I can kill him with one blow, I won't be able to kill him by myself.

The water elf was not polite and put it directly into the backpack.

Lu Li raised his hand, and when the water elf thought he might touch his hair, he retracted his hand again, holding a small green snake on his finger. This was not a monster, but a small animal in the forest. It may not bite, but it's okay to scare people.

I couldn't tell whether it was nervousness or disappointment, but the water elf murmured a thank you.

Boss, I saw Yuntianye. There are only a dozen or so of them. Do you want to keep him? Our knights are about to meet them, Yuru Wanderer sent a voice message at this quiet time.

A dozen or so people were too much for Lu Li and the water elves to eat, but the Rainlike Wanderers were leading hundreds of paladins to clear the place. This force could easily eat up this group of people, and because of the With the additional bonuses of Paladin Aura and Night Legion, they can easily catch up to their target.

With just one order from Lu Li, the fate of these people could be decided.

Let them go, Lu Li paused, Take someone to escort them away so that no one disturbs them.

The so-called escort is actually a disguised show of force.

You're so stingy. If it were the water elf, she would have let him go, but she probably wouldn't be as deliberately disgusting as Lu Li. I believe that with so many paladins following him, the expressions on the faces of the Storm Legion must be wonderful.

If I died today, they wouldn't be in this posture now, Lu Li snorted coldly.

There are a lot of weird props in Dawn, be careful when sailing the ten thousand year ship, the water elf was quite worried about Lu Li at first. After all, he was facing three racers at the time, and any mistake could cause him to be killed instantly. Lose.

I also have a lot of weird props here, Lu Li said with a little arrogance, but he also knew that the water elf cared about him. He had called the water elf over to help before, and this girl responded to him immediately without saying a word. the call.

There are still a lot of troubles in the Ashen Valley, and these people actually can't afford to make waves, the water elf said with a nice frown.

The main reason is that they are too annoying. I have ordered a comprehensive cleanup of these people. Regardless of whether they are innocent or not, those who stand in front of the stone car at this time are enemies. Lu Li understood the thoughts of those clubs. They were just envious, jealous, and wanted to cause trouble. , but no one dares to launch a full-scale war.

No matter how much trouble they make, the fortress of the Sword of Judgment will be built.

Other clubs must prepare to attack this fortress, or aim at the new territories announced next week. Then these clubs will all become competitors, and they will be more serious with each other than with the Sword of Judgment.

No one will harm others without benefiting themselves. Everyone wants to let others take action and then reap the benefits themselves.

If the Sword of Judgment and the Weiyu Pavilion system can compete with the City of Glory and the Storm Legion system, clubs such as the Blood Flag will definitely be happy and want to cry.

What are you going to do now? the water elf asked.

Pull the stone, and the servants will be here soon, Lu Li said, pointing to the stone carts not far away.

Pfft, the water elf finally knew why Lu Li was being targeted. This guy asked for this entirely.

It can be regarded as contributing to the construction of the fortress, Lu Li said a little embarrassed. As a leader, it seems that he does not have to do such hard work. He only needs to set goals and hand them over to the relevant person in charge. But he is like an old farmer who is used to growing crops, and he will not be used to that kind of leisure life for a while.

Let's forget it this time, the water elf helped Lu Li lift an overturned car back up.

Actually, it's not too much trouble. I think it will be very fulfilling if I do it myself, Lu Li explained. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his worldview.

I also feel that I have a sense of accomplishment, but you will add a lot of workload to the people in your guild, especially when something like this happened just now, the water elf explained: If you don't believe me, take a look at your guild's current defenses. Picture, the area you are in must be surrounded by iron barrels.

It's not that Lu Li was stupid and didn't expect it, but he wasn't used to being treated as a leader yet.

Lu Li was almost killed just now. This was a very serious matter for the Sword of Judgment, just like Lu Li's successful assassination of Xiao Mo. That assassination made Lu Li famous in one fell swoop, but if you think about it from another perspective, that assassination made the City of Glory unable to hold its head high for a long time.

After the Yusi Wanderers learned of Lu Li's location, they immediately mobilized a large number of manpower to distribute in the area to ensure that no enemy could pose a threat to Lu Li again.


After being reminded by the water elf and looking for confirmation from the Yusi Wanderer, Lu Li realized that he was no longer helping by digging and pulling rocks, but was starting to drag down everyone's work.

Forget it, log off, there's nothing else to do, Lu Li said a little less interested.

I'm going out to buy something later, can you come with me? The water elf couldn't bear to see Lu Li feeling depressed, so he extended an invitation to go out.

Of course there is no problem. The most important thing is actually strength, Lu Li said with enthusiasm.

There is a large shopping mall nearby, which has everything you need. It is not a holiday weekend, so there is no hustle and bustle like Lu Li usually does when he goes shopping with his sister. The water elf pointed at a cosmetics brand and said, This one is more suitable for Lu Li. Xin, it’s specially formulated for skin care, and it doesn’t hurt the skin.”

Buy buy buy!

Two servings!

I don't need this one. I'm not a child anymore. It's better to use another one. The water elf stopped him quickly. The straight man's shopping concept made her feel very broken.

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