The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1379 Quarrying

It was impossible to distribute all the spoils to the elite group just because they had merit. In fact, Lu Li didn't even plan to distribute all of these thousand sets. In other words, only hungry dogs bite. Feed If you are too full, you will lose your fighting power.

The main thing is to consider that this is the first piece of land.

The bait you throw out must be good to attract other guild members to work hard. Those who have received a house are living examples. As long as they do well, anyone may be assigned a house in the future.

The Judgment Land is currently only a primary fortress. If it continues to be upgraded in the future, it will be expanded and there will be more residential buildings.

Moreover, Lu Li could not be satisfied with controlling only one piece of land. At the time of his rebirth, each of these large clubs had more than one piece of land, and each of them made a lot of money relying on the fortress.

It is the elites who create miracles, but it is always the ordinary people who realize value. The people who make money are serving the public. It is the ordinary players who settle in the fortress who turn around the club's loss-making balance sheet.

After some rough square formations were almost drawn up, Lu Li actually had some time to spare.

Root Hao San, Shen Wansan, Mao Dad, Bai Bian, including the lazy Piao Ling, are actually good at internal affairs. The details of the fortress they designated together were eye-opening to even Lu Li.

The fortresses he had heard about in his previous life were all superficial things, and he had no idea of ​​the real management principles behind them.

Everyone was focused on the fortress. No one had the time to fight the dungeon. There was not enough time to kill the next BOSS. Even Lu Li could not bear the excitement. If he was asked to go out to level up now, he would not be in the same mood.

There is no need to hesitate too much. The most urgent thing for the guild now is stones.

Lu Li took out a good iron pickaxe blueprint from the club and made a batch of top-quality iron pickaxes by dividing three times, five times, and two times.

Stones came into everyone's sight for the first time because they are companions of minerals. Low-end players take them back to mix with some copper coins, while high-end players throw them away directly.

This kind of stone can actually only be used to pave roads, and it is too small.

The stone Lu Li needed must be big enough, and the stone must be hard, so that the enemy's chariots would not cause too much damage to the city wall.

Lu Li had seen the huge stone city wall with the bloody battle flag. The stones that made up the city wall were so huge that the enemy's chariots could only knock off some stone fragments when hitting it. The two-hour siege time would probably not even be able to break through the city wall.

It takes a little effort when building, but you will be duly rewarded later.

Unfortunately, the Sword of Judgment is currently not strong enough to build a huge stone city wall like the Blood Flag. Besides, there are not many stone resources in the Ashen Valley, and the quarried stones that can meet the material standards for the huge stone city wall are very rare.

It is said that the huge stone wall of the Bloody Battle Flag was built by them after more than half a year of accumulation of stones.

These large rocks cannot fit into a backpack. If you want to transport them, if you are stupid, you will have to carry them with several people. If you are smart, you can use a car to pull them. As for the car, engineering has something similar, and the grocers in the town also provide rental services.

Astrana has a similar service, but the price is definitely not cheap.

Lu Li did not expect to build a giant stone city wall, but it would at least be able to withstand several rounds of bombardment by ordinary chariots, so the accompanying stone materials from the mine would definitely not be enough, and professional ore collection would be necessary.

After some research, the senior leaders of Sword of Judgment decided to fight on two fronts.

Some people quarry stone nearby in Ashenvale, while others transport stones across the map from the Stonetalon Trail. The Stonetalon Mountains are located on the west coast of Kalimdor, south of Ashenvale, and north of Desolace and Mulgore. This is the closest and most likely option to Yege Forest.

This was once lush forest, but venture capital expeditions and mining operations have transformed the landscape into dusty, barren and desolate canyons and cliffs.

This over-plundered land will soon become another wasteland like the Desolation to the south and the Barrens to the east.

The goblins of the Stonetalon Mountains are the finest engineers of their race, and their inventions allow them to cut down vast tracts of forest in just a few months. This achievement earned the wrath of the night elves and tauren alike.

The night elves built a sanctuary on Stonetalon Peak to provide shelter to the elves and jungle protectors.

While most tauren also play a similar, defensive role, the Grimtotem tribe has begun to fight back against these goblins - there are rumors that the Grimtotems use extreme methods in order to expel the goblins from their land. , including using poison created by the Forsaken.

Obviously, if these poisons were used, it would cause great harm to the goblins.

The Sword of Judgment had to pay taxes to the goblins if it wanted to mine stones here. Shen Wansan bribed a goblin prince with some shiny gems and gold coins, and the prince provided shelter for the Sword of Judgment's stone truck on the Stone Claw Trail. .

The prince's forces were also involved.

Lu Li promised to provide a group of shops for the venture capital company, about five to six shops. The final number will be confirmed based on the location, but the two parties have basically reached most of the agreements.

In addition to the above-mentioned acquiescence and protection, the goblin prince will also transport useless stones from the mining site to Lu Li.

It was originally left there to take up space, and it would take time to bury it, but now someone actually bought it with gold coins. Why not the goblin prince? From this transaction, he could probably earn at least two thousand gold coins and several shops.

But what Lu Li valued most was the engineer sent by the goblin prince.

These greedy but knowledgeable dwarves will participate in the construction of the fortress's walls and internal city planning. Lu Li hopes that their presence will be helpful to the guild's design team.

Not all of the 100,000 players are homeless, a considerable number of them are engaged in various jobs in reality.

Among them were professionals in civil engineering and urban planning. Lu Li gathered them together and gave them full authority to build the first fortress of the Sword of Judgment. His concept was to leave professional matters to professionals, and he needed What we do is not to dictate, but to do our best to meet the various requirements put forward by this team.

Lu Li dug up some stones in the Ashen Valley and transported them back with several professional life players.

In fact, it is not difficult to dig out rocks, but the key is that transportation is troublesome. The roads in the forest are as bad as you can imagine. The poor quality of the cars rented from the grocer makes the transportation even worse.

Lu Li had to admire those players who still persisted and no one ever complained.

One can imagine how enthusiastic they are. They no longer seem to feel that they are playing games, but building their own homes.

Lu Li, we're in trouble. There are a lot of unfamiliar faces in Ashen Valley. They are obstructing our project. Could it be those clubs? Yusi Wanderer and his knights were currently active in Ashen Valley. This land protects the players of the Sword of Judgment.

Logically speaking, pure professional players cannot be attacked.

But some of the players who are currently making stones in Sword of Judgment are actually not just professional players. Some of them are fighting professions themselves and only learned mining part-time. They are not protected by the laws of the system. These people have now become hostile forces. target of attack.

It was definitely them, there's no need to doubt it, Lu Li snorted coldly.

Perhaps the small guild and the mercenary group are trying to take advantage of the situation, Yusi Wanderer retorted subconsciously.

Those players who quarry stones clean their backpacks in order to reduce their load. If they die, they won't drop any good things. What good can ordinary players do by attacking them? Besides, they also risk retaliation from us. , Lu Li paused and said, Wandering, why are you not sure? It's because you are subconsciously afraid of them, and you don't dare to face the situation where we are being troubled by many clubs.

Boss, you may be right, but what should we do if that's the case, asked the homeless man Yusi.

What else can we do? It's cool. Lu Li was not worried at all: They are already lagging behind. Even if they take action, it will be of no avail. Do they still dare to start a war? They don't have the courage, and if they start a war around our fortress, they will Losing miserably...

The leader's indifference made Yu Like Wanderer feel a little calmer.

Now what?

Of course, I will knock off their probing claws. I will have combatants stationed in the Ashen Valley and clear out all those who are hostile to us. There must be no threats on our movement path, Lu Li said very domineeringly.

He grew up in an environment where the jungle was strong and he understood a truth very early.

The enemy will never give up hurting you just because you shrink back. If you want others to be afraid of you, you must be fierce. In fact, he is also worried about a war. At present, everyone is about to reach level 60, which is the stage of rapid development. Can you not No one wants to fight in a war. When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. When a snipe and a clam fight, the fisherman will benefit. Those clubs that don't start a fight will quickly catch up and surpass you when you start a fight.

Don't worry, I will clean up the fleas here as soon as possible, Yu Like Wanderer is also a decisive person.

If the situation escalates, ask the water elf for help. I will say hello to her. Lu Li believes that no club dares to fight with the three clubs, not even the City of Glory. Xiao Mo is actually a very good player. sane people.

After hanging up the communicator, Lu Li suddenly raised his hand, causing his companions to stop in their tracks.

You guys get together and be careful, I feel something is wrong, he said as he entered stealth. His perception after stealth was stronger.

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