The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1376 City Wall

What appeared in front of Lu Li and the others was something similar to a village.

The city wall is made of stone, which is very different from the wooden village that Lu Li imagined. This cognitive gap should also come from the version issue. The original version may indeed be like this. Fortunately, he bought eight cars, otherwise it would be true. There's no way to get in.

There are rows of Satyr archers on the city wall, and there must be many more in the village.

There should be at least one BOSS in the fortress. Its strength is unknown and it is probably not easy to deal with. The only good thing is that the BOSS cannot exceed the average level of the players.

Why didn't I see the city gate? Azure Sea Breeze was very confused.

Obviously there is no city gate, Lu Li observed, feeling troubled by this iron-barrel-like structure that was not consistent with common sense.

How can we fight without a city gate?

Simple, blast a gap and rush in, Lu Li said calmly.

However, those archers obviously would not sit back and watch as Lu Li and others drove their chariots forward and bombarded the city wall. Before occupying the city and bombarding the city wall, the people with the Sword of Judgment had to get rid of the archers on the wall.

The wind in the forest was howling, and perhaps it was precisely because of the sound of the wind that it highlighted the tranquility before the war.

Lu Li took out something that looked like a sculpture of an angel sister and gently placed it on the ground.

The holy white light floated from the sculpture. It was a slight shimmer at first, and then slowly became stronger, just like smoke. The smoke kept curling and accumulating, and the condensed air came. Soon the smoke condensed into a huge sculpture.

An angel is formed like this, but she is still a sculpture.

Between the virtual and the real, it can summon the souls of all dead players within the range here, and allow these souls to return to the material world.

Let the war begin, Lu Li took out a flag and planted it on the ground.

Wo'jin Battle Flag (Special): Place a Wo'jin Battle Flag. The battle flag can increase 50% attack and 50% defense for teammates within 100 yards. Lasts for 60 seconds, and restores 5% of the maximum health of all allies within the range every 2 seconds, lasting for 30 seconds, with a 6-hour cooldown. Death must fall.

Charge! Azure Sea Breeze took the lead, picked up the shield and charged forward.

Several other defensive professions were not far behind. They stood in a row and attracted the firepower of the archers on the city wall.

When the Satyr archers on the city wall tried in vain to attack these defensive professions, the remaining long-range sword of the Judgment quickly approached the city wall. The defensive professions standing below only served as a draw for firepower, and they could not reach those archers. It is these remote occupations that really make a difference.

Attack Archer No. 1, Lu Li commanded.

It is impossible to let the remote professions play freely, because the defensive professions cannot hold hatred at all. As long as they are attacked, the archers will immediately give up attacking the defensive professions. Whoever hits them, they will hit.

But according to Lu Li's request, everyone focused on attacking one of them. Then only the attacked archer would be diverted, and at least the others would continue to attack those defensive professions.

Archer No. 1 was blinded by the sudden multiple attacks. He roared angrily and changed his attack target.

One arrow shot away more than a thousand points of blood from one of the mages. This was just a normal attack. In a city battle, archers restraining mages was not just talk.

Dawn is a game that pays attention to terrain. For example, if you are under a city wall and attack the target from bottom to top, the hit will be reduced. Even if you hit successfully, the damage will be reduced accordingly; standing on the wall The Satyr archers are different. They are condescending, have enhanced damage, and can often hit critically.

The normal damage is more than a thousand, and the critical hit is two to three thousand, which can almost kill someone in seconds.

Pay attention to the treatment and increase blood, start Archer No. 2, Lu Li asked everyone to switch targets. Archer No. 1 has died, and dozens of people are attacking, which is a matter of two rounds of skills.

Lu Li checked the time and began to instruct the driver to pull the chariot over.

It is impossible to wait until all the archers have been cleared and then let the chariots bombard the city wall leisurely. It would be a waste of time. If necessary, even if a few chariots are lost, one has to take the risk to grab time.

The archers originally just kept their heads down and attacked those defensive professions who were willing to be targets, but when the chariots began to bombard the city walls, they were immediately alerted.

Warrior, raise your shield, Lu Li had already replaced the person pulling the cart with a Paladin. The freed warriors, whether they were anti-war or berserk warriors, were all equipped with a huge and high-defense shield. It didn't matter what attribute or special effect they had. , mainly high armor.

It is precisely because of the demand for urban warfare that high-armor shields have become popular in the market.

Most of the archers' arrows landed on the shields, but some also hit the chariot. After all, Lu Li couldn't bring too many warriors here.

The chariot is an engineering prop and is loaded with solid cannonballs. This kind of thing is very ineffective at attacking monsters, but it can destroy buildings at all. Every attack can make the city wall rubble scatter, and pits and gaps will soon appear on it.

For now, it's all mutual harm.

Lu Li called Piao Ling over and asked him to take command on his behalf. There wasn't much to command here.

As a thief with extremely high attack power, he was naturally not willing to just stand here and watch.

Transform into a crow!

The blood-red crow flapped its wings and circled, flying higher and higher. Following him was Hachi-chan. With someone to lead the way, at least she didn't have to worry about the little girl getting lost.

Most of the archers on the city wall have been cleared, but these archers are not all stationary, so there is no situation where half of the wall is without archers. They spread out and attack the chariot from multiple angles. , as for those defense professions that could not mock them, they have been completely ignored.

The current situation is that the tank is pulling monsters and attacking from a distance.

Follow me later. You don't need to give me more health unless you have to. Lu Li flapped his wings and dived downwards. The butterfly beside him was knocked over several times by the airflow caused by the flapping of its wings. Chi's flying skills are as bad as ever.

Sartre ignored him.

There are many kinds of birds living in the Night Song Forest, and crows are the most inconspicuous ones, but they ignore one thing: normal crows will only hover over the battlefield and wait for the battle to end before coming down, but this one violates the rules. Common sense.

The crow disappeared the moment it landed.


A satyr saw this scene and immediately wanted to issue a warning. The profession of satyrs is very complicated, but generally they are archers and thieves, so they are particularly sensitive to the behavioral characteristics of such thieves.

It's a pity that he couldn't shout out his words. Lu Lifeng approached him like a wind and gave him a chokehold skill.

This was a bit risky for him. If the remaining archers on the wall turned against him, he might not be able to hold on for a few seconds at all.

However, comparing Lu Li and the chariots that were attacking the city wall, the archers continued to attack their old targets, and the Satyr who was attacked by Lu Li could only support them.

He successfully restrained a Satyr, but Lu Li was not satisfied with the result. He paused for a moment and then blinded the Satyr next to him.

Kidney shot!

After stunning the current target, Lu Li did not continue attacking, but pounced on the other one.


He never thought about killing a certain Satyr, because it would be a waste of time. He was now like a stick, just to disrupt the attacks of these Satyrs on the city wall.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone, I haven’t gone anywhere, code words ing

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