During the rest time, players can fall asleep, chat and fart, or go offline to eat, drink and have sex. In short, everyone has their own way of relaxing, and the commander will not have any objections to this.

Lu Li himself didn't feel too tired. After all, we are children from a poor family and are not so delicate. There are many things that are more tiring and painful than this.

He walked around, observing this place that he had never been able to enter in his previous life, and picked a few herbs that were only found in lava environments. He planned to add this kind of stuff to the production of poison, maybe it could be used to make the poison. Fire damage.

Although everyone is now pursuing fire resistance, fire damage still has the greatest benefit effect.

Then Lu Libian saw the water elf.

The two Weiyu Pavilion companions who came with her were not with her, and no one from the Sword of Judgment dared to come up to say hello, so the water elf sat alone next to a magma pool.

Carrying a worthless thing like a chair in his backpack, the water elf is indeed a very particular person.

When Lu Li walked up to him, he discovered that the water elf was holding a white jade-like pole in his hand. The other end was a silver fishing line. The emerald green fish float was made of who knows what material it was made of. It was actually floating in the magma without any traces. damage.

This girl is actually fishing!

What kind of bait did you use? Lu Li squatted down next to the water elf. He didn't dare to sit down. The ground here was very hot and it would cause great damage to his pants and equipment.

Fire bugs are crawling everywhere on the shore, but I guess there are no living fish or shrimps here. All the fish caught are materials. The water elf handed Lu Li something. Judging from the shape of the object, it was obviously not very cute, just like Like a head.

The skull of the deceased?

Okay, Lu Li remembered this kind of thing, a relatively good material that only existed in some waters with relatively complex environments.

The so-called complex waters, this kind of magma pool, and swamps are also relatively certain waters. However, no matter what kind of area they are, they must have one thing in common, that is, they must have died before. The more the better.

The head is the hardest part of an intelligent life. It is said that the power of the soul after death will make the head harder, so it can withstand the high temperature of magma.

This is the Molten Core. Countless dwarves died in the flames of Ragnaros, and later the Blackstone Orcs attacked here. If it weren't for the power of the flames, the bones of dwarves and orcs would have been scattered all over this land.

There's no introduction on it, it just says it's materials. The water elf pulled up the fishing rod and obtained the skull of a deceased person again: Is this thing useful to you?

She had never heard of any life skills that required such materials, and no one in the entire Weiyu Pavilion knew about it.

Alchemy should be useful, Lu Li knew for sure.

Alchemy, can you use this thing as medicine? The water elf was dumbfounded. It's a good game here, and no one dares to do anything with dead people's skulls in reality, but using it to make medicine is still too sensational. Think about the potion you drank. It contains elements of dead people's skulls, so I'm afraid it won't be very comfortable for your stomach.

Poison, give me all these things and I'll try to make some poison, Lu Li said without hesitation.

It turns out it's poison. Well, if you make it and it works well, remember to share some with me. The water elf immediately gave all the skulls of the dead on his body to Lu Li.

It's absolutely no problem, but I still need to do experiments and find out the corresponding formula. These materials are not enough. Lu Li took out his fishing rod and planned to join in the fishing. Unfortunately, his The fishing line was too low-end, a low-end item sold in the system store, and it turned into ashes not long after it was thrown into the magma.

Nannan, the wealthy woman called to her companion, I can borrow your fishing rod.

Don't you have it? Why do you want to borrow it from me? Xingxing's daughter was lying on a recliner to rest. She was probably too lazy to move at this time, so she responded without looking back.

... The water elf was speechless. She handed her fishing rod to Lu Li's hand, then stood up and walked over.

When she was asked to say that she borrowed it for Lu Li in such a large public, she really couldn't say it. It had nothing to do with being free and easy. Girls are naturally reserved in some aspects, so she simply ran over and said, I don't know. After muttering something, the water elf came back a moment later with a fishing rod and a chair in his hand, which he obviously borrowed for Lu Li.

Lu Li never had such messy things in his backpack. Except for the fishing competition, he rarely fished. Even when he fished, he would squat or stand.

She's still looking over here, Lu Li took the chair and fishing rod and sat down. Just as he took a glance, Xingxing Nannan didn't seem to be lying down anymore. She was leaning on her recliner and peeking over here. , Lu Li felt a little embarrassed when he saw it. Anyway, no one on the Sword of Judgment side dared to be so blatant.

There's too little homework, I'm free, the water elf said calmly.

It turns out that she is still a student, so let the teacher give her more tasks, Lu Li said, understanding. His fishing skills were not low, and he quickly swung a rod and caught a piece of coal.

This thing is purely for recharge. Although it can be used in engineering, the price of a dozen copper coins in the store makes it worthless.

I think it's easier to catch things where there are bubbles, the water elf said.

Well, maybe... that's it, Lu Li thought it was ridiculous, but he had learned to shut up smartly at this time, and there was no need to be serious with girls. This was the common sense he learned from his sister, even if they said The words make no sense.

This copy is not easy to fight, the water elf said after a moment of silence.

Which dungeon is easier to beat? If the player takes down the dungeon too easily, the game designer will definitely have his bonus deducted, Lu Li said. He likes to explore the essence of problems when looking at problems. Players and players have The relationship between struggle, in fact, is the same for designers and players. A long-lasting game must be difficult. A small team can easily overthrow the big boss, and one person can cut down the big BOSS with a dagger from the street to the end of the street, no matter how objective the reason is. Sufficient, nothing can change the fact that the game will soon go out of business.

But you seem to be very confident, the water elf couldn't help but say.

Before that, she had been thinking about how long it would take to get this copy, but she didn't expect Lu Li to be so pessimistic.

I'm very confident. Anyway, once the dungeon is made, it will be taken down. Sooner or later, if no one can clear the dungeon made by the designer, it will be a failure. If it really doesn't work, the game company will update it through the system. Way to lower the difficulty, Lu Li said matter-of-factly.

I caught a rare material, the essence of fire, the water elf emphasized: Put the hook where there are bubbles. What did you catch?

Blocks of coal, besides lumps of coal, they are still lumps of coal, Lu Li threw the newly caught coal to the place. It took up too much space in his backpack. He set the hook again and flicked the fishhook to a place where there was bubbles. , the woman is really stingy, wasn’t it just that her tone was a little perfunctory just now?

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