The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1353 Infinite Split

A piece of unique gold came out!

The monster produced dark gold equipment, and Can Meng felt that he had finally saved his reputation as Little Red Hand.

The fire resistance is very high. All the legal professions will report their own fire resistance, and then the three lowest people will show their gloves to me for a look. Lu Li looked at the equipment. Although it is dark gold, for this current book , its value is no less than legendary equipment, because its fire resistance is very high.

Lu Li acted very calmly in front of everyone, but in fact he was not sure about clearing the dungeon.

His plan is very simple. First, level up the mobs. Anyway, the experience will not be lost in the dungeon, and the experience value of killing these perverted mobs at level 62 is still very rich, even if it is divided equally among everyone. , and it’s not slower than leveling up by hunting wild monsters outside.

And you can also get good fire resistance equipment in the process.

Under normal circumstances, only players with a full set of level 60 dark gold equipment have the chance to clear the dungeon. Lu Li and others are not at a high level, but many people have multiple legendary items, and even a few are almost all legendary. As long as they are hot Once resistance is raised, there is hope of opening up.

Lord of Fire, this name is so domineering, You Xingtianxia felt like he was starting to have toothache again.

Don't waste time, go up and fight, Lu Li urged.

He didn't expect to clear the dungeon today, but it would be a big mistake if he couldn't even defeat Lao Yi, so it was wise to clear out these little monsters quickly.

I said, boss, there is a 110 over there. What if he comes over during the fight, You Xingtianxia said, pointing to the super-fast earth element.

Well, let's wait for him to come over first. The world is not bad, and the observation is very good, Lu Li said with a look of shame.

Youxingtianxia is talking about the Lava Annihilator - another group-killing star in Molten Heart. This kind of monster is relatively common in dungeons. Its characteristic is that it moves very fast and does not take much hatred skills. MT must always taunt it, otherwise it will harvest lives in the dungeon with its wind-like speed.

Fortunately, its attack is relatively weak, and it is almost difficult to destroy a single monster like this in a group.

What's really fatal is that when the player is dealing with other monsters, this guy suddenly comes over to disrupt the situation, and his signature skill is charge. Many players are caught off guard and are knocked away and fall into the magma pool next to them. It is impossible to climb out. If the shore is close, you can seek treatment. If it is too far from the shore, or it has sunk, it is best to run away from the body.

In fact, Lu Li felt that what was even worse was that its charge pushed the player into another pile of monsters.

In Dawn, this kind of monster that is introduced unplanned for some reason is called add. The add in other copies may just be a little troublesome. Once added in Molten Core, the team is basically destroyed.

The reason why Lu Li didn't remind everyone was that he wanted to familiarize himself with the attack methods of the previous monsters through group annihilation.

Now that You Xing Tianxia has reminded Lu Li, it is difficult for Lu Li to explain, and he must be encouraged to do this. In fact, there are more Lava Annihilators and their patrol range is relatively large. He wants to find them one by one and kill them. It's like reaching the sky, and it wastes too much time.

It's very easy to kill a single monster, and it has no chance of causing casualties.

After killing this monster, you will face the Fire King.

This huge cave is full of such monsters. After a few lessons from the past, Azure Sea Breeze no longer dares to underestimate them. Even though there are only two monsters in one wave, he does not dare to provoke two groups of monsters at once. He carefully moves in the distance. Shot one with a shotgun.

Both monsters were long-range, but because the blue sea breeze blocked the viewing angle, they still ran over honestly.

Pull another one from the world, Lu Li assigned the work, Piao Ling, please pay attention to see if there are any other monsters coming. The treatment should be based on the previous allocation and add blood. Don't drop T because of the mistake in adding blood. I will deduct your DKP. I won’t be soft-hearted.”

DKP is the abbreviation of Dragon_Kill_Point, which is derived from a popular foreign game.

In many games with Western story backgrounds, dragons represent extremely powerful bosses, guarding priceless treasures. To be able to successfully kill the Dragon BOSS, there is no doubt that it must be a fixed and well-trained team. Every great achievement of these dragon-slaying warriors is recorded and accumulated using Dragon-Slaying Points (DKP), which becomes the standard for measuring their dragon-slaying performance and the only standard for the distribution of priceless treasures.

This method of calculating activity points is widely accepted by players. Currently, the game Shuguang has officially built-in the DKP statistical system.

Team leaders or other managers have the power to modify DKP, which means that it is much more convenient to deduct points. DKP is related to the vital interests of players, and deducting points is the most direct and useful way to urge them to concentrate on playing dungeons.

A team will never grow by relying solely on human relationships.

In particular, players have begun to open up the Molten Core, and the scale of forty people has made the DKP system more scientific and useful.

Before this, dungeons in the team usually used ROLL points to obtain equipment. However, ROLL points are a way of fighting luck and risk, and unlucky players will have to pay a high risk cost.

For example, a team of 15 people goes to Blackrock Tower to get T0 clothes. If the team has 2 priests, one priest A will go for every CD. They have done it several times in this month, but every time they compete with another priest for luck, they can't beat them. , maybe other priests only went there a few times and got it, which is very unfair to the players who paid more.

DKP, on the other hand, is accumulated in a team based on more work and more rewards. At the same time, the team members are relatively fixed. With stable attendance, you can accumulate better points and get equipment first. The only risk you bear is the black hand. It can be said that the DKP system It is a relatively reasonable and highly organized way of playing the game.

As soon as they heard that points would be deducted, everyone immediately cheered up.

However, something unexpected happened when forty people were fighting against the Flame King. One of the Flame Lords summoned lava minions.

Everyone thought that as long as the Fire King was killed, its summons would naturally die with it. This concept was common sense, and even Lu Li couldn't refute it rashly, so he could only acquiesce in everyone's behavior of killing the Fire King first. .

This is how the tragedy happened. The lava minions that no one cares about split into two, and soon split into four, eight... When everyone breathed a long sigh of relief after killing the two Flame Kings, they discovered that they had their own wishful thinking. Failed, so many lava minions did not disappear, but split again.

Their time to divide is getting shorter and shorter.

The more times they split, the faster they split. Eventually, they almost kept splitting again, and the team of forty people was directly surrounded by the lava minions.

Although this monster only has two skills: Fireball and Flame Storm, and the damage is not very high, under the attack of so many monsters, Lu Li and others, no matter how good they are, are of no avail. First, the treatment is too strong and attracts There is too much hatred, and after they are killed, the remaining people will naturally be even more helpless.

After the group was wiped out, everyone gathered together to eat bread and drink spring water.

Just kill the summons first, You Xing Tianxia expressed his opinion. He is actually a commander, responsible for an elite team of the Sword of Judgment. Although every time Lu Li and the others use the strategies they have researched, they just use them. Youxingtianxia has never given up summarizing and learning.

Lu Li didn't say anything this time and just nodded.

See, he doesn't need to take risks. He can figure out the rules by letting these guys destroy the group once. As for the time wasted in group destruction, this is the price that must be paid to open up wasteland, and it is also the price that these people need to pay to grow.

Lu Li's role was to reduce the amount of time wasted, or to inadvertently point the finger when repeated group annihilations failed to find the right direction.

After opening the monster again, it's basically the same as last time.

The difference is that Lu Li asked everyone to take a mixture - the difference between a mixture and a potion is that most of the potions take effect once, even if they last for a period of time, they will disappear after death, but the mixture is different. It will last longer on the player, and the effect of the flask will continue after death.

Of course, most mixtures are more expensive than potion materials, and the recipes are extremely rare.

For now, only the big guilds can afford to raise such alchemists, and only the big guilds can afford these things, which can easily cost dozens of gold coins.

Assuming that on average, forty people each need a bottle of mixture worth fifty gold coins, then the one-time consumption is two thousand gold coins. Even if the gold price is currently low, it is still an expenditure of tens of thousands of dollars, and the duration is only Just an hour or two.

Only Lu Li dared to do this by killing monsters and taking the mixture.

Even the City of Glory has to weigh it carefully, because they don’t know how long it will take to defeat the dungeon. If they fight for a hundred or ten days, then just spending the money on the mixture every day can bring them back to before liberation overnight - of course. This is an exaggeration.

With the bonus of the mixture, at least the output will be much faster.

One of the Flame Kings was killed without even having a chance to recruit the mobs. Although the other one recruited the mobs, the big guy was already prepared to kill the mobs first. The mobs had no chance to split up, and naturally could not form a scale effect. .

The experience value is very rich, comparable to the mini-boss in previous dungeons, and this is based on experience sharing among forty people.

After clearing several waves of monsters, Lu Li finally saw the professional suit. This once again confirmed the legend that the monsters in Molten Core can drop the previous dungeon suit. This kind of gain made everyone more motivated. Even Lu Li asked to take a break in the middle. They were rejected by everyone, saying that they would have a good rest after arriving in front of the BOSS.

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