The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1344 Please praise it

Hello, Mr. Harris, I want to learn the kidney shot. A certain thief who saw the whole scene was frustrated by a professional trainer he was familiar with. When his heart moved, he immediately ran over to give it a try.

He felt that Mr. Ed Harris seemed more humane.

Sorry, you can't learn this skill directly. This answer made the player extremely disappointed, but Lu Li quickly added with a smile: But if you can do me a favor, I think I can consider teaching it to you.

Kidney Shot is a powerful weapon among thieves, and its value is certainly higher than backhand stabbing. The system cannot allow players to learn it directly.

Lu Li glanced at the brochure and found that it could be obtained by asking players to complete tasks. He would not deliberately embarrass this thief who wanted to learn skills - only real NPCs would take pleasure in this.

Is it true, Mr. Harris? No, Mr. Harris, you are such a good man, the thief was almost moved to tears.

Dear... Lu Li found the other party's name from the booklet: Mobile phone protector... ahem, what a strange name. No matter what, I'm glad you are willing to solve my trouble, but first I have to ask you a question. .

When there is a wolf on the road you must pass, how will you choose to pass this road? The first is to go around it, the second is to kill the wolf, the third is to sneak through, and the fourth is to wait for support.

Players are a bit dumbfounded when it comes to mobile phone stickers. What kind of problem is this?

I will kill this wolf, Uncle Harris, did I make the wrong choice? Seeing Lu Li's expression looking a little bad, the player's phone protector suddenly became nervous.

It's not wrong, kid, or it doesn't matter. If you kill Bridgeman now, you can get what you want. Bridgeman is in the Paladin Inquisition of North County Abbey. He is an undercover agent, hum. , we have known for a long time that he is a blood elf. Lu Li looked at the player with some sympathy: You are not allowed to form a team or seek any form of help from others.

There is really no right or wrong answer to these four answers.

The only difference is that if you choose the first option, the player will get a slightly tedious but not risky task. The final result is just to expose Bridgeman; the second option is to kill the wolf, which is the most difficult task. Players must face Bridgeman alone.

The fourth way is to form a team to kill. As long as you are not alone, the risk is completely low.

The simplest option is actually the third option. Just go to Stormwind City and find the designated NPC to inform. This is in line with the essence of the thief profession.

It's a pity that in order to show his bravery, the mobile phone protector actually chose the second option, which meant that he had to kill an NPC traitor of the same level alone. Of course it would be no problem to switch to Lu Li, but this player didn't even have a kidney shot. After learning, what else could Lu Li expect?

However, he soon discovered that things had taken a turn for the better.

When the phone protector made a choice and a new mission was generated, Lu Li had two more bottles of potion in his hand, which actually violently increased his attack power by 50% and lasted for ten minutes, which was enough to sustain the entire battle.

Take this bottle of potion and use it. Bridgeman is not easy to deal with. You must deal with him within the specified time, otherwise it will be very troublesome. After Lu Li calculated it, he decisively hid a bottle of this potion secretly. Planting Potions - In fact, the ten-minute time limit is quite generous.

If it can't be solved in ten minutes, no matter how many medicines you give, it will be useless.

This mission gives you two bottles of potion, one of which is a mission reward.

Thank you, Uncle Harris, you are truly a living Buddha. The phone protector almost moved me to tears. What does it mean that there is no way out and there is no way out? There is a village full of flowers and trees. Is there any kinder NPC than Uncle Harris? - As for He probably would never know about the fact that Uncle Harris tricked him into using a bottle of potion.

Moreover, even the same tasks in Dawn may not have the same rewards. This is common sense.

Go back quickly, may the ancestors deceive you, Lu Li said with compassion on his face.

With two good starts, Lu Li's business has been steadily opening up. Players are constantly coming to learn skills and take on tasks. The most important thing is to learn skills. After all, he is a professional trainer.

Most of them are basic skills, not too difficult. The difference from other professional trainers is that Lu Li will let the players learn and practice them once, and then he will demonstrate them once. How much the players can understand depends on their understanding, but everyone It is inevitable to be grateful to him.

A very capable professional trainer came to Stormwind City, and the news quickly spread in some small circles.

Even the water elves were informed.

On the other hand, the water elf had a much smoother start than Lu Li. After all, no matter how she dressed, she was a beauty. Her face alone could attract the attention of half of Darnassus, and the conservative suit was very good at highlighting her figure. Unexpectedly It creates a kind of conservative taboo beauty.

But she was not as good as Lu Li later.

After all, players in the game will retreat if they don’t advance. Not all of them have the time to look at beautiful NPCs. After discovering that this beautiful NPC is no different from other NPCs-sometimes the business is not as skilled as the veteran professional trainers, and they are not as good as Lu Li pretended to be pretentious, so he quickly got into trouble.

You can explain the skills to the newbies, Lu Li said while demonstrating skills and actions to the players while chatting privately with the water elf.

No one discovered Mr. Harris's secret. They only felt that Harris's rippling smile was full of encouragement and kindness. The player silently swore in his heart, Mr. Harris, you are my lifelong mentor. I will never let you down. Will carry forward the skills you teach.

I'm afraid I'll make a mistake, and the more I say, the more likely I'll be exposed, the water elf said, feeling a little embarrassed.

I always learn to speak from the NPCs in the game. As long as you talk and behave like an NPC, how can others find out your secrets, Lu Li focused on the key points, and he and Water Elf analyzed the speaking methods of the aborigines in the game. Many of them Everything can make the water elf suddenly enlightened.

May your dagger always be sharp, Lu Li once again sent away an apprentice. Lu Li watched with satisfaction as his experience bar moved slightly.

He gained a lot of experience today. He taught players skills, or players were rewarded for completing his tasks. Judging from the current progress, the efficiency is at least ten times better than leveling in the wild.

After the competition some time ago and the preparations to establish a novice training camp, all in all, Lu Li couldn't stay on the ranking list for more than a few days.

Today, he has made rapid progress and is now back in the top 100, and is growing at an exaggerated rate.

It has attracted the attention of many interested people. They even sent people to investigate where Lu Li was upgrading. As a result, no one has seen Lu Li in the open places. Water Elf has also been steadily upgrading. Her speed is also Not slow.

The couple are really in cahoots, hiding together in an unknown place to level up!

It doesn't matter if you have a lot of experience points, but what's more important is reputation. Reputation that is usually not easy to obtain is now accumulated bit by bit, and it disappears faster than completing tasks.

Lu Li also discovered that if the player is satisfied with the skills they learn and the more respect they show, the more reputation the system will give them.

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