Let's break out now, the human commander said excitedly.

Uh... I said, brother, why are you thinking about breaking out of the encirclement? Lu Li quickly explained: This is just the vanguard. There are more people coming. You are safe. The longer it takes, the harder it will be for us. There are benefits.”

The human commander then remembered that Lu Li said that he had called thousands of people to come over for support.

At first, he thought Lu Li was bragging.

The orc shaman also saw Lu Li's reinforcements. He began to hesitate, or almost began to regret it. He should not waste time just to worry about the casualties of his subordinates. He should crush these human bastards to death at all costs.

Now he still has a chance to continue attacking the besieged human soldiers regardless of anything.

As long as he gave the order to go all out, he could at least break through the human defense line before the human reinforcements arrived, but the loss would be huge. What made him hesitate even more was that once the human reinforcements came into battle, the only way for the orc army would be to die. .

What's more, the human reinforcements are actually cavalry!

As an orc shaman, no one understands the terror of cavalry better than him. Orc wolf cavalry is one of the most powerful arms on the continent.

This is actually a beautiful misunderstanding - even the paladins who joined the Night Watch Legion actually have no ability to fight immediately, let alone these hundreds of people and ordinary paladins. Compared with the orcs' wolf cavalry, The difference is a thousand miles.

These people made the orc shaman extremely fearful, but he was unwilling to give in.

Do you think they will retreat? The human commander was a Mediterranean man with a bald head. He was actually not very old, in his thirties at most. There are many handsome young men in Azeroth who grow up to be Mediterranean. No matter how handsome they are, they are still Mediterranean.

I don't know. Do you want them to retreat? Lu Li asked.

It's better to force them away. Enough blood has been shed today, the human commander said slowly after hesitating for a moment.

Okay then, Lu Li didn't intend to overstep his bounds. Since the bitter master said he wouldn't fight anymore, why should he be so active? This is not a dungeon. You will lose experience if you die. His elite group wants to keep these nearly 1,000 62 The ~65 Blackrock Orc must have been distressed by the loss.

Rain Like a Wanderer received Lu Li's order.

The Paladin soldiers, who were advancing at full speed, immediately stopped. Their mounts beat on the charred earth, making a uniform beat, and they pressed forward little by little.

This momentum is even more heart-stopping than when they were advancing at full speed before, but the orc shaman thought of another more terrifying possibility - more reinforcements are coming from the cheating humans, and these paladins are obviously just the vanguard. They waited for the large army to arrive and then surrounded and killed them.

Without hesitation, the guard next to the orc shaman blew the desolate horn after receiving the order.

The Blackstone orcs who besieged the human soldiers retreated like a tide. They gathered around the orc shaman, then quickly changed their formations and retreated in another direction before the paladin cavalry approached.

Lu Li was slightly relieved. He was really worried that this orc shaman was not smart enough.

It seems that Sugon’s recent small updates have improved the intelligence progress of the indigenous people.

In this case, the subsequent reinforcements will have no use. Their trip is not in vain. After all, the strategy for the upper level of Black Rock Tower has been explored. According to the strategy, several bosses can be killed more or less.

Moreover, they were the heroes who saved hundreds of human soldiers, and they would definitely not be in trouble when they went to accept the mission from Marshal Maxwell later.

I'm Captain Bookmead, thank you and your friends, the handsome Mediterranean guy stretched out his hand to Lu Li. He did have reason to be grateful to Lu Li.

You're welcome, this is what we should do, Lu Li also gradually relaxed. With more than a dozen people, he challenged an orc army of nearly a thousand sizes. Now that he thinks about it, it was really a suicide attempt. Moreover, they later dared to charge into the formation. No It was a miracle that the whole army was wiped out.

You saved my life and the lives of my brothers. I have nothing to thank you for, Captain Bookmead looked at more and more adventurers, his face turned a little pale.

These are definitely thousands of people. It is impossible for him to give rewards to these thousands of people. He will not be able to reward them even if they sell them.

But it was impossible for him to reward them with nothing. After all, they had just saved their lives. Otherwise, the hundreds of them would have been wiped out. Then there would be an additional mission in the Burning Plain called Revenge for Captain Bookmead. , in order to commemorate their victims, and let the players cut off the heads of several Blackstone Orcs.

Money is like dirt to us, and props are only external possessions after all. We are eager to enhance our own strength, Lu Li said seriously.

What does Lu Papi mean? Xiaobajiang, a mission master, was also confused.

He wants experience and reputation, Piao Ling curled his lips and said, He doesn't like gold coins, and equipment and other equipment obviously won't give you any good rewards. After all, we have thousands of people here.

Almost all the people in the field of vision were people from the Sword of Judgment. They regarded this place as a paradise for outdoor gatherings. Some people set up barbecue grills, and the aroma of food soon wafted over the burning plains filled with corpses and blood—— People who play games have such big hearts, they are all perverts.

The captain continued to hesitate.

Why don't we go to Marshal Maxwell first? I still have tasks he asked me to hand over, Lu Li took the opportunity to say.

The rewards that a captain officer can give are extremely limited. In fact, a captain is nothing in the Stormwind City system. He can bring hundreds of people to the Burning Plains. It is estimated that his authority is temporary, and his authority will be restored when he gets there. Normal number of people under jurisdiction.

However, Captain Bookmead was not mediocre. Lu Li and his men rescued him, and Marshal Maxwell might be very grateful.

The rewards a marshal can give are much more than those of a captain.

It is true that Bookmead could not come up with a reward that could satisfy thousands of people, so he could only gather the large troops that were leaving and headed for the camp where Marshal Maxwell was.

With so many people gathered together, all the monsters that had no time to run or were not smart enough to escape were wiped out. Even the ogres that roamed the Burning Plains disappeared.

The fire-bellied ogres from the south study magic, but their strong physique makes them no less effective in hand-to-hand combat. If an ogre magician is armed with a club, he can kill the strongest dwarf warrior with it. This brutal race unilaterally claims the Burning Steppes as the territory of the ogres, and they rob any race that walks on this land, including the most powerful Blackstone Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves. They even dared to steal the dragon corpses that Nefarian used for research, roast them and eat them.

Before they reached their destination, Lu Li and others saw Marshal Maxwell.

He jumped off his horse and hugged Captain Bookmead tightly. He shook his beard and said in a trembling voice: You missed the appointed time. I thought something happened to you. Later, someone said that you were surrounded by Blackstone orcs. , fortunately you are okay.

Lu Li was in a better mood!

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