The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1320 March Rain and Night

Although the first kill reward is gone, the General Drakisas in front of them is a real first kill on Nightmare Difficulty. After all, no guild has defeated it yet, so the equipment he drops will be based on the first kill standard.

It should be said that the rewards from this copy of Sword of Judgment are even more generous than those from Blood Flag.

It's up to you to eat meat or grass, Demon King Mengmeng, let's get started, the blue sea breeze licked his lips, unable to hide the excitement in his heart. He felt that he needed to change his equipment. The top MT must have equipment. Just support.

“I’ve added a lot of pets recently, you know!”

Can Meng rubbed her little hands and squatted down next to General Dakisas...

Here Lu Li was sending away the two guards who helped. They could not be treated and lived peacefully until the end. It was really surprising. In Lu Li's eyes, they were just helpers and cannon fodder.

Thank you for your help. It's thanks to you that I was able to kill General Drakisas so smoothly. Lu Li expressed his sincere gratitude. The most important thing is that these two powerful helpers are free. Marshal Maxwell didn't know if he forgot. Well, for the sake of Hachi-chan, he didn’t even ask for a single copper.

You are a bit weak and not strong enough to kill Onyxia, one of the scouts said.

In their eyes, the real mission of Lu Li and others should be to kill the Black Dragon Princess who killed Marshal Windsor, rather than to get entangled with the Black Dragon Princess and her brother's men here. In their opinion, the players are too weak. This kind of pride permeates almost the entire intellectual consciousness of the indigenous people.

Different angles produce different perceptions, and they feel that the adventurers are cannon fodder.

We will continue to work hard. Please convey it to Marshal Maxwell. I believe they will hear the good news about Onyxia soon, Lu Li said in a deep voice. He sneered at the NPC's arrogance, but was too lazy to talk to him. They care.

The two guards nodded with satisfaction and left through the teleportation orb.

Can Meng found a gem here, but unfortunately it didn't reduce the equipment level requirements. Although this kind of stone has no use for the time being, Lu Li still hopes to stock up more in the guild warehouse before the drop rate drops further.

However, this gem is not rubbish, at least it is worthy of the origin of the final BOSS in Nightmare difficulty.

This stone adds shield blocking, which can be used by warriors and knights who play a defensive role, but warriors have a higher priority. A good warrior must have equipment support for defense, and such basic attributes are also essential.

Then there are a bunch of strengthening stones, and each person can actually get one piece.

Enhancing Stones will not reduce the drop rate. As the player level increases, the level of the monsters in contact will also become higher and higher. By then, even elite monsters will participate in the ranks of dropping Enhancing Stones. As the gold price ratio decreases, the enhanced stone will eventually become a surprise but not a windfall.

Then there is a piece of lava fragment, which is a fire-attributed forging material. It has a wide range of uses, but there are many bosses that can drop it.

There are two skill books, one for the Warlock and one for the Druid, both of which have nothing to do with Lu Li. When players reach this stage, the frequency of new skills has been greatly reduced, but the more powerful enhanced skills that will follow are not. General Drakisas can easily fall out.

A piece of silver equipment. This was just a joke. Lu Li didn't even bother to look at it and threw it directly to the blue sea breeze. The guy tore up several scrolls as a small compensation.

Three pieces of golden equipment!

For a dungeon BOSS, so many golden equipments are pretty good. Lu Li and others looked down on the level 60 golden equipment, but for mainstream players these are still the most suitable equipments for them.

If a person has money, he plans to use it to purchase equipment to strengthen himself.

There are three options, one is to buy one piece of legendary equipment, one is to buy three pieces of dark gold equipment, and the other is to buy a complete set of gold equipment.

From the perspective of improving himself, he will not hesitate to buy a complete set of golden equipment. If he has a complete set of golden equipment, if his skills are not so bad that he can't find teammates, then he can go to any dungeon. To form an elite dungeon in Blackstone Tower, you only need to be at the level of gold.

However, there is no market for these four pieces of equipment here.

Lu Li still gave them to Azure Sea Breeze and Piao Ling to make up for their losses during the dungeon battle.

In fact, when you kill monsters in the dungeon, the monsters will drop a certain amount of gold coins, and the BOSS will drop more substantial gold coins. For example, the fallen General Drakisas just now will drop hundreds of gold coins at a time in the nightmare difficulty. Gold coins, with a total value of tens of thousands of real coins.

When individual players download a dungeon, the group leader will leave the group and touch the corpse, and the money becomes his personal property to reward him for his merits in commanding the battle.

Of course, it is impossible for an ordinary casual team to defeat General Drakisas in Nightmare Difficulty. It would be good to have hundreds of gold coins in Elite Difficulty. A conscientious leader will give part of the MT and treatment as a subsidy. If you are more conscientious, They will also give some money to the top of the output ranking and treatment rankings to encourage everyone to work hard.

Lu Li's team didn't have such a tradition, and they always let Can Meng touch the corpse.

Can Meng didn't quit the group even after touching the corpse, so the gold coins went into everyone's pockets equally. Every time he downloaded a dungeon, he actually earned a lot of gold coins. If Lu Li didn't have other big expenses, the equipment he got would be enough for him to spend at least. .

Therefore, subsidies for MT or treatment have become equipment that no one needs.

Then came the dark gold equipment, three of which were released in a row, all of which were dark gold!

Seven pieces of equipment have been released from beginning to end, and even the first kill is considered a huge reward.

General Drakisas in Elite difficulty will probably drop three to five pieces of equipment, one more in Hard difficulty, and one more in Nightmare. Theoretically, it is five to seven pieces of equipment. As for how much the first kill difficulty will increase, this is completely It depends on the mood of the system.

The three pieces of Unique Gold cannot be distributed casually as subsidies. One of the Unique Gold Pants, if Lu Li didn't already have a suit, might need it. The other two items are mail spell output equipment, and no one here needs them. It will be thrown into the guild warehouse to benefit the public, and there is also a cloth armor treatment, which was given to Sanyue Yu. Although the equipment she wears is legendary, its level is too low after all.

Then there's a legendary one-handed hammer.

Legendary weapons are no longer too rare, but those with good attributes are still in short supply. This one-handed hammer used by the priest and the cavalry immediately won the full attention of the two girls.

The priest is in the rain in March, and the milk is riding in the night.

Because there is no professional preference, anyone can use it, so it becomes a question of who to give it to.

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