The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1313 Black Sword

Coming out of the foul-smelling room of the Behemoth, you can see a very long narrow bridge after a roundabout - the end of the bridge is the territory of the final BOSS, General Dakisas, on the upper floor of the Black Stone Tower.

Before that, Lu Li and others must break through the blockade of this long bridge.

In such a natural location, how could the game designers miss the opportunity to disgust players? They arranged waves of mobs on the bridge, and they were all the kind of orc berserkers who could rush players away.

Watch what I do, Lu Li pointed at the monster: Go and pull it over and beat it.

Then I'll go up first, Azure Sea Breeze hesitated for a moment, but still went up. Who told him to be a MT? In this environment, how could he expect other people to pull monsters.

Fortunately, you don't need to run up to him, you just need to shoot him from a distance.

After the monsters crossed the bridge, everyone swarmed up again. The battle site was always fixed on the shore, so the orc berserker's flying attack had no effect. Even if it hit someone, it would only send them flying against the wall.

There are also teams that are not afraid of death and go to the bridge to fight monsters, but the end is usually not very honorable.

After crossing the bridge, you can see a group of monsters outside General Drakisas's hall. This time, they are not just berserkers, but also dragon creatures.

Are these monsters powerful? Azure Sea Breeze learned the lesson and no longer dared to underestimate these little monsters.

The guards of the General's Mansion, the guards of the final boss, don't you think they are powerful? Lu Li was still thinking about the characteristics of these monsters. In his previous life, there was no serious guild to take him in, and it was impossible for ordinary wild groups to defeat them. Here, the only channel for obtaining information was online guides, but he didn't know that he would be reborn, so most of these guides that had nothing to do with him were swept away.

These mobs are very powerful, and without perfect coordination, they can still be quite dangerous.

You can't tell anything by just looking at it, so you have to test it at this time. Azure Sea Breeze rushed forward with a shield.

The monster was pulled by the blue sea breeze. He turned on the damage reduction very carefully, so the continuous critical hits could not kill him instantly. These monsters are all monsters that can hit 100% of the critical hits - of course, only the first attack will Critical hit, otherwise there is really no way to fight here.

The mage turned into a sheep, and before the blue sea breeze could taunt the monster, Lu Li had already sapped the most biased dragon.

In this way, half of the monsters have lost their combat effectiveness.

Kill a few orc warriors first, and then kill the remaining dragon men one by one.

Dragons are all magic monsters and can breathe fire. This kind of fire damage is very high, and even a slightly lower fire resistance cannot withstand it. If three dragons breathe fire together, the superimposed damage is enough to kill the player instantly.

Watch your back, hold on to Piao Ling, and try to control what others can control first, and give me violent output. The biggest difficulty here is not the six monsters, but the other six patrolling monsters.

The test is the player's speed of spawning monsters. If they cannot kill a few more monsters before these six monsters arrive, the group will also be wiped out. But with the equipment and level of Lu Li and others, it would be unjustifiable if they were still hung up on these little monsters.

Once the monsters at the door are cleared, you can enter the command hall where the general is.

Drakisath was a cunning and brutal strategist who led Nefarian's forces in the battle against Ragnaros. After defeating the Dark Iron dwarves, General Drakisas's forces are preparing to permanently drive the dwarves from Blackrock Mountain. Now he is making final preparations for this goal.

Blackstone Tower is an almost closed fortress located inside the mountain. This place filled with the smell of volcanic ash always looks lifeless.

The layers of broken walls have rejected the embrace of Mother Earth and cruelly deprived the creatures in the tower of the right to enjoy the sun. Aside from the bonfires and those evil creatures, few adventurers come to bring life to this nightmarish fortress.

But the dragon people will never be affected by these atmospheres. They will always work energetically for their masters, the dragons.

The torches on the walls of the command hall illuminated the empty hall brightly.

When Lu Li and the others came in, General Dakisas was admiring his collection of weapons. His expression was focused, and he was obviously very satisfied with his collection. Countless adventurers who died in his hands often did so because of these powerful weapons. The artifact comes.

Nuoda's arsenal contains various precious and powerful artifacts from ancient times. Although the light here is dim, they can still shine brighter than gems.

Seeing Lu Li and others coming in, General Dakisas was not nervous or panicked at all, nor did he shout angrily. Instead, he naturally picked up a long-handled sword that exuded an evil black light. This sword was unwilling to be left alone. General Sasse's hand trembled and whispered, no one knew what it was calling.

This is the Black Sword of Shahram. Adventurers, have you heard of this name?

Lu Li and others were a little confused, and their moods immediately became heavy. Although Red seemed to be wise, at least he was not like General Dakisas who could talk to the players casually. You must know that Azure Sea Breeze, as the MT, had not yet gone up. It's weird.

When the Titans first came to the world of Azeroth, it was still a wild and chaotic land filled with elemental creatures that were hostile to the Titans. These elemental creatures believed in a man called the Ancient God. a race of unparalleled evil and refused to allow the Titans to transform their world into one ruled by order and light.

General Dakisas didn't seem to expect Lu Li and others to respond, but continued talking on his own.

The Titans waged war against the Old Gods, sending out their armies to fight the elementals and their evil masters. The armies of the Old Gods were led by the strongest elemental chiefs, Ragnaros the Firelord and Thera the Stonemother Thane, Al'Akir the Windrider and Neptulon the Tidehunter. Troops of elemental creatures surged onto the battlefield like a tide, among which Ragnaros' lieutenant Shahram the Firelord was the most fierce. The Fire Demon, with its snake-like body and covered in thorns, charged into the battle and caused huge losses to the Titans.

In the end, the Titans defeated the main force of elemental creatures, and Shahram was wiped out on the battlefield. The blade he held was imprisoned in an underground prison far away from the ground together with other evil creatures, and the whole world suddenly returned to harmony. scene.

Now, this sword is right in front of you. If you can kill me, then it will be yours...


Especially the profession represented by Moonlight, which can use two-handed swords, everyone became excited when they heard General Dakisas's description.

The weapon of Ragnaros's strongest subordinate, what a top-notch thing it must be.


No, it might be a legendary-level weapon. So far, no one in Dawn has heard of a legendary-level equipment.

However, Lu Li couldn't get excited. He only felt bitter in his mouth.

Why the black sword!

It's not that he dislikes this weapon. This weapon, which players call the Black Sword - Shahram Black Sword, should be said to be one of the seven most powerful weapons in the warrior profession at level 60, or it will drop the legendary level. The finished product, or the legendary level mold, cannot be an ordinary legendary equipment.

There is a very interesting setting here.

There are many weapons on the weapon rack behind General Drakisas, but what he holds is different every time. Many NPCs and monsters in Dawn will exist regardless of their profession, so sometimes he will hold a sword, and sometimes he will hold a sword. Take a staff, sometimes a crossbow, or even a dagger...

Don't think that this is just an interesting setting.

Players only need to play this dungeon a few times, and they will soon discover the most crazy pattern - that is, whatever weapon General Drakisas holds, he will explode.

At this time, don't be excited because General Dakisas is taking the best black sword this time.

Now only Lu Li knows how terrifying General Dakisas is with the black sword. It was originally a nightmare difficulty, but now he has the most powerful black sword. Lu Li simply can't believe what kind of hornet's nest they have poked this time.

These monsters should be linked to the BOSS, how about pulling them together? Azure Sea Breeze didn't know what tragic battle he was about to face.

Well, let's get together, everyone, Lu Li said nothing. He had never fought against General Drakisas in his previous life. Although he had read some strategies, it was actually starting from scratch. He could only fight once as a trial. , he had never expected to clear the level in one go from the beginning, but now for the sake of Black Sword, this idea has long been extinguished.

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