The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1302 The Egg Stealing Family

However, Lu Li couldn't laugh. Gus was no easier to deal with than Red. More importantly, he was a colorful dragon.

Regarding the dragons in Dawn, in addition to the traditional five-color dragons, there are actually other types. These dragons are basically related to the egg-stealing families of Azeroth.

The first is the Void Dragon. Its birth came at the end of the Second War. Deathwing secretly brought the dragon egg to the Outland, in the twisted void. These dragon eggs mutated into void dragons - those that did not mutate were killed by Dragon Slayer Gruul.

At this time, Deathwing was defeated by Khadgar's disintegration spell and fled back to Azeroth in embarrassment. From then on, the void dragons fell into a state of being without a master. Due to the special environment of the outer realm, these void dragons did not receive the ancient power. Under the influence of God, they gained self-awareness and began to live independent and free lives.

In short, the Void Dragon was an egg stolen by Deathwing and tested in the Twisting Nether of Outland.

Then there is the Twilight Dragon. This time it is not Deathwing who steals the egg, but his wife Sinestra. The name is not important. Most people call her the Dragon Mother. After the Dragon Mother steals the egg, she hides. Grim Batol began the Twilight Dragon experiment, and her assistant was Zendari, the cousin of the three Windrunner sisters.

This blood elf seems to be able to extract the essence from the void dragon eggs and then inject it into the black dragon eggs. Once these black dragon eggs hatch, the twilight dragon will be born.

Twilight dragons have the characteristics of rapid development of void dragons, and can swallow energy crystals to grow. Similar to soul walkers, they have the ability to switch between reality and nothingness. It only takes a few weeks from egg to adult, Sinestra thought. Use this twilight dragon to defeat all dragons including his husband, Deathwing.

The strongest of the twilight dragons is named Dragonax, and is the first completed twilight dragon. Sinestra regards him as her own son.

The reason why this guy is the most powerful is because Sinestra implanted a fragment of the Dragon Soul into his body. It is estimated that this guy can fight against Deathwing alone, so he is particularly valued by Sinestra. However, she forgot one thing - because the Twilight Dragon Clan possesses the genes of the Black Dragon Clan, the corrupted power of the Ancient God still exists in the Twilight Dragon Clan, making these dragons very evil and difficult to tame.

In the end, Dragonax was used by the red dragon mage Krasus to create a wedge between the dragon and his mother Sinestra, causing the dragon and his mother Sinestra to fight each other, and finally died together.

However, for some reason, Deathwing mastered the technology of making twilight dragons, and seemed to have improved it. In the end, it developed to the point where dragon eggs from any clan can be corrupted into twilight dragons. Among them, the eggs of the red dragon clan were corrupted into twilight dragons. Corrupted secretly, Krasus also blew himself up in order to destroy these corrupted red dragons!

Look at this couple, they are both talented people. They are wasting their scientific research talent by engaging in a world war.

Finally, there was the colorful dragon that Lu Li and the others faced now.

The colorful dragon has nothing to do with the scientist couple of the egg-stealing family. It is the research project of Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing.

This may be the legendary scientific research family, where I am a hero and my son is a good man. Although Nefarian is not as powerful as his father in combat, his talent in scientific research is even better.

It is said that the colorful dragon project is even more perverted. It is to fuse the blood of young dragons from all races together. Please remember, it is not to capture dragons of other species and let them interbreed. That would be too disharmonious.

This blood was injected into an adult black dragon, causing the black dragon to mutate and gain great strength, but it seemed to have a weakness that it could not live long.

The most powerful one was named Chromatus by Nefarian. He had five different heads, each with the special power of the corresponding dragon, and the Dragona created by his mother. It was similar to Kes, and Nefarian also regarded him as his own son. However, his son did not cheat his father or his mother. Instead, he died directly after the completion. In other words, it never lived in the first place and was simply just a human being. corpse.

Unfortunately, Nefarian could not find a way to imbue Chromatus with life force.

Twilight Father Benedictus said that as long as enough life energy is injected into Chromatus's body, he can be brought back to life, and even the Dragon King will be unable to fight him.

The priest finally found the opportunity to pour the arcane energy stored by the entire Arcane Heart during the Arcana War into the body of the Perfect Colorful Dragon Chromatus, making this terrifying five-headed monster come alive. .

Ysera, Queen of the Green Dragons, predicted that all four dragon kings would die at the hands of Chromatus at the moment of twilight, and each dragon king would be killed by Chromatus with a head of corresponding power.

It's really terrible.

This family stole eggs, made dragons, and did scientific research. In the end, they all made great progress in genetic engineering. These scientific research results were enough for each of them to win the Nobel Prize (Nobel Prize). There should be a biology prize, remember, there is just no mathematics prize, because his wife followed the mathematician for the Nobel Prize).

Be careful of his mount, Piao Ling, you are always ready to taunt the mount, Lu Li took the lead and took the mount into account.

This colorful dragon has two heads. Although they both look black, one of them is reddish and the other is green. This can still be seen through observation.

You all must die!

Reid rushed towards the player unceremoniously, and Azure Sea Breeze's interception had no effect on him - if Lu Li didn't mind being more foretelling, he could have made Azure Sea Breeze break away from the formation and run to the entrance in advance to wait for Reid's arrival.

Now, Reid ignored the taunts of the blue sea breeze and still stubbornly rushed towards the fat monkey.

Fat Monkey was very calm. He was a racer. If he couldn't handle this situation and was instantly killed by Red, then Lu Li would really have to consider whether this guy was suitable to be a racer.

Generally speaking, mages have two ways to deal with it, either flash and escape, or become invincible.

Fat Monkey did not escape in a flash, because if he escaped, it would not rule out the possibility that the BOSS would give up the pursuit and attack others, so he chose the refrigerator. With the release of the skill, his whole body turned into an ice mass, and the BOSS's attack hit him. It had no effect at all.

At this time, Azure Sea Breeze taunted again, and finally succeeded in attracting the BOSS to himself.

The attack power is not weak, but we can withstand it, Azure Sea Breeze was attacked a few times and came to a relieved conclusion. The next step is to see what skills this BOSS has.

If the skills are not strong, it will be a matter of time before the BOSS is taken down.

As a result, reality hit him hard. If Lu Li hadn't reminded him in time to reduce damage, and March Rain had reacted faster, Azure Sea Breeze would have been killed.

Mortal Strike - Warchief Reid Blackhand causes physical damage to the current target, reducing the healing effect it receives by 50% for 50 seconds.

Frantic - Warchief Red Blackhand enters a frantic state, increasing attack speed and attack damage by 60% for 1 minute.

Either one of these two skills can make people want to die, but now two of them appear at the same time, which increases the attack speed and attack damage while reducing the healing effect. It is estimated that an ordinary team will not even have time to react. .

This is the place where the group is easily wiped out in the P1 stage, testing the player's reaction ability and equipment level.


Red's colorful dragon had been playing soy sauce before, and now for some reason, it suddenly sprayed a mist-like substance towards the player in front. The mist seemed to be slow but fast, and it instantly wrapped around the nearest moonlight. .

The fog turned into ice, and the moonlight was frozen into popsicles, and damage continued to appear.

Don't... Lu Li hesitated.

Unfortunately, he reminded her too late. Hachi-chan's healing technique had already been applied to Yueguang. In almost an instant, Hachi-chan was also frozen. Not only her, but even those who were close to her were frozen. The remaining dreams were also frozen.

Sanyueyu hesitated for a moment, but still added blood to Xiaobajiang, who was almost running out of blood. The result was predictable, Sanyueyu died before he even had time to freeze completely.

Two of the three healers in the team were disabled, and a group of people were frozen.

Warchief Red Blackhand successfully defeated Lu Li and others. He saluted Nefarian who was watching on the stage as if he was taking credit. He was obviously very satisfied with the result he had achieved.

Nefarian snorted and turned to leave.

In his opinion, Red was too useless. He fought for a long time without defeating his opponent. In the end, it was the colorful dragon he created that contributed the most. How could he have the nerve to claim credit?

Reid stood awkwardly for a while, and he soon had no time to be embarrassed.

Because the adventurers he had just killed appeared within his field of vision again, no more, no less, the same fifteen as before.

Obviously, people who are frozen cannot be treated, and they are also contagious to a certain extent. Let's try it again. If anyone is sprayed, he will be lucky. If he can't die, don't die. Even if others die, Don't save him either, Lu Li said after summarizing the situation.

It seems that the damage caused by the infection is higher. Bajiang loses blood faster than Brother Yueguang, but I almost died before I could react, Sanyue Yu also nodded in agreement.

In order to prevent freezing contagion, Lu Li specially arranged a new formation.

Red, the BOSS, is a test of the player's personal strength, because the freezing damage is very high, and the healer cannot provide help. If you can't hold on, you will have to die. Once too many people die, there is obviously no need to fight.

Curse you, mortals! Reid really couldn't figure out why these adventurers didn't die.

It doesn't matter, he can kill these people again, or no matter how many times. He just hopes that Lord Nefarian will not be angry. The Blackstone Orcs cannot bear the anger of this tyrant.

The second battle began, and the first stage was naturally passed smoothly with the experience from the last time.

In the second stage, everyone was determined not to add blood to the frozen person. This was Lu Li's order. Naturally, others would not object. They could not think of any other better way to solve this problem.

However, when the colorful dragon breathed out, in addition to the blue sea breeze that was spit out from the front, there were other people affected.

The city is empty in the mist and rain, and the healing shaman is there.

This time, the fifteen-man Ben Luli brought three healers, Sanyueyu mainly used MT, Xiaobajiang took care of the melee profession, and Yanyu Kongcheng healed the whole group. Just now, Yanyu Kongcheng's group healing skills were accidentally added to the melee ones.

The profession of shaman is mainly about group brushing. They may not be more powerful than priests, but they have enough say in group brushing.

Yanyu Kongcheng was infected and frozen, and the damage he received was higher than being directly frozen, and his blood volume quickly returned to zero. He hung up and did not say anything. Azure Sea Breeze was also in a critical moment. MT was frozen, and March Rain did not dare to give it. He increased his health, and Red Blackhand took the opportunity to add insult to injury, constantly causing damage to Azure Sea Breeze.

Azure Sea Breeze tried his best to withstand Red's black hand's shameless fatal blow and the frenzied combo attack.

When you return to the BOSS for the third time, you must be aware that Red is a dungeon BOSS with low intelligence, otherwise he will doubt life and the authenticity of this world. Why is it that some people can be resurrected after death, more than once? .

What a bully!

That dragon probably only started to participate in the battle when it entered the P2 stage. Before that, it couldn't be locked, Piao Ling took the initiative.

Then you can try to taunt it later. When playing with a smart person, you don't need to talk too much nonsense. What Piao Ping means is that he will pull Gus's head to the side later, so that he can cover it up. Si's breath will not hit the blue sea breeze.

Piao Ling is a MT, with relatively high HP and defense. Even if he is frozen, he will not die easily.

As a reborn person, Lu Li certainly knows how to get it right in one step, but apart from saving a little time, it will not do any good for himself or the growth of the team, so he would rather kill him a few times so that everyone can actively participate. Come in, even if one day he does not enter the dungeon, everyone should be able to formulate corresponding tactics based on these failed experiences.

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