The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1118 Another couple of bad guys and girls (the third update thanks to Piao Hong for the brea

Clear the nobles on both sides first. Don't be too hasty and pull them little by little. Lu Li held his forehead and was speechless to him.

These nobles usually have a maid, an attendant, and a waiter, and the nobles themselves are four monsters. The maid is a mage, the attendant is a warrior, and the waiter is a healer. The profession of the nobles is uncertain.

Regardless of whether they are nobles or congressmen, they are no ordinary monsters.

Generally speaking, nobles and congressmen are quasi-boss, and three followers are strengthened elites. If you pull too many at once, the group can easily be destroyed.

If you don't fight these mobs and directly attack Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, congratulations, you will be overwhelmed by the nobles in just a moment, and you won't even have time to release the second skill.

This is a low-level mistake, and no experienced team will allow so many monsters behind their backs.

What is consoling is that the nobles and followers on both sides give good experience and the drops are very powerful. They are among the few non-BOSS creatures that can drop rare materials, so the team that can get here will not hate grinding. Iron nobles and councilors.

The team spent a lot of time clearing out the nobles and councilors on both sides, and harvested seven rare materials, three dark gold equipment, and some gold equipment. Everyone distributed roll points as usual, and the remaining items that everyone looked down upon either rewarded output and The one with the highest treatment can be used to subsidize various potions and repair equipment of MT.

Then everyone finally had to face Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, and Moira Bronzebeard beside him - the princess who needed to be rescued during the mission.

Accepting the king's commission to rescue the princess in distress, Lu Li did not receive this bloody and painful task.

His scope of activities rarely covered Ironforge, and he almost never gained any reputation there. In addition, his charm value was not high, so he gave up after hitting a few walls.

The general meaning of the mission is that Magni Bronzebeard believes that his daughter was kidnapped by Emperor Thaurissan and cast magic, and requires the player to kill the Emperor and rescue his legal heir. This is the alliance's statement, and the tribes are similar. It was Thrall who knew the news and issued a mission to rescue the princess, with the purpose of uniting against the Burning Legion, which was about to return.

Regardless of whether it is the Alliance version or the Horde version, the essential goal is the same, kill Emperor Thaurissan, rescue the princess, and live.

The version of reality is quite different.

I don’t know what kind of opportunity it was, Emperor Thaurissan met Princess Moira, and then they fell in love with each other.

Moira is a stubborn and independent princess. She knew very well that her father would not approve of his love, so she ran away from home and moved to Blackstone Abyss, where she became the queen of Emperor Thaurissan. Regarding their love and life, There are not many historical records, but from all aspects it can be seen that this couple had a very good relationship.

However, Magni Bronzebeard always believed that the dark magic of the Dark Iron dwarves had charmed his daughter, otherwise how could she fall in love with the king of a rival clan.

So the task related to rescuing the princess appeared.

Except for a few useless lines, there was not much nonsense at the beginning. The players, who were filled with a sense of justice to save the princess, started a fierce battle with Emperor Thaurissan. The only thing that surprised the players was that Princess Emera was actually a priest. And she firmly stood on Emperor Thaurissan's side.

I'm going, we're here to save you, the Eleventh Young Monster shouted loudly.

Other players also have the same feeling as a lost dog. We are here to save you from the sea of ​​misery. It’s okay if you don’t help. Why are you helping the man who kidnapped you?

Emera seemed oblivious and kept casting healing spells on Emperor Thaurissan who was being besieged by the players. The players could only think that the influence of black magic on her was too serious.

In fact, players have no way to interfere with the battle plot here. The system ruthlessly forces the plot to develop according to established rules.

Either give up the copy or kill the princess.

The former is simply impossible. The people here are all racers. They are extremely high-quality professional players. They are not emotional. What's more, they don't feel that they have done anything wrong. Even if Lu Li tells them the truth, it will be of no use. Instead, they will probably be ridiculed. Cheng had lost his mind by playing games, and Lu Li himself was not that emotional.

The latter is not impossible, the princess can indeed be killed, but in this case the mission will fail.

The mission rewards are generous, at least there is a dark gold level ring.

This is not the most serious thing. There are top players here. No one can survive without a dark gold ring. The key is that the reputation of Ironforge has been reduced too much. The reputation of the dwarves is the most difficult to increase. It's depressing, not to mention this way of reducing it to almost nothing but hatred.

In addition, if Princess Emera is killed first, the difficulty of the BOSS Emperor Thaurissan will be reduced by at least ten times. Sadly, Emperor Thaurissan is killed by the player with almost no resistance.

Dawn's equipment drops are related to the difficulty of the boss. Lu Li remembered reading an article in his previous life, which said that after they lowered the difficulty of the dungeon by killing the princess first, they didn't even see gold equipment in the end.

A fifteen-player dungeon at level 55, the final boss on nightmare difficulty is Black Iron...

If the All-Star team did this, it might become the biggest joke of the year, and their guild might also be affected.

Lu Li could only regularly kick Princess Emera's ultimate healing move, and he could only let her use her small skills. As for why he didn't ask the water elf to interrupt, he, who had never known amorous feelings, had a rare moment of consideration. .

He felt that at least this would make the water elf less sad and guilty later.

Emperor Thaurissan himself is actually a very powerful BOSS. The trick he often uses in the P1 stage is the trick with the same name as his weapon - the opponent. Melee attacks have a certain chance of launching 3 additional attacks and causing his subsequent explosions. The chance of hitting is increased by 20% for 10 seconds.

After this trick takes effect, it is equivalent to Emperor Thaurissan hitting the player four times at the same time.

With Azure Sea Breeze's current equipment, Emperor Thaurissan can hit him with 800 to 1,200 blood points at one time, and 3,200 to 4,080 blood points four times. He himself only has more than 5,000 blood points.

Although it's not an instant kill, it's almost there. What's even more troublesome is that he has a 20% chance of getting a critical hit in the next ten seconds. If no one replenishes his blood during this process, he will definitely have to kneel down. , so the three treatments can only continuously add blood.

Fortunately, the BOSS does not have any group attack skills at this stage, otherwise the casualties will definitely increase.

Thanks to my classmates who broke up romantically for their popularity, as well as yesterday’s great rewards from Shengshi Ning Ning, and everyone’s birthday wishes. What is the future talent? o(╯□╰)o

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