The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1062 Disguise (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

When Lu Li came online the next day, everyone else had already arrived.

The environment they are now in is Hillsbrad Foothills many years ago, when Thrall was still a slave in Durnholde Castle, and adventurers were something that had never appeared on the continent of Azeroth. .

In order to make their group behave better, before leaving, Remulos gave them a bottle of potion that can transform them.

After drinking it, they all turned into humans.

At this time, the Hillsbrad Hills were indeed human territory, and it was very inconvenient for other foreign races to do so. Draenei girls like Can Meng were even more of a rare species.

Lu Li not only turned into a human, but also turned into a bald human uncle like Mo Wangfeng.

It would be a bit exaggerated to say that Lu Li is so beautiful, but to turn him into such a wretched person - is there anything more wretched than a bald human uncle - is really a very sad thing.

In fact, they were the only two who became obscene.

The water elf looked at Lu Li, who was bald on his head. He wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to laugh. In fact, he didn't think he was that vulgar, it was just a strange feeling.

Lu Li re-equipped his upper armor and pulled up his hood, blocking the eyes of others.

Mo Wangfeng was speechless and became the last person to be watched. Not only could his hat not cover his face, it couldn't even cover his head. It was just something similar to a magic ring, and his cloak obviously didn't have it either. Hood function.

The description of the task is only one paragraph:

Time and space, past and future, are never within the control of mortals. The sole master of time, the bronze dragon Nozdormu, together with her time and space guardians, maintain the process of time and repair the bad points that have fallen off the track.

But now the ancient guardian dragon has been awakened by an inexplicable threat: dark and evil spies have quietly sneaked into the road of time, trying to change the development trajectory of the past, present and future. As a result, the Bronze Dragonflight began recruiting heroes to prevent critical historical events from being disrupted.

The balance of time and space is already in jeopardy. Once the past history cannot be preserved... it means there will be no future.

The goal of Lu Li and the others is to protect Chief Thrall, to help him safely leave the place where he grew up, to find the path he should take, and to become the great leader who leads the alliance between the tribe and the Alliance to jointly resist the Burning Legion.

In any case, even if the Alliance and the Horde are enemies, that is an internal matter within Azeroth.

What everyone is fighting for is just the space to survive, and they all have a common sentiment - for Azeroth!

The purpose of the Burning Legion is to destroy the order established by the Titans. Sargeras wants to destroy the world, kill all life in Azeroth, and return the planet to the embrace of the Twisting Nether.

Why is the map so gray? I have already explored all the maps of Hillsbrad Hills before, Azure Sea Breeze asked.

This is indeed the Hillsbrad Hills. To be precise, it is the old Hillsbrad Hills many years ago. The time tunnel we passed yesterday is at this location, and it will be opened here when we go back. Everyone Mark this location. Lu Li took out the map and carefully marked the place to go home.

The map is not displayed now, what should I do? Mo Wangfeng asked.

Lu Li and the water elf looked at each other and said, Just follow the memory and get there, but we have to make a little disguise, otherwise Blackmore's soldiers will kill us as spies. It's best not to contact the mission target before There was a conflict with the soldiers here.”

Both of them are from Ravenholdt Manor, and the meeting point is Nanhai Town on this map, so they are very familiar with everything here.

How to pretend? Please forgive him, Mo Wangfeng felt that all these years of playing games were in vain.

Find people and occupy their identities, preferably civilians. I remember there are several ruins near Hillsbrad Farm. At this point in time, there might be people living in those ruins. They are all small gathering places. It's too difficult. Lu Li pointed at the location on the map with his finger, and there was nothing there.

The group of people did not waste any time. After locking the direction, they followed Lu Li and the water elf and slowly moved towards the goal.

Lu Li and the water elf were sneaking at the front to explore the way, and Xiaobajiang was sneaking at the back to cut off the rear. If anyone approached from behind, it would be difficult to reach the entire team before meeting her.

The water elf discovered a village first. Lu Li rushed over and immediately vetoed the decision to attack this village.

There are dozens of households in the village, and there is also a small sentry tower. Even as a team, it is difficult for them to resolve the battle cleanly before these people send out a rescue signal. Once discovered by the soldiers from the nearby sentry tower, the news will soon be Will be passed back to Durnholde Castle.

It's best to have a small farm, Lu Li emphasized again.

In addition, after this period of exploration, they discovered that the current Hillsbrad Hills were extremely peaceful.

In terms of the world background of Dawn, the alliance during this period may be its most prosperous period, because the leaders during this period include Lothar and Uther; the generals include Turalyon, Windrunner, and even Arthas. The Alliance of Lordaeron destroyed the Dark Portal at the end of Azeroth, once cutting off Draenor's orc reinforcements.

Although the orc Ner'zhul and other Horde mages used powerful artifacts on the Draenor side to reopen the passage between Draenor and Azeroth.

But the Alliance quickly responded to this new threat. The five majestic heroes at the gate of Stormwind City-Turalyon, Windrunner, Khadgar, Kurdran, Trollbane, and they led the expedition force across The portal traveled to Draenor and launched a bloody revenge and massacre against the orcs.

The defeated orcs in Azeroth were either killed or thrown into asylums, prisons, and gladiatorial arenas everywhere...

There is still a state of unity internally, and the external enemies have disappeared. The soldiers of Hillsbrad Hills will not patrol the lord's territory all day long.

Let's search separately and send a message when we find it. Everyone should be careful. If nothing else happens, even if we encounter any NPC, we should have a yellow name. Don't take the initiative to attack. If you are asked, just say that you are from Ultra. Lan is here, traveler, Lu Li decided to take a little risk, otherwise it would be difficult to complete today's mission.

After spending more than half an hour, someone finally found the ideal target.

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