The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1044 Agreement

But five stones that reduce demand by more than 8% are indeed excessive, and not just excessive.

Brother, if you are really sincere in doing business, let's do something practical, Qianyu stared at Lu Li's four pieces of equipment without blinking and swallowed hard.

He regretted a little and shouldn't have volunteered to negotiate.

A thief, a level 43 thief, if he refuses a level 40 gold suit!

How much can you offer? Lu Li asked.

He asked for a price and paid it back on the spot, that's what business is all about. Of course, he didn't ignore Qian Yu's hot eyes. His face was calm, but he was laughing secretly in his heart.

How about two five-percent stones? I'll add some gold coins at most. The explosion rate of this thing is too low and we don't have the goods. Qianyu gritted his teeth and made an expression of bleeding profusely. He would rather give out more gold coins. I don’t want to waste the stones in the warehouse either.

Any idiot knows that gold coins will lose value little by little, but stones will steadily increase in value.

I've always heard that the Spire Mercenary Group is very honest in doing business, Lu Li said with a sneer: I didn't expect it to be like this. If you can't come up with five stones that can reduce demand by 8%, I guess there will be no one in the entire game. It’s available.”

These words were clearly an accusation, but they were actually a compliment to the other party secretly.

As expected, Qianyu narrowed his eyes in great relief. Although their Spire Mercenary Group was far inferior to club guilds or even ordinary guilds in terms of strength, they were businessmen and definitely had their own confidence in doing business.

In fact, there are dozens of stones in the Spire Mercenary Group's warehouse that reduce demand.

Not long after the game was launched, they discovered the potential value of demand-reducing stones, so they spent millions of real coins on crazy acquisitions. During the game, they continued to study how to obtain them, such as shipwreck treasure chests. It was relatively easy to dig out this kind of stone, so they sent countless people to guard near the sunken ship.

Five pieces is impossible. Even so, Qian Yu still hoped to give Lu Li some less stones.

That's good, forget about eight percent, give me five and a half percent, Lu Li never thought of asking for so much, and now he's taking steps back to make progress.

I give you face, now change the eight percent to five percent, then you have to give me face. If you don’t give me face, our business may not be possible. Qianyu looked at Meng Meng with a cold sweat. The sharp eyes under the face mask make it difficult to say no.

This is not a vegetable market. One less business is only a loss of more than ten yuan.

Whether it is five stones that reduce demand or a gold set that strengthens three, it is a huge wealth that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Perhaps you may feel that five stones that reduce demand are a bit of a loss. After all, the market prospects of this kind of stone are amazing in the future, but if you and I make this deal, we will probably have a regular customer, Lu Li said patiently.

Oh, what do you need? Qianyu asked curiously.

Anything of value, medicinal materials, ores, I will take as much as you have, even rare materials. I can even give you a high price that exceeds the ordinary market price, Lu Li dropped a bombshell.

Are you a businessman? Such a big customer was far beyond Qianyu's expectations.

I'm not a businessman, but I can absorb your inventory. Lu Li knew what this kind of business mercenary group needed. They couldn't just dump all kinds of materials obtained by tens of thousands of people directly into the market. That would It will have a certain impact on the market. For example, if 100,000 groups of herbs like Ningshenhua are put into the market, the price of Ningshenhua will definitely decrease due to oversupply.

Not all commodities retain their value like demand-reducing stones. Once stored for too long, losses are likely to occur due to changes in market prices.

I have 40,000 pieces of silver ore... Qianyu didn't believe it.

Okay, I want it, um, thirty silver coins per piece. The market price is usually twenty-nine silver, right? Lu Li said without hesitation. There are 100,000 people with the Sword of Judgment, and more than 10,000 professional life players. , among which there are thousands of foundry masters, and each of them can only get a few dozen pieces of silver ore, which is not enough.

Of course, if the Sword of Judgment is purchased from Shen Wansan, it may be cheaper than the market price.

If you have gold coins, I can also purchase them according to the market price, Lu Li threw out another bait, which made Qian Yu's heart beat again.

Okay, as you said, if you can accept our goods, I will give you five stones to reduce your demand. Qianyu quickly reported to the boss of the Spire Mercenary Group and readily accepted Lu Li's conditions. .

Four gold suits, five stones that reduce demand.

Everyone gets what they need, there is no problem of losing money, and in fact, there is no loss in the transaction that Lu Li promised. This is even more important than reducing the demand for stones.

Under normal circumstances, in addition to combatants and professional players, a large guild should also have another group of people.

Lu Li originally applied to the Star and Moon Guild as a gold miner. Similar to gold miners, there are also cannon fodder professions, raw material collectors, and a large number of logistics professions that serve combatants. Any major guild has similar equipment, especially club guilds. They even have several A guild group with more than 10,000 people is responsible for such responsibilities.

This is the so-called foundation!

There is no Sword of Judgment. Its establishment was too hasty. Lu Li and Root No. 3 Company cannot take care of the affairs of the combatants. It is impossible for them to have the time and energy to do these things for a while, and it cannot be done in a short time. from.

The moment he saw the Spire Mercenary Group, he suddenly had an idea.

These mercenaries are not good at fighting, and they cannot download dungeons as well as guild members, but they support their families by doing things like gold farming and collecting.

Are you sure you can eat all our food? Qianyu didn't feel confident.

Everything, as much as you want, I want as long as it's valuable. I believe you won't get anything worthless, Lu Li agreed decisively.

Can you sign an agreement? Qianyu asked again.

It's not that he didn't think of it before the transaction, but he didn't want the other party to feel threatened. If he finally meets a rich man, he must not get angry.

The agreement is no problem at all, Lu Li almost laughed.

He was really dozed off and gave me a pillow. If he really wanted to sign an agreement, he couldn't ask for more.

Wait a moment, I'll ask someone to send over a system agreement. We'll discuss the terms. Qianyu is one of the deputy leaders of the mercenary group and has full power to make such a decision. In fact, their leader is getting After the news, I have been paying close attention to the progress here.

They have no ambition to dominate. They are just a group of hard-working people living at the bottom of society who gather together to make a living.

The market is changing, and this kind of easy material business is even more difficult. It’s not like I haven’t tried to contact game forces such as guilds before. However, most of the big guilds have their own gold mining groups and material groups. For these outsiders, They worked hard to lower the price of the materials, and it was impossible for them to charge the market price like Lu Li did.

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