The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1041 Escape in embarrassment

Lu Li didn't have time to look at the properties, so he threw the things into his backpack with disappointment and went to touch them next time.

Captain Finch is level 60 and has a health volume of 1.95 million, which is almost over 2 million. He is already a very awesome wild BOSS. If you want to conquer it, you will need at least a few people with an average level of 58. Hundreds of people, there can't be only one thing in his treasure pavilion.

The second thing was a stone. Lu Li didn't know whether it was a strengthening stone or a gem. Anyway, he grabbed it and ran away.

Don't be greedy at this time.

Although Lu Li also knew that there might be a third thing.

The system prompted him that his pet had died, and it lasted no more than twenty seconds. This was absolutely devastating damage, and poor Erha just returned to the embrace of the system master.

There is a rule for sunken treasure chests. Anyone who often explores sunken ships knows that once the treasure chest is stolen, 80% of the guardian monsters will go berserk. Rampage is a more terrifying state than berserk. Lu Li suspected that the BOSS would directly use the strongest force on him. ultimate move.

Many of the ultimate moves are group attacks, and they can also be damaged while sneaking, and it is possible to kill them directly.

After rushing out of the captain's room, Lu Li saw from a distance that the BOSS threw a large amount of short javelin at him. The force stirred up water splashes at a speed comparable to lightning, and an undercurrent surged under the calm water.

You can't run away, even if your underwater speed increases in the seal state, you can't run away.

No need to think at all, just respond instantly!

Activate the special effects of the shoes, instantly rush 15 yards away, and cause 200% attack damage to all targets in a straight line. The user is invincible during the movement.

Fortunately, he was invincible, and he was not out of the range of the javelin after landing - this was definitely a large-area kill with a radius of more than thirty yards!

Although he was not harmed, Lu Li was still within the sight and hatred range of the BOSS. Lu Li quickly used Wind Step again - Wind Step has a stealth effect. After entering stealth, Lu Li left the sprint and stayed as far away from the BOSS as possible.

The captain still chases after me!

The range of hatred is so terrifying. The monster after going berserk seems to be able to sense the location of its treasure and is unwilling to lose it just like this.

Activate the special effects of the dagger, escape, and teleport to a designated location within fifteen yards of sight. The cooling time is three minutes.

Another powerful mobility skill!

Using equipment special effects is not without its consequences, as he will emerge from stealth.

How could it be possible to get out of the BOSS's hatred range at a mere thirty or forty yards away? This was a level 60 BOSS. Lu Li now regretted that he didn't get more scapegoats. If he placed a scapegoat that attracted hatred, it would have delayed the BOSS's attack for him. With the speed of pursuit, he might actually be able to escape.

But it didn't matter, Lu Li had already prepared for the worst.

Shadow Escape, Sneak, and Atomize!

Mist, instant, the user's body turns into a light mist, forcing the user to enter a stealth state. The concealment effect is increased by 20%, and the user can pass through some obstacles that were originally impenetrable.

This is the special effect that comes with the dark gold belt he wears - the Hex Belt.

Not only does it increase the stealth effect of stealth, but it also allows him to move through spaces smaller than his body.

Captain Finch, who was in a ghost state, was no longer a wise captain of a three-story ship. His intelligence, which had degraded countless times, was confused by Lu Li's sudden disappearance, and then Lu Li had already crawled out of the cabin through a narrow gap.

When Lu Li looked back, his soul suddenly disappeared.

This damn thing is still following. Is it really possible to catch up with the water? This increases the concealment by 20%.

Transform into a cheetah and run wildly and roar!

The movement speed skyrockets. After reaching a distance of 20 yards from a small monster in the distance, the special effect on the cloak is activated - like a shadow - and used to rush towards the target at a 40% acceleration for 3 seconds.

Before the monster could react, Lu Li used Disappear again and became invisible again.

This time the BOSS finally stopped in confusion. At this time, the distance between him and Lu Li was already more than fifty yards apart.

Fifty yards is called the absolute safe distance.

Most monsters would not react to targets fifty yards away, let alone a stealth thief whose stealth effect was incredible.

Lu Li almost burst into tears.

If this is still discovered, I will definitely contact customer service to protest later.

Unless he has a Dark Moon card with him next time, he will definitely not provoke the level 60 BOSS again. The crushing level gap is really unbearable.

If it were a level 100 BOSS, Lu Li felt that he might not be able to survive even if he reached the sea now.

Not daring to reveal his body, Lu Li moved quietly for a certain distance. After his transformation poster skill cooled down, Lu Li turned into a seal. He bypassed the layers of underwater monsters and headed up to the sea. When he reached the sea, he found a place where there were no monsters. After resting for half an hour and all the skills cooling down, he quietly returned the same way.

Why go back?

Nonsense, there are still four rooms left to open. As long as the captain returns to the box, he will have the opportunity to open several other boxes.

Of course he can't defeat a monster when he encounters it, but he can run away if he can't defeat it.

If there are no monsters in the opened box, he can freely touch the contents of the box.

The only question now was whether the captain returned to the box or to the room.

Lu Li was not so sure about the current activity mechanism of shipwreck monsters. After all, the game had been updated many times when he played it. However, according to the strategy he knew, the bosses that had not been killed would return twenty minutes after leaving the battle. Go in the box.

As for the equipment in the backpack, it’s the same thing looking back.

It's better to work hard and look at it together after touching it. Anyway, he knew it was a dagger, so he didn't have to expect too much from a dagger.

The fifth room had been opened before. The first one was the captain. Things had been touched, and only the rooms six, seven, eight and nine in the middle were untouched. He got closer and closer and observed the two rooms he had opened. After all the monsters had returned to the box, they secretly opened the door of the sixth room.

Unfortunately, there is a monster in the box in the sixth room.

There is a seventh one!

Could it be that the system felt that he was too unfaithful and wanted to play with him? Lu Li was panting after escaping twice.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to escape. The BOSS that just came out didn't go berserk, and even the berserk captain couldn't catch him, let alone these monsters who were weaker than the captain. He just had to wait for his skills to cool down after every escape. Rather a waste of time.

There are two rooms left, the eighth and the ninth, which are occupied by the second mate and the third mate. They are all mates who can replace the captain in performing navigation tasks under certain circumstances.

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