The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1037 Underwater Treasure Hunt

After the boat was released, it immediately attracted the attention of players near the coastline.

Is that an NPC? NPC wants to go to sea? Most people can't imagine what it is to have a small boat. There are many small boats stranded on the coastline, and some people drag them to the ship repair yard, but the NPC will obviously not repair them for you.

I don't know if there is a mission. It's the first time I've seen it here. He was so flexible that he was ready to take action.

Don't be stupid, that's obviously a player, some discerning people quickly concluded from Lu Li's attire, behavior and other information that at least NPCs rarely covered their faces like this.

But where did the boat come from? You see it actually went to sea. Can such a smaller boat go to sea?

This is a way to die, it must be a way to die!

Seeing Lu Li disappear on the sea level, all the players could only envy and hate him.

The deeper you go into the sea, the higher the level of the monsters, and there is a problem of physical strength when swimming. The deep sea is untouchable for players at this stage.

But it was different with a boat. Lu Li clumsily steered the boat towards the distance.

There is a small island not far ahead, which is only exposed every year during the Wine Festival. It is hidden below the sea level on weekdays. There is a sunken ship nearby that is easy to find, and the monster levels around it are not high, which is suitable for Lu Li to explore. one time.

The only trouble is that Lu Li can't quite remember the location. The most he knows is that it's in this sea area.

People who have never been to the sea may not understand the feeling of floating on the sea. There is water in all directions, making it difficult to find a sense of direction.

If Hachi-chan is thrown into the sea, she may float for the rest of her life.

Fortunately, Lu Li was prepared and bought compasses and telescopes from the pirate tavern. Although the quality was poor and they were discarded by pirate sailors, he had no problem coping with such small storms.

After choosing a location, he directly put away the boat.

There was no way, this was the sea, not a stream, and there was no place to tie the boat. If it was allowed to drift, it would probably disappear in a matter of minutes.

After the boat disappeared, Lu Li fell directly into the water.

If soaked in seawater in this state, the player can probably last for ten minutes at most, and will die of suffocation after ten minutes. Even with underwater breathing medicine, the player will die of exhaustion after half an hour.

Although in reality there are people who can float in the sea for dozens of hours without dying, this is a game after all, and everything follows the rules of the game.

After falling into the water, Lu Li directly activated Druid transformation and turned into a baby seal.

After turning into a seal, the underwater vision suddenly broadened, and he could clearly see the situation in the surrounding waters. Most of them were harmless fish, with many kinds and various shapes.

Lu Li swung his tail and dived deeper into the water.

The light became dimmer as he went down, and the visibility continued to decrease. If it hadn't been for the seal, he might not be able to see anything.

You will occasionally encounter monsters underwater, but their levels are usually below fifty, because this place is generally not far from the coast. It is not difficult for Lu Li to avoid them intentionally.

After diving for about ten minutes, Lu Li stopped diving.

There were obviously no shipwrecks or underwater islands in this place, so he was looking in the wrong place.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Lu Li was still a little frustrated, but this did not prevent him from returning to the surface and continuing his search in another place.

The boat needs to be released. Staying on the boat is faster and safer than swimming in the sea. Monsters in the water generally will not actively attack the boat as long as they are not too big, like the bloodthirsty fish. Except air.

I tried two places like this but found nothing. After diving underwater for the third time, I finally got something.

A huge black shadow lay under the water. It looked like a prehistoric monster from a distance. Lu Li felt happy and immediately swam towards the shadow. This was naturally the island that did not emerge from the water.

The closer you get to the island, the denser the distribution of monsters, most of which are fishmen.

Lu Li even saw a few existences that were at least quasi-BOSS level, but he had no intention of going up to say hello.

After figuring out the location of the island and identifying its direction, Lu Li went around to the north and west side of the island, and sure enough he found the remains of an old ship among the sharp rocks.

There was no way that the sunken ship was too dilapidated and contained any treasures. Lu Li's target was an oak sailboat.

If he remembered correctly, it should be the Mogren ocean-going ship of the goblin family, which specialized in transporting goods and earning a huge price difference between the two continents. The Mogren family made a lot of money from this ship. , quickly became a celebrity among goblin merchants.

Unfortunately, the Mogren accidentally sailed into the reef jungle while avoiding the pursuit of pirates, and was immediately silenced.

Since then, the prosperity of the Mogren family has become history.

Oops, Lu Li stopped abruptly, released his seal transformation, and swallowed a bottle of underwater breathing potion.

Ghost sailor!

He was so careless that he didn't expect to encounter the monster head-on as soon as he turned a corner. The rocks had previously blocked his view, but now he couldn't even hide.

Ghost monsters have certain anti-submarine capabilities, and this level 50 monster can see Lu Li clearly.

The ghost sailor's scimitar slashed Lu Li's waist and abdomen, and a stream of blood immediately spurted out. Lu Li also stabbed the dagger into Lu Li's chest without hesitation.

A level 50 elite monster with a HP of over 5,000. Lu Li had no problem taking him down. What was more troublesome was that Lu Li's blood spreading in the water had attracted the murlocs. He had to leave quickly. Before that, He also poured a bottle of healing potion to heal the wound.

If you have the appropriate group attack skills, it is very cost-effective to fight monsters underwater. At least you don't have to run around to attract monsters.

It's a pity that Lu Li doesn't have the ability to spawn monsters underwater. As long as he doesn't have to, he would rather take a detour than take action.

In this way, he gradually approached the sunken ship.

The closer you get to the big ship, the more ghost sailors there are, and ghost pirates even appear in some places. It must have been a bloody battle here back then.

Lu Li had no intention of going through the main entrance. If he had to fight in, he would definitely die of exhaustion. He chose to get directly into the cabin through a hole in the hull, then skillfully drove to the first room and used the lockpicking skill on the door lock.

After opening it, you can see some floating debris and a box inside.

Sailor's locker: It contains the sailor's personal property. Private property is sacrosanct and requires unlocking level 3.

Lu Li rubbed his hands in the water and used the skill on the box.

A ball of black mist came out of the box. Before it could condense into a shape, the scimitar in its hand flashed out and cut directly towards Lu Li. Lu Li was obviously mentally prepared to block the dagger that was waiting for him.

Private property is sacrosanct. This sentence reminds thieves to open boxes and there are risks.

This is a ghost sailor, and his soul is still guarding his property after death. Unfortunately, he can't defeat the person who comes to rob his property, and disappears in a few rounds.

Lu Li didn't waste any time and went directly to the next room.

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