The Great Tao Chronicle

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Major monk (overhaul)


At this moment, the wind dissipated in the sky, and all the noisy sounds were suppressed by that long laughter.

It was like a real strong will pressing down, as if all the boiling between the heavens and the earth was pressed three feet above the ground, and the dust was no longer raised!

Thousands of miles away, Blue Mountain City was shaken. Almost everyone in the city, regardless of whether they were cultivated or not, were all kneeling, falling, or prostrate on the ground at this moment!

"This, this, what is this?"

Qiao Moke stepped on the seven-story restaurant with a heavy kick, and the meteor fell to the ground as if it smashed into the ground ruins, among the dusty and messy restaurant wreckage.

He raised his head with difficulty, and saw that all the houses in and outside the city were short, and as far as he could see, everyone except himself was lying on the ground.

I haven't seen him, only heard his voice, which has made millions of people bow their heads...

This, what kind of power is this?

The whole city shook, Qiao Moke was stunned, and in the ruins-like wilderness, Wang Xuan sense, who struggled to get up, was already trembling to the point that he could barely hold himself.

"Big, big monk..."

Wang Xuan felt his chest rise and fall, and his voice became sharp and distorted.

Staring blankly at the figure standing above the sky, who seemed to be more splendid than Da Ri, a heart fell to the bottom.

The terrifying warning signs that seemed like the sky was breaking down almost drowned his mind, making him unable to even take a step back for a while.

Heaven and earth were all silent, and I don't know how many people were staring at the sky, looking at the terrifying figure like a **** and demon in awe and horror.

It was a tall, middle-aged man.

He wears a golden robe, dragon boots, and a high purple-gold crown on his head. His breath is as heavy as a mountain. Between the opening and closing of his eyes, there is an air of arrogance that looks like a star above the sky.

The power of one person is as heavy as a star, and it traverses the sky for thousands of miles, causing birds and beasts to lose their voices.

For a while, the world seemed to fall into silence.

"The law, the law, the law, the great monk..."

Lin Baimei, who almost fell for a long time, was struggling to maintain himself and the car behind him, trembling, and fine beads of sweat covered his forehead.

But he didn't seem to realize it, and looked straight at the ten layers of light circles that spread like concentric circles around the golden-robed middle-aged man, completely stupid.

This is not the halo of spiritual evolution, but the appearance of the ten supernatural powers that represent the person who has cultivated to the peak!

The ten supernatural powers are gathered into one, which is the Dharma sign!

It is not only the cultivators of the Nine Levels of Gold Core that are called great cultivators.

Going a step further, combining the ten magical powers into one, the primordial spirit power that produces immortal arts is also called a great monk!

At this time, he suddenly realized why he had never heard of the Jindan Great Cultivator named 'Qing Wuzhu' before, because the person who chased and killed this old Confucian turned out to be the Dharma of a Primordial Spirit Great Cultivator!


Lin Baimei let out a groan and almost fell from the sky.

There are three steps in the practice of the world, one step is ordinary, and there are six realms, which are nourishing qi, receiving urinals, natal life, warming and nourishing, entering the Tao, and condensing elixir.

The second step is to be extraordinary, a total of nine turns of Jindan.

Jindan nine turns, one turn is more difficult than one turn, although it is only one level, it is far more difficult than the sixth level of the mortal level.

He has practiced for more than 300 years, and it is only the third rank of Jindan, and the great monk of the 9th rank of Jindan is already within his sight but cannot be achieved.

Not to mention the Primordial Spirit Great Cultivator?

That is already the third step of cultivation, the beginning of 'Saint'!

There is a 'God' in his name, but he is already completely different from a cultivator. Stepping into another world, he can be called a 'God' or an 'immortal'.

The majestic Zhou Dynasty has been established for more than 30,000 years, and there are only dozens of such figures. When entering the dynasty, he can be the three princes, and in the world, he can lead the entire nine states, under one person, and above ten million people!

The Lord of the One Path, in motion, in charge of the lives and killings of billions of trillions of people!

"This, this, how is this possible?!"

Among the mountains, Gong Yangyan, who was on the side of the Dharma-protector in tension, suddenly stood up and sensed this terrifying aura, and his four-foot-high body almost jumped up.

He was horrified.

In the wooden city, Yu Xuan and other town army commanders who were repairing the city by themselves were even more shocked.

"Big monk?!"

Several people looked at each other, and invariably looked at the sky far away, their expressions were extremely terrifying: "Yuan, Yuanshen overhaul?!"


Everything was silent, and in the silence of everything, only the little white elephant standing on Lin Bai's brow jumped into the sky.


In the dull but long roar, the little white elephant stepped on his nose and swung his long nose, and the body of Bai Yu also turned a scarlet color.


At the moment when the sound was clear, his body had undergone amazing changes.

Lin Baimei saw that the little white elephant neighed and his body swelled uncontrollably as if inflated. In a few moments, it was as huge as a hill.

A long nose swayed, and it was already thousands of feet long. Under the footsteps of four hooves, the void made an unbearable moan.

Lin Baimei was almost suffocated by the spread of endless mighty power.

"Is this the body of Yuanxiang?"

Lin Baimei was shocked.

He has seen many cultivators, many of whom are Confucian kings, physical cultivators in the military, and even some alien cultivators and great demons.

Among them, there are many people with strong physique.

I have never seen such a terrifying physique!

But immediately, feeling that the will of **** was isolated from the outside, Lin Baimei suddenly woke up, and only glanced at the old Confucian who had not opened his eyes in the carriage.

The mana of the whole body is not released, but it is ready to escape at any time.


The white jade giant elephant stepped on the air with its four hooves, raised its nose and roared angrily, and its vigorous blood and energy flowed out of the body, rolling like a tide, and like a sea of ​​fire, wanting to devour the world:

"If you offend Confucianism, you still dare to enter the Great Zhou Realm?! Aren't you afraid of death?!"

Baixiang's voice was loud, and with his physique, it added a lot of power, but Lin Baimei knew in his heart that it was bluffing.

Because 'Wanfa Chaozong, Da Zhou sacrifices to the sky' is coming, Da Zhou's seventy-two Taoists, San Gong and Jing Ye Si advocate Feng Mansion, all gathered in the imperial capital.

Not only the Dao masters, but also the state masters and palace masters, all went to the imperial capital.

Even if Emperor Chaozhong could detect the strangeness here, he would not be able to make a move.

"There are all kinds of spirits in the world, and there are many who rule the roost by force, but there are not many people who can compare with Yuanxiang. Even if it is this seat, you must be amazed.


The golden-robed middle-aged man called Qing Wuxuan looked indifferent, a faint flame flashed in his cold eyes, and there was no trace of emotion between his words:

"You are too young!"

Its sound is ruthless, it is not seen how huge it is, and the moment it is spit out, it is endlessly terrifying!

In an instant, the world is shaking!

The silence of the previous moment was completely broken, Lin Baimei could see it very clearly, the sound was like the substance, and the moment he exited, it was like an incomparably powerful supernatural power.

A huge frenzy was set off in the void, and the terrifying ripples spread layer by layer. Wherever it passed, the void trembled, and the sea of ​​blood and energy that was like Liaotian collapsed!

In a trance, there seems to be a ten thousand zhang divine mountain descending from the sky, spanning thousands of miles, and it is about to hold the ten thousand zhang white elephant in the palm of your hand!

hold head high!

The white elephant roared furiously, and its hooves suddenly stepped into the air.


Just as soon as he stepped on it, endless and majestic blood gushed out in an instant, and in this instant, it was like a star blooming with a lifetime of brilliance.

Endless rays of light flooded the heavens and the earth for a while!

Then, in the midst of the void trembling and moaning, the white elephant rushed out!

The White Elephant exploded!

There is no bells and whistles, no magical changes in the slightest.

It's a simple hit and crush!

Pure and powerful!

The white elephant no longer has any reservations, under the support of the endless and majestic blood, let it take the power of this simple collision.

Raised to an earth-shattering level!

All the people who witnessed this scene had their brains blank, and in a trance, they only felt that the power of this collision was unparalleled!

It seems that, in the sky and the ground, gods, Buddhas and devils are in front of them, and they will all be trampled underfoot, crushed, and killed!

This is not any magical power.

But it is more terrifying than any supernatural power!


In an instant, the void of thousands of miles has been completely smashed, boiling blood, inspiration, sound waves, and even all tangible and intangible things.

All shattered into tiny particles invisible to the naked eye!

With a boundless and tyrannical attitude, he rushed towards the golden-robed figure standing with his hands behind his back in the sky!

"Heh~ Yuanxiang trampling? Not bad, as expected of the peacock and the real dragon, the spirit species of heaven and earth, the king of the land!"

In the raging wind, seeing this earth-shattering collision, a faint smile appeared on Qing Wu's face:

"I heard that the king of primordial elephants in ancient times used this style to fight against the five-colored divine light of the 'First Demon of Zhu Ji'..."

Qing Wuzhu gave a slight compliment, as if speaking to others, but also to himself, his expression dark and inexplicable.

The moment his voice was uttered, he had already stretched out a palm:

"But I don't know my magical powers..."


In the empty world, there seems to be a momentary stagnation, and time slows down.

At the moment when the white elephant erupted, Lin Baimei, who was pushed out thousands of miles away and ran wild, only felt a chill in his heart and looked back suddenly.

I saw that above the sky, around the figure, the ten light circles that spread layer by layer were suddenly locked.

Amidst the collision and agitation of boundless mana, a dazzling light blooms.

With Qing Wuzhu's palm sticking out, if the Tianhe River is falling, the colors interweave vertically and horizontally, like a handprint covering the sky, coming later and coming first.

At a seemingly slow, but in fact, extremely fast speed, he pressed down with a bang:

"How about the five-color divine light?!"



The giant elephant's neigh resounded through the sky, and was immediately overwhelmed by the even more earth-shattering sound of collision!

The terrifying collision erupted suddenly after stagnant for a thousandth of a moment.

In an instant, hurricanes converged on the earth.

Like a world-destroying storm, it swept across the four directions, and wherever it passed, whether it was vegetation, soil, rocks, or mountains, rivers and hills, it was all shattered by the tremor.

The sky is thousands of miles away, and it seems to be broken in an instant, blurred and dark!


In the next instant, there was a terrifying scream.

The body of a white elephant as huge as a mountain rose into the sky, like a comet that ripped apart the sky, smashing a large void.

The speed of flying backwards even surpassed that of Lin Baimei, who did not hesitate to use the forbidden technique.

Suddenly, it smashed into the ground, and in the mountains of Longji, it crashed into a huge canyon that was thousands of miles away!


Just a collision, it seems to destroy the world.

Thousands of miles or even within tens of thousands of miles, all monks, who see this scene, are all cold from head to toe.


Seeing that in the mountains, the blood of giant elephants flooded the mountains like a sea, Lin Baimei was speechless, and his heart was filled with endless coldness.


With one palm, the white elephant flew, but Qing Wuzhu's expression suddenly changed.

However, I only heard an indifferent and calm voice that could not even be suppressed by the collision that resounded through the heavens and the earth. It came slowly from far to near:

"Probably, it's not as good."

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