The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 209 Challenge the Third Level

It can be said that Gao Xian's spying with the flower-appreciating mirror was invincible, but even Jindan Master Yun Taihao was completely unaware of his prying eyes.

Only when he was spying on Yun Qingxuan, he was noticed by the other party. However, Yun Qingxuan is a third-grade Jindan real person, and Yun Taihao is a strong man who must be respectful to him.

Today, the four-armed monkey's keen sense has reached the level of Yun Qingxuan? !

Gao Xian felt something was wrong and hurriedly looked away. The distance between the two sides was more than ten miles, and the other party's third-level monster consciousness might be able to sense him.

What's more, he also has the Shadowless Dharma Robe.

Gao Xiancai turned his eyes away from the monkey and saw a powerful spiritual power erupting.

The strange mode change of the Flower Appreciating Mirror allows him to directly capture the changes in the opponent's spiritual consciousness and aura.

The monkey's consciousness also shows two intertwined and opposite characteristics of black and red, which is extremely special.

"Level 3!" Gao Xian knew that this guy was already at level 3 just by looking at the intensity of the monkey's consciousness. His consciousness was two points stronger than Yun Taihao.

A golden elixir level monster was something Gao Xian expected. He knew something was wrong when he saw the monkey.

However, the distance between the two sides is a bit too far.

There was no direct contact with his eyes, and there was no interaction with his spiritual consciousness. The big monkey would never be able to detect him with his spiritual consciousness alone.

Obviously, the big monkey is guarding the peach-like spiritual thing, maybe waiting for it to mature?

Gao Xian wasn't sure what the monkey wanted to do, but he wanted to try the monkey's skills.

If you can kill the monkey, you will not only get the monkey's third-order crystal core, but also the precious spiritual objects on the big tree.

Even if you can't kill the monkey and lose one or two clones, you can still experience the power of the golden elixir level.

Ever since Gao Xian's swordsmanship was promoted to Grand Master and the Green Lotus Sword advanced to the third level, he has always wanted to find a golden elixir to try the sword.

A golden elixir master like Yun Taihao is perfect both internally and externally. No matter how curious he is, he will not provoke temptation.

The third-level monster has the power of the third-level golden elixir, but it does not have the perfection of the third-level golden elixir master, nor the wisdom and magical power of the third-level golden elixir master, so it becomes a very suitable target for sword testing.

Gao Xian thought that he would open up the Wind and Moon Treasure Mirror in the Sea of ​​Knowledge here. After more than nine months of accumulation, he already had 750,000 Taoist auras.

He has never used it, he just wants to add more as needed.

In this situation, adding some Taizhen Puppet God can enhance the spiritual consciousness, and 600,000 human souls can be invested in it, directly raising the Taizhen Puppet God to the expert level.

Sister Lan emerged from the Fengyue Treasure Mirror. She smiled slightly at Gao Xian, with countless charms in her eyes.

The divine light of Yuanling in the divine aperture between Gao Xian's eyebrows suddenly became strong, and his consciousness expanded rapidly outward.

The radius of spiritual consciousness expanded from five hundred steps to six hundred steps, seven hundred steps, eight hundred steps, nine hundred steps, and one thousand steps!

When the spiritual consciousness expands to a thousand steps, it naturally shrinks inward, and the light of the Yuanling collapses, and then becomes stronger again.

Repeated this several times, the light of the Yuanling stabilized, and the sensing radius of the spiritual consciousness also stabilized at a thousand steps.

Gao Xian saw that the monkey's spiritual consciousness was only at this level, so he had a basis for confrontation.

At least it won't be suppressed by the opponent's consciousness, and various spells can exert corresponding power.

At the same level of consciousness, how could a demonic beast compare with him in spells and swordsmanship?

There were still 150,000 Dao auras left, so Gao Xian thought about it and added it to the Thunder and Lightning method.

From the perspective of efficiency, adding it to the Yin and Yang wheel can improve it even more. However, the Thunderbolt method is more powerful.

The addition of 120,000 human auras raised the thunder and lightning method to a mastery level.

Lightning flashed on Sister Lan's fingertips, and lightning roared and flashed in Gao Xian's body.

In an instant, Gao Xian had a deeper understanding of the thunder cannon and the electric halo. After being refined by the thunder and electric light, his body and soul were obviously more transparent and pure.

Gao Xian's most immediate feeling is that his body's reaction has become significantly faster. Of course, there is also a bonus to the enhancement of his spiritual consciousness.

Secondly, he has his own understanding of thunder and lightning. He has never practiced thunder method, but he can master the power of thunder method through thunder and lightning method.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand, and a ball of lightning condensed light floated and rotated in his palm.

Compared to the size of a basketball before, this lightning condensed light group is only as big as F, no, E.

The shrinking thunder light is because the thunder power structure is more stable and tight, and the size is reduced, but the power is greatly enhanced.

The mastery-level electric halo can also overlap with the Qiankun Wheel, so there is no need to wear it on the body and keep flashing.

Through Sister Lan, Gao Xian completely mastered the transformation of Taizhen Puppet God and Thunder and Lightning Method, but he still had to enter the Heart Vision Temple for testing.

After some detailed testing, it was found that powerful spiritual consciousness can increase various spells to a certain extent.

Including the operation of the five elements, the efficiency has been improved due to the enhanced spiritual consciousness.

The thunder and lightning method increased his speed by nearly 30%. This improvement was very direct and terrifying.

Just like Wang Yuanfeng, the swordsman master of the Qingfeng Sect, Gao Xian can now kill him within ten swords with the advantage of his fast sword alone.

The power of the Thunder Cannon has also been significantly enhanced, posing a great threat to monks in the later stages of foundation building.

Gao Xian tested it and was quite satisfied with the newly increased power. With his powerful consciousness and speed, he shouldn't be much worse than Jin Dan, right?

Gao Xian looked at the remaining 30,000 Dao auras and felt that it was better not to waste them. It's good to add a little bit of strength.

He added the aura of thirty thousand human beings to the Yin-Yang Treasure Wheel, raising the Yin-Yang Treasure Wheel to a level of mastery.

The Qiankun Wheel is a spell that is integrated with the Yin and Yang Treasure Wheel. The two are in a strong binding state, which is more compatible than the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, Ice Arrow, and Flame Bullet.

The upgrade of the Yin-Yang Treasure Wheel directly pushes the Qiankun Wheel to the master level.

The speed of the Qiankun Wheel increases by 20%, to 250 feet per breath. Coupled with the speed increase using the thunder and lightning method, the normal full-strength flight speed can reach three hundred feet per breath.

That is 450 meters per second, which is faster than most first-level flying swords and spells. The speed is extremely exaggerated.

From Gao Xian's observation of Yun Taihao, this speed is faster than that of Yun Taihao.

When he actively activates the electric aura, his speed can be doubled. With the strength of his magic power and spiritual consciousness, coupled with a powerful body that surpasses the limit of body refining and foundation building, such extreme high speed can last for one hundred breaths, which is two hundred seconds.

This means that in his ultimate state, he can fly faster than a flaming bullet, and he can dodge 99% of second-level spells based on speed alone.

He had little experience with third-level spells, so it was difficult to compare them.

Gao Xian tested it and quickly became familiar with this high-speed state. In this state, he felt as if he could do anything.

The little third-level demon monkey, why don’t you just accept death!

Gao Xian was full of confidence and drove the Qiankun Wheel directly into the sensing range of the demon monkey's spiritual consciousness.

The four-armed demon monkey had keen senses, and Gao Xian did not conceal his whereabouts, so it immediately felt the sensation.

It opened its two eyes, one black and one red, and stared coldly at the weak life that was approaching quickly.

To the four-armed demon monkey, all beings below level three are too weak to be vulnerable!

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