With that said, Chen Changsheng took out a few more treasures from the tomb.

These few treasures are more precious than the previous explosive elixir and return elixir.

Among the treasures he took out, there was a long sword, which was usually worse than the Dragon Soul Sword he had obtained before.

However, it is stronger than the weapons of ordinary Tianyuan realm powerhouses.

If you take it out for auction, you can even reach 1,500 middle-grade spirit stones.

Looking at the things on the table, Master Sun couldn't help being shocked.

He knew that Chen Changsheng should have good things on his body, but he didn't expect that there were so many treasures on his body.

This precious sword alone is enough to be worth the Broken Mirror Pill.

And because Chen Changsheng possessed the Dragon Soul Sword, the effect of this sword on him was not so great.

So he decided to take it out.

"Young Master Chen, I'll give you 3,000 middle-grade spirit stones!"

Because Chen Changsheng not only took out this treasure, the others were also very precious.

Although it is not as good as this sword, it is also very difficult for ordinary people to reach.

Seeing him take out these things, Master Sun was confused at first.

It has been a long time since Wanbao Pavilion has seen a strong person......

If these things were to be auctioned, there would be far more than 3,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

Now the other party takes it out so casually, if it is someone else, I am afraid that it will be treasured like a treasure.

He also saw from this that Chen Changsheng was definitely not simple.

How could it be possible for any powerhouse in the Tianyuan realm to be able to come up with so many things?

Not to mention other things, just that sword is not something ordinary people can take out.

"Well, just do as you say."

For this price, Chen Changsheng was quite satisfied.

These spirit stones are enough for him to pay for the auction.

"Master Chen, wait a moment, I'll go out at 5.0."

After Master Sun finished speaking, he hurriedly left the house.

After a while, a middle-aged man walked in.

The man seemed to be the person in charge of the Wanbao Pavilion.

Master Sun walked beside him, telling him what Chen Changsheng had just brought.

Hearing what Master Sun said, the middle-aged man couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After entering the room, he looked at Chen Changsheng.

Chapter 357 Master Sun saw Chen Changsheng's cultivation at a glance, which really surprised him

Master Sun had already told him just now that there was a major client in Wanbao Pavilion.

Of course, he was talking about Chen Changsheng.

Because generally in their Wanbao Pavilion, people who can send and photograph things are not weak.

And most people only shoot one or two things at most.

It was rare for someone like Chen Changsheng to make such a big shot, so he found the person in charge here.

After all, he couldn't make decisions on his own with such a large number of mid-grade spirit stones.

"Master Sun, is this the young master you said?"

After seeing Chen Changsheng, the middle-aged man asked Master Sun.

"That's right, this young man wants to sell these treasures."

Master Sun introduced it to him.

"Chen Gongzi, this is the 18th person in charge of our Wanbao Pavilion, Lanquan."

"Master Chen, are you the one who wants to sell these things in our Wanbao Pavilion?"

Lan Quan asked.

"Yes, I want to sell these things here, because I bought some things here, and I don't have enough spirit stones on my body."

Chen Changsheng told him the reason.

"It's easy to talk," Master Sun also showed me just now, these things of yours can be sold for 3,000 middle-grade spirit stones. "

Jiancheng Changchun admitted it, and Lanquan said.

You know, just getting this sword at the auction is enough to cause a commotion.

Of course, the price of 3,000 spirit stones is definitely not the highest price for these things.

"Well, you are here, wait a moment, I will prepare some spiritual stones."

After speaking, Lan Quan turned around and walked out.

Only Chen Changsheng and Master Sun were left in this room.

"Chen Gongzi, understand, our pavilion master is such a person, and he does things in a hurry."

Master Sun smiled awkwardly and said.

"By the way, Young Master Chen, where did you come from?"

"It's inconvenient for me to tell the master, I hope you understand."

Hearing the other party's question, Chen Changsheng said with a smile.

How could he possibly tell others about his origins?

He doesn't even understand the specifics here, and if he leaks his words, his identity will inevitably be discovered.

In that case, I am afraid there will be a big problem.

"Well then, son, your strength is not weak. At your age, being able to have the cultivation of Tian Yuanjin is worthy of the word genius."

This Master Sun saw Chen Changsheng's cultivation at a glance, which really surprised him.

Wang Chencang can clearly feel the breath of the other party, and it must go beyond the Tianyuan realm.

It is very likely that he is a strong man in Wonderland!

"Genius is not a matter of hard work."

Chen Changsheng quickly waved his hand and said.

Hearing Chen Changsheng's answer, Master Sun also smiled.

In his opinion, Chen Changsheng should be a disciple of the 077 Hidden Family. Only in this way can he possibly possess such strength and treasure.

Therefore, they must have a good relationship with Wanbao Pavilion.

The two were talking when Lan Quan came in again.

He handed a black card to Chen Changsheng.

"Chen Gongzi, this is our Wanbao Pavilion's distinguished membership card. The items you auctioned are deducted from it, and I will put all the remaining spirit stones in it for you!"

"And we're giving you a 20% discount, which is what you deserve."

I have to say that this Lanquan is worthy of being in charge of Wanbao Pavilion.

With his eyesight, he could see Chen Changsheng's extraordinaryness at a glance.

Chapter 358 Brother Zhao, please help me guard, I plan to break through

Therefore, he planned to use this method to win Chen Changsheng's favor.

Of course, Chen Changsheng also knew the purpose of his actions, but he did not refuse.

This will not only bring him closer to Wanbaoge, but also make it easier for him to buy things in Wanbaoge in the future.

"Then thank you senior."

Having said that, Chen Changsheng clasped his fists and bowed.

Lan Quan hurriedly helped him up.

"Young Master Chen doesn't have to do this. If you need anything in the future, just come to my Wanbao Pavilion!"

Lan Quan looked at him and said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, but I still have something to do and may have to leave first."

Chen Changsheng said like two people.

Now that he has auctioned what he wants, there is no need for him to stay here.

It happened that his cultivation was at the peak of the Tianyuan realm, and he just went back and used this broken mirror pill to try to break through.

"That's fine, Young Master Chen, I'll send someone to send you away."

Lan Quan said again.

Obviously he also knows what happened at the auction just now.

The remaining powerhouses would definitely not let Chen Changsheng off so easily.

Therefore, he planned to help Chen Changsheng in order to gain his favor.

"Thank you so much."

So, Chen Changsheng left under the **** of the two strong men from Wanbao Pavilion.

As soon as he walked out of the Wanbao Pavilion, he felt it, and suddenly several eyes locked on him.

It's just that he is in the light, the other party is in the dark, and he can't see those people.

Fortunately, she had let Zhao Tian leave first, otherwise, if the fight really started, he would have to pay attention to Zhao Tian.

However, there are two strong men who asked my brother, plural, so there will be no problem.

After returning to the store where they lived, the two strong men returned to Wanbao Pavilion.

"Changsheng, you are back, there is no danger."

Obviously, Zhao Tian also knew the reason why Chen Changsheng let him go first.

It was obvious that those few people were plotting against Chen Changsheng just now.

He also knew that he couldn't help Chen Changsheng by staying there, so he left first.

He was relieved to see Changsheng came back safe and sound.

You must know that the powerhouses in the box were not within his reach, and there were more than one who had their eyes on Chen Changsheng.

Therefore, after he came back, he was very anxious, for fear that something would happen to Chen Changsheng.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, those people can't help me."

Chen Changsheng waved his hand and said.

Of course, with his strength, there is no need to be afraid of those people, but it is too troublesome.

The most important thing now is to break through quickly. After the breakthrough, those few people will no longer threaten him at all.

"." Big Brother Zhao, please help me guard, I plan to break through. "

After speaking, Chen Changsheng took out the broken mirror pill.

Yesterday, he also knew that Chen Changsheng had bought this medicine pill, so he nodded.

"Changsheng, don't worry, with us, nothing will happen."

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