You must know that most of the treasures in the tomb are now in his hands, and only a very small part is in Zhao Tian.

And these resources have been enough for him to practice for a long time, there is no need to go to the auction.

"You don't know that this auction is said to have very precious treasures, and the powerhouses from several nearby cities will also come. It can be said to be extremely lively!"

Zhao Tian explained to Chen Changsheng vividly.

You know, this auction was held by Wanbao Pavilion.

The Wanbao Pavilion in this city is just a branch, you can buy anything in the real Ask Baoge!

Only what you can't think of, no they don't sell!

Therefore, this auction was held by Wanbao Pavilion, and the company's reputation as Wanbao has attracted a lot of strong people.

Those strong people are all from nearby cities. I heard that Brother Wanbao is going to hold an auction here, and they all plan to come here.

"Oh? What good things are in it? Brother Zhao, do you know?"

Hearing this, Chen Changsheng immediately became interested.

Therefore, the resources he has now are very huge, but who can think of too many treasures?

"." I don't know the specifics, I just asked Brother Bao to release the news, this time there will definitely be a lot of precious treasures! "

"You must know that the things that Brother Wenbao has been auctioning are not bad at all! This is why they can attract many strong people!"

The more Zhao Tian said, the more excited he became. Whoever said that he might not be able to grab the things auctioned here, but (the king's) is also a long-term experience.

Before, he had also participated in several auctions, but he did not get any bows.

The competition inside is too fierce, and it is simply not something that a person of his level can get in.

"Then if that's the case, then the auction will start, call me!"

Chen Changsheng thought for a while, then nodded and said.

"Then Changsheng, then you prepare, I will call you in three days, and the auction will be scheduled in three days!".

Chapter 344 With your treasures, you are not worthy of posting photos here!

After saying all this, Zhao Tian left.

He also plans to prepare some snacks, maybe he can get something good this time.

Before, it was because he didn't have many spiritual stones, and because of his lack of cultivation, he couldn't photograph any treasures.

But after entering the tomb with Chen Changsheng this time, he can be considered to have gained a lot, at least compared to the powerhouses of the same realm, he is definitely rich enough.

Just like that, two days passed quickly.

On the third day, Ting Chao Sheng prepared and went to the auction together with Zhao Tian.

Originally, he wanted to ask the brothers Tielang and Tieniu to go together, but these two felt that it was useless to go by themselves.

For them, participating in this kind of auction is just to watch the excitement. 060.

Therefore, they did not plan to participate with Zhao Tian and the two of them.

Since the two didn't want to come, Chen Changsheng didn't force it, he and Zhao Tian came to the auction.

There are no conditions for entering this auction, so the two entered without any difficulty.

Generally speaking, this kind of auction has requirements, such as your wealth reaching a certain level, or your status is very high to be able to participate.

But because it was held by Wanbao Pavilion, I would like to ask Baoge to be very in line with public opinion.

In this regard, even if someone can't afford it, they are allowed to come in and watch.

After the two entered, they found a seat and sat down.

This can be said to be the lowest level of people, there are people from front to back, left and right, and if you want to bid, you only need to hold up a sign.

In the back, there are several boxes, which seem to be prepared for those with lofty or powerful status.

Chen Changsheng pondered for a while, spoke to Zhao Tian, ​​and then left first.

Although he has a lot of resources now, these things cannot be directly used for bidding. Therefore, he must find a way to get some spirit stones.

After thinking about it, it turned out to be an auction, so he should also be able to send things for auction, so he can also earn spirit stones.

So he said to Zhao Tian and came out, wanting to talk to the person in charge.

"Hello, may I ask where to register if you want to send something to be photographed?"

Chen Changsheng (bifa) couldn't find a place after searching for a long time, so he casually asked a staff member to ask.

The man looked up and down at Chen Changsheng, and couldn't help showing disgust.

Chen Changsheng was wearing very plain clothes, just some rough clothes and linen clothes.

Therefore, that man might have treated Chen Changsheng as a poor man.

Without even thinking about it, he knew that a person like Chen Changsheng would definitely not come up with anything good, so he didn't want to waste his time.

"Go, go, there are regulations on the things that Wanbao Quarantine will send for photos. Just relying on your treasures, you are not worthy of sending photos here!"

The man looked at Chen Changsheng with disgust and said.

"What do you mean? It's up to you to decide whether I can send something to photograph?"

Hearing this, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but smile.

He didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a snob.

Dressed plainly, do you think you are really weak?

"It's up to me to decide today, how?"

The man's speech became even more arrogant, and his words were full of disdain for Chen Changsheng.

In his opinion, those who can send things in this auction are generally those who are strong.

He had never seen a strong man dressed like this before.

Therefore, he did not believe that Chen Changsheng had any treasures.

Chapter 345 I apologize to you for his impoliteness

Hearing the other party's words, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The other party is obviously just a errand servant in Wanbao Pavilion, and now he is actually speaking wildly.

Immediately, Chen Changsheng's favorable impression of this Wanbao Pavilion decreased.

The fact that a chorus servant is so arrogant shows that the Wanbao Pavilion is not what he imagined.

"What's going on over there? What - people are arguing?"

"I don't know. It seems that a guest and the staff quarreled."

"Why the quarrel? Did something happen?"

At this time, the other people in the Wanbao Pavilion were a little puzzled.

They didn't know what conflict happened between Chen Changsheng and this staff member, and why they suddenly quarreled.

Suddenly he looked at them suspiciously.

"Little brother, what happened to the two of you? Why are you arguing?"

At this time, an old man with a charitable face asked Chen Changsheng.

Seeing this old man, the previous staff member suddenly panicked.

It seemed that he was very afraid of the old man.

"I wanted to send something to be auctioned at Wanbao Pavilion, but the staff member said that my things would not be auctioned here, and kept taunting me."

Chen Changsheng spread his hands helplessly and said.

No matter what the reason, Chen Changsheng was the one who took the lead, so there was no need for him to be afraid.

After everyone listened to what he said, they took another look at Chen Changsheng's attire.

No matter what, it seemed that Chen Changsheng was not that kind of powerful person, and they wouldn't believe that there was any treasure on Chen Changsheng's body.

However, the staff did something to discredit Wanbao Pavilion.

"Little brother, why don't you forget it, your things should be here and can't be auctioned."

At this time, a middle-aged man next to him spoke up.

Obviously, from his point of view, Chen Changsheng's cultivation will definitely not be too strong, so what he can take out won't be very precious.

The people around you have also persuaded them to go.

"Young man, don't keep your things in the Wanbao Pavilion. This kind of place is not suitable for auctioning your things."

"Yeah, find a place to recycle it, maybe you can get a good price!"

In their opinion, Chen Changsheng would definitely not have any precious treasures.

However, the old man also spoke at this time.

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"Little brother, let's not talk about your stuff first, I apologize to you for his rudeness."

The old man looked at the staff member coldly and said.

"Master Sun, why do you want to apologize to him? I'm right. He definitely doesn't have any treasures!"

The staff member seemed a little dissatisfied and said.


But the old man called Master Sun stared at him coldly.

The staff who looked at it with anger in his eyes were a little scared.

"Shut up, you still have the face to speak?"

Master Sun scolded the other party.

He was originally an appraiser in the Wanbao Pavilion. Generally, any treasures would pass through his hands before they could be put on the auction stage.

Because the items in this auction have been identified before, he came out to see if he had nothing to do.

But as soon as he came out, he saw the crowd watching, not knowing what happened here.

His status in this Wanbao Pavilion can be said to be very high, so when the staff saw him, he immediately became nervous.

Hearing Master Sun's words, the staff blushed and dared not speak any more.

Chapter 346 One is called Exploding Spirit Pill, one is called Huiling Pill

The old man in front of him was not something he could offend.

He also managed to find this job in Wanbao Pavilion.

But if he offends the person in front of him, I am afraid he will take off his clothes and leave on the spot.

"Little brother, I apologize to you for his rudeness just now. Can you show me the treasure you sent me? I am the chief appraiser here. If there is no problem, I can help you in Wanbao Pavilion. Send a photo of "060"!"

After hearing his name, everyone onlookers exploded.

"What? Is he Master Sun?"

"I remembered, I was fortunate enough to meet him before, he is the chief appraisal in Wanbao Pavilion, right!"

"That's right, those who can go to the auction are basically passed by Master Sun!"

Hearing the words of the audience, Chen Changsheng also carefully looked at the old man in front of him.

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