He waved his hand, and the entire tomb was suddenly filled with light. Chen Changsheng and Zhao Tian, ​​who were so radiant, couldn't keep their eyes open.

In an instant, runes appeared on the wall.

It is very similar to the previous sword, and it seems that this should be the opponent's hand comparison.

In an instant, Chen Changsheng felt a force, as if he wanted to restrict his movements.

And this kind of power is still increasing, I am afraid that in the end, I will definitely be controlled and unable to move.

So he used all his strength and quickly broke the control.

"Yo, there are two more times, then I'll see how you resist next."

Saying that, the old man held the giant sword in his hand out of thin air, and killed Chen Changsheng in an instant.

Looking at this scene, Chen Changsheng hurriedly resisted.

Chapter 320

It has to be said that although this old man has only a trace of soul power, it should not be underestimated. This giant sword is in his hands.

However, as for Chen Changsheng, he was able to cope with this old man's attack.

It's just that the runes on the walls are also gathering strength, and the attacker, Chen Changsheng, made him a little stretched for a while.

However, he quickly figured out the attack pattern of this rune. The interval is the same, as long as it is avoided at a specific time.

So gradually, he was not as flustered as before.

After a while, he slowly gained the upper hand, and the old man's strength was obviously not enough to fight Chen Changsheng.

After resisting the old man's sword, Chen Changsheng counterattacked. The old man did not expect that Chen Changsheng's strength was so strong, and he was attacked unexpectedly.

However, that common did not penetrate his body as imagined, but just passed through the old man directly as if it had been pierced by a mass of air.

This scene surprised both Chen Changsheng and Zhao Tian.

"Okay, boy, I won't fight you anymore, it's boring!"

Seeing that the old man was about to beat Chen Changsheng, he hurriedly said.

Originally thought that he could completely crush Chen Changsheng with this shred of soul power, but he never thought that Chen Changsheng's strength would be so impressive.

Therefore, he doesn't want to fight any more, otherwise, I am afraid that he will be defeated.

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Although Chen Changsheng didn't hit him just now, the constant fighting in this state consumes his soul power. After his soul power is exhausted, he will die completely.

"Senior, believe in my strength now."

Chen Changsheng stared at him and said.

Originally, he still had a hint of wanting to obtain the other party's inheritance, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Not to mention the opponent's strength, this attitude of looking at people is not worth Chen Changsheng to fight for.

"It's barely okay, I can give you my inheritance. It's just that you have to promise me..."

I don't understand very much, the old man interrupted after saying that he was born normally, "I didn't say that I would accept your inheritance. From beginning to end, it was like you were intoxicated here yourself."

After finishing speaking, Chen Changsheng still stared at him disdainfully.

"Hey boy, do you know how many people want to get my inheritance?"

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The old man seemed a little surprised and said to Chen Changsheng.

"That's their business, not me."

After saying that, Chen Changsheng shook his head and prepared to leave.

"Changsheng, why don't you think about it, we have worked so hard to get here, we can't just give up now!"

Seeing that Chen Changsheng was about to leave, Zhao Tian hurriedly said.


How dangerous this journey was, he had experienced it, and since it was in front of him, he absolutely couldn't let Chen Changsheng miss it.

"Brother Zhao, with his attitude, this inheritance is not worth it."

Obviously, Chen Changsheng disliked his attitude very much.

In his opinion, the other party is just like that, putting on an air every day for someone to see, and it's not that he can't live the same without his inheritance.

He was never used to this kind of person.

"Boy, don't rush to leave first, why don't you discuss it again?"

Seeing that Chen Changsheng was going to leave, the old man hurriedly said.

He has been here for an unknown number of years, and now he has finally come to a person who can accept his inheritance.

Chapter 321 Above the Tianyuan Realm

Although he said that Chen Changsheng was not talented, he still recognized him in his heart. After all, Chen Changsheng looked young and his strength had already reached this level.

If such a person is not suitable for accepting his inheritance, then what kind of person is suitable?

He said that just because he didn't want Chen Changsheng to feel that he was indispensable to him.

But he didn't expect it to be like this now. He said that if he didn't speak again, the other party might really leave with "zero-three-zero".

"That, boy, don't go first, what's the matter, we can discuss it!"

At this time, the old man's tone changed.

He was now afraid that Chen Changsheng would just turn around and leave.

He waited for so many years before waiting for someone, but he didn't want to miss it.

"Sorry, senior, I really can't accept you like this. After all, my talent is too weak."

Chen Changsheng said with a smile.

He already remembered what the other party said just now.

Don't you look down on yourself? Isn't it your own talent?

Why are you begging yourself now?

"Little friend, I'm just joking with you, don't take it to heart!"

"As far as your talent is concerned, it is better than when I was young. If you accept my inheritance, I guarantee that you will be stronger in the future than I was when I was alive."

Seeing Chen Changsheng stop, the old man hurriedly spoke.

At this time, he lost the arrogance he had just now, and his words were all praising Chen Changsheng.

But these are all facts, Chen Changsheng is very powerful.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had these runes condensed, he would not be Chen Changsheng's opponent at all with his soul power.

But that doesn't mean he's weak.

If Chen Changsheng really accepted his inheritance, then his recovery would definitely improve very quickly, which was a good thing for Chen Changsheng.

It's just that the attitude of the old man just now really made him a little angry.

"Little friend, don't be angry, I apologize to you, okay?"

The old man hurriedly said, wanting to try to keep Chen Changsheng.

"It's not impossible to accept your inheritance, but I still have something to ask you."

Chen Changsheng thought for a while and said.

"As long as you ask, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you!"

The old man patted his chest and said......

Seeing that Chen Changsheng finally decided to stay, the old man had to prove himself to him.

A journey of cultivation, of course, is not only for the growth of strength, but also for the accumulation of knowledge.

"What is the division of realm after Tianyuanjing? I don't know much about these."

Chen Changsheng opened his mouth to ask his doubts.

Hearing Chen Changsheng's words, the old man looked at him with strange eyes.

He thought that Chen Changsheng would ask some questions, but he didn't expect it to be the simplest.

For a while, he had some doubts about whether Chen Changsheng was a cultivator of the Tianyuan realm.

In the battle just now, he also felt Chen Changsheng's realm.

"Well, Tianyuanjing 5.0 is a human fairyland, and it is a fairyland, which is my realm."

"I've been stuck in this realm for hundreds of years. In the end, although I have reached the pinnacle of Immortal God Realm, I still haven't been able to break through."

Speaking of which, the old man clearly had a trace of regret.

If he finally broke through, his lifespan could be increased by another thousand years, but in the end it was still a little short.

No one would be happy to change it.

Chapter 322 Obtaining Inheritance

"What realm is above the fairy realm?"

After listening to the old man's explanation, Chen Changsheng slowly understood the realm here.

"Above the Immortal God Realm is the Divine Realm, and above the Divine Realm is the Divine Transformation Realm. That kind of strong person can be overwhelming with a wave of his hand. When you reach that realm, you don't need to do anything to kill people in the future."

"The laws of heaven and earth are already equal to them. If they are willing, they can easily destroy a city."

"It's just that there hasn't been a powerhouse of this level in this Chaos Continent for a long time. I was fortunate enough to see a powerhouse in the realm of gods."

As he said that, the old man seemed to be caught up in memories, and 18 kept telling Chen Changsheng and the two of them.

"When the strong man takes action, he can trigger the laws of heaven and earth, and even the way of heaven. I had a chat with him. I was already a strong man in the early stage of the fairy realm, and it was with him that I asked about it. , I just broke through."

"The strength of such a strong person is simply beyond our imagination!"

After listening to the old man speak for a long time, Chen Changsheng understood.

It has been a long time since there has been a powerhouse in the realm of God Transformation, and now the strongest may be the realm of God, and the powerhouse in that realm still doesn't know where it is.

"Little friend, I have said so much, are you interested in accepting my inheritance?"

"I assure you, if you are willing, you will be able to achieve the divine energy in the future.

The old man, or Chen Changsheng, wanted Chen Changsheng to quickly accept his inheritance.

"Then I accept your inheritance, and you tell me all the treasures in this tomb."

Chen Changsheng rolled his eyes and said.

For him now, there are not many good things on him, how could he miss such a good opportunity?

The owner of the tomb is here now. He naturally knows what good things are here, and he just asked him to take him to find it.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, when you accept my inheritance, I will tell you all the treasures I have here, and some you can't find at all, I can take you to get them."

Although doing this, it always feels weird. Bringing others to steal his tomb, I am afraid that only this old man can do it.

But in order to continue his inheritance, the old man doesn't care anymore.

"Okay, then I promise you to accept your inheritance!"

Having said that, Chen Changsheng nodded.

"Well, you put this ring on your hand, and then you hold the jade pendant and sword in your hand, and I can hand over my inheritance to you."

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