Chapter 296 The difference between this realm and the flood, the realm division

"It's all due to the longevity brother, if it wasn't for him, we'd all be there!"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Sirius' face, Tie Niu hurriedly explained.

"Today we hunted a mad lion. Big Brother Zhao was accidentally injured by the mad master just to save me, and then Li Cheng and his big brother appeared. It can be said that if there was not a longevity brother at that time, I would go back with Big Brother Zhao. not coming."

Speaking of iron ~ the cow is still a little scared.

"What's the matter? You- just tell me."

Sirius has been lying on the bed all this time, and the whole person is about to die of boredom. Hearing Tie Niu- this question hurriedly asked.

"At that time, Big Brother Zhao and I both thought we were going to die, but Brother Changsheng shot directly, and you were defeated without even going through a few rounds under his Big Brother!"

Tie Niu said hurriedly.

This time Chen Changsheng left a deep impression on him.

"Brother Changsheng, I have thanked Tie Niu for this kindness. If you need anything in the future, you can say it. As long as we can do it, we will go up to the mountain of knives and down to the sea of ​​fire!"

Tonight's words from Tie Niu, Tie Lang stared at Chen Changsheng seriously and said.

He knew his younger brother and would never lie about such a thing.

Therefore, Chen Changsheng could be said to have saved their lives.

If something happened to Tie Niu, he would probably die in this house alone.

"Brother Iron Wolf, you are serious, these are all things I should do."

Chen Changsheng quickly waved his hand and said.

For all this, he should also do.

Both Tie Niu and Zhao Tian are very good, and in that case, they did not intend to abandon themselves.

"If you have anything to do with your chest on the bed in the future, just say it."

Iron Wolf patted his chest very boldly and said.

But this shot made him cough for a long time.

Looking at this scene, Tie Niu hurried over and patted Tie Lang on the back.

Looking at this scene, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but laugh.

The Iron Wolf was so excited that he forgot his injuries.

In this row, he couldn't help coughing for a long time before he recovered.

Seeing Tie Lang's appearance, Tie Niu couldn't help but laugh.

While Tie Niu fed Tie Lang the medicine, he chatted with Chen Changsheng.

Soon, Iron Wolf and Chen Changsheng also became familiar with each other.

Originally, Tie Lang was still wary of Chen Changsheng, but today this incident made him let go of his vigilance.

After Tie Lang finished drinking the medicine, Tie Niu and Chen Changsheng went back to their rooms to prepare to rest.


Chen Changsheng returned to the room and sat down first with his legs crossed.

In today's chat with Tie Niu, he learned about the division of the realm here.

And he also found that the realm of Honghuang was very different from here.

The realms here are divided into Body Tempering Realm, Soul Condensing Realm, Soul Refining Realm, Primordial Primordial Realm, and Heavenly Origin Realm.


Then Li Cheng's elder brother's cultivation base is probably in the late stage of Soul Refinement, and Zhao Tian is in the middle stage of Soul Refinement.

The Iron Bull and Iron Wolf are in the middle and late stages of the Soul Condensing Realm, respectively.

Chen Changsheng could probably feel that he should be in the Tianyuan realm.

But for the latter realm, wait for him to explore later, the most important thing now is to cultivate quickly.

According to Tie Lang, there used to be strong people here who could walk in the air, but it was just that strong people of that level were not within their reach.

Therefore, they still don't know much about the realm.

Chen Changsheng constantly absorbed the power of chaos and transformed it into his own power.


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Chapter 297 The higher the risk, the greater the reward

A long-term rebirth of moon dust is constantly cultivating.

The next morning, Zhao Tian came to them.

"Changsheng, I have a big chance here. Would you like to listen to me?"

Zhao Tian looked at what Chen Changsheng said mysteriously.

"What chance?" Chen Changsheng asked with a puzzled face.

"I have a friend who found a cemetery left by a strong man, so we discussed that we want to find someone to explore. If "Nine Nine Seven" is lucky, we can get a big chance!" Said, Zhao Tian Appears very excited.

"Brother Zhao, are you sure there is no danger there? You must know that the graveyard of the strong is definitely full of dangers. If you are a little careless, I am afraid we will explain it inside."

Chen Changsheng said cautiously, although he also really wanted to see it, this kind of thing was too risky.

"Changsheng, what you said, you saved my life, how could I harm you? My friend also got a picture of the organ inside, which can greatly ensure our safety!" Zhao Tian shot He tapped Chen Changsheng on the shoulder and continued.

"If not, how could I possibly come to you?"

"And Tie Niu, do you want to take a look, maybe you can find something good!"

Zhao Tian looked at Tie Niu again and said.

"Brother Zhao, let me forget it. I have to stay here to take care of my brother. See if Brother Changsheng is willing."

Tie Niu quickly waved his hand and said.

This kind of thing is not something he can expect, you have the most strength, you just hunt down some monsters, and I am like a cannon fodder.

So he didn't hold out much hope for such a thing.

"That's okay, Changsheng, what about you? I still hope you can stay with me. After all, although this kind of thing is risky, it also has a lot of rewards."

Zhao Tian stared at Chen Changsheng and said seriously.

This time, he also specifically asked his friend, the map inside has been very clear, as long as the strength can ensure his own safety.

"Brother Changsheng, you promise. I will stay at home to take care of my brother recently. If Big Brother Zhao goes there, I'm afraid you can only go to the forest to hunt wild beasts alone."

"It's better to go with Big Brother Zhao. Big Brother Zhao is a very nice guy, and he will never cheat on you."

Seeing that Chen Changsheng was still hesitating, Tie Niu also spoke up.

"If I had strength like you, I would have gone there long ago, so don't hesitate..."

Chen Changsheng thought for a while before agreeing.

At first, Tie Niu was right. Although he didn't intend to go to the forest to hunt monsters, it was not a solution to always nest here.

Now there is just such an opportunity, if you are lucky enough to meet any opportunity, you can also improve your strength.

It's just that he looked at Zhao Tian worriedly, the bandaged arm didn't seem to be healed yet.

"It's just Big Brother Zhao, how is your injury? It won't affect your strength."

"It's okay, it's just some skin trauma, just rest for two days." Zhao Tian waved his hand and said.

He is also a veteran who often haunts the forest, and he has long been accustomed to this injury.

4.9 "That's fine, then you wait here, I'll come to you tomorrow, and then we'll go there together. My friend also found some other people. After all, it's safer to have a lot of people in this kind of thing." Zhao Tian looked at Chen said Mr.


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Chapter 298 Doubt, his strength, it's not your turn to point the finger

After staring at Chen Changsheng again, Zhao Tian left.

"Tie Niu, are you sure you won't go? Maybe there is an opportunity for you?"

Chen Changsheng asked.

"I won't go. My eldest brother is here alone, no one will take care of him, and I don't feel relieved. Besides, with my strength, I still know that in that kind of place, it is like cannon fodder."

Saying that, Tie Niu laughed naively.

In response, Chen Changsheng also sighed secretly.

In the past two days of getting along, he also got to know the two brothers Tie Niu, who are the most honest kind of people.

If they are not strong enough, they can only do such things. If they are not careful one day, they may lose their lives in the forest.

But in order to live, they have no choice but to do it.

Since Tie Niu didn't plan to go, Chen Changsheng didn't say much.

On the second day, Zhao Tian came to look for Chen Changsheng.

After simply saying goodbye to the Tie Niu brothers, Chen Changsheng facilitated Zhao Tian to leave.

This time, the two of them didn't go there before, after all, they went there to form a team after hunting monsters in the forest.

This time Zhao Tian took him directly to a tavern.

As soon as he entered, Chen Changsheng found several strong men. From the aura emanating from their bodies, it could be seen that they were definitely not ordinary people.

"Brother Zhao, this is the little brother you mentioned, right?"

A man with a beard looked at Chen Changsheng next to Zhao Tian and said.

"It doesn't look good. Are you sure he's capable? Don't hold us back."

The other's eyes were full of doubts.

Chen Changsheng didn't intend to pay attention to this situation.

"Zhang Xiong, I dare to bring him here to prove that he has the strength, it's not your turn to point and point."

Zhao Tian stared at him coldly and said.

Chen Changsheng watched, obviously, the relationship between the two should not be very harmonious.

"Don't pay attention to him, just follow me for Changsheng."

"That's the person brought by Brother Zhao. There shouldn't be any problems. Let's just trust him."

Another man on the side who looked at the comparison gentle said.

Chen Changsheng was a little surprised that this person seemed to give people a sense of literacy, but he didn't say anything. The fact that the other party was able to come here showed that he had strength, so he didn't need to question others.

"No problem? What do you think Zhao Tian has become? He can't move an arm now, you expect him?"

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