"Since it cannot be merged, then I will try to forcibly merge."

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Changsheng controlled the two forces in his body to continuously merge together.

He was very careful throughout the process.

If the two forces are finally eliminated, it is very easy to be surprised.

Time passed 997 minute by minute.

The two forces became more intense from the slightest reaction at first, until they finally merged together.

After half an hour, a few drops of sweat dripped from Chen Changsheng's forehead.

It is very dangerous to merge the power of the two worlds, and accidents will happen if you are not careful.

Fortunately, there was no danger, Chen Changsheng successfully merged the two forces together.


Chen Changsheng stood up and let out a long sigh of relief.

He used his strength again, feeling a burst of relief all over his body.


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Chapter 280 Hunting and killing monsters, do you want to come with me?


Immediately afterwards, no matter how Chen Changsheng used his power, he couldn't move in the air.

This even made him wonder if his realm had fallen.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Chen Changsheng didn't understand what happened at this time.

Finally, after trying for a while, he gave up.

"Forget it, let's leave on foot."

For Chen Changsheng, this path was nothing.

After all, his physical strength is also very strong, and there is not much difference between walking on foot and flying.

It's just that he wonders, his power seems to be limited here.

There was no way he could find an answer.

After all, he can be said to be the first to enter the Chaos World from the prehistoric world.

At the speed of full life, he left the forest in a short while.

After walking for a while, he found that there was a city in front of him.

After thinking for a while, he decided to enter the city to take a look first.

"I don't know what the strength of the strong here is."

Confused, Chen Changsheng quickly came to the city.

Along the way, there were constant cries of hawking on both sides of the street.

From time to time there are many people around to buy.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but sigh.

This is really different from Honghuang.

Contradictions between the various ethnic groups in Honghuang are constantly, and the movement is war.

By comparison, it's much better here.

"Come and have a look, the Galewind Wolf just killed, the first-class demon core! Come and have a look~"!"

A strong man shouted.

Beside him, there was the corpse of a wolf.

There was a strong aura on the corpse.

It seems that this strong man should also be very strong. From the corpse of the Gale Wolf, it can be seen that this monster was definitely not weak when he was alive!

"Really? If it's really the Demon Core of Gale Wolf, I'll take it, and I'll pay for it!"

"Don't listen to him, sell it to me, I'll pay him twice as much!"

As soon as he heard the demon core of Galewind Wolf, it seemed to attract everyone's attention.

One by one they offered to buy.

Looking at this scene, the brawny man could not close his mouth with joy.

In the end, even the body of the Gale Wolf was bought by a man wearing a mask.

After the man left, a few people in the crowd walked out and quietly followed behind the masked man.

Needless to say, Chen Changsheng also knew that these people seemed to be planning to rob the masked man.

The strong man who sold the Gale Wind Wolf Demon Core also saw this scene, but he ignored it.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and he doesn't want to meddle in his own business.

Chen Changsheng also noticed this scene, but he didn't intend to join in the fun.

His priority now is to find a place to live.

He didn't want to live on the streets at night.

When the crowd dispersed, he found the strong man who had just sold the Gale Wolf's body.

The strong man was packing up and preparing to leave at this time.

"." Brother, can I discuss something with you. "

Chen Changsheng stopped him.

"Huh? What's the matter? Today's monsters have been sold out. I have to buy them and wait for the next time."

That strong man didn't care about Chen Changsheng, he just kept packing his things.

"I'm not here to buy things, I want to discuss with you to catch monsters together."

Seeing that the other party (Nuo Nuo Zhao) was about to leave, Chen Changsheng hurriedly opened his mouth and said the bottom line.

He was unfamiliar, and if he didn't find someone to be a guide for him, he would really have nowhere to go in this city.

"Oh? You want to catch monsters too?"

When the strong man heard Chen Changsheng's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise.


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Chapter 281 Although the shot is

"Huh? With your small body, you still want to catch monsters? You can't even put your teeth in the monsters."

That strong man hurriedly shook his head and rejected Chen Changsheng.

The man in front of him seemed to be weak.

Taking him into the forest, I'm afraid it's a question of whether he can guarantee his own safety, let alone catching monsters.

"Don't judge people by their appearance, my strength is still very strong."

Chen Changsheng didn't want to take this opportunity and continued to talk to the strong man.

"Just what strength do you have? Do you know how dangerous it is to hunt monsters?"

The strong man glanced at Chen Changsheng with disdain and said.

"It's just the Gale Wolf that I sold just now, but I managed to clean it up with my eldest brother."

"If you want to make this kind of money, I advise you to give up as soon as possible. You are too small for your stature."

After speaking, the strong man packed his things without raising his head.

"Why do you look down on people so much? Can't you give me a chance to show my strength?"

It was the first time that Chen Changsheng had been looked down upon like this.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, he can be said to be the strongest, but now in the mouth of this man, he still looks very despised.

"Just like you, what strength do you have? If you can catch my punch, I will admit you." (biej)

That strong man was also a little annoyed, so he wanted to make Chen Changsheng see the difference between the two.

"Okay, you can stop, if I can't stop it, turn around and leave now."

Chen Changsheng said confidently.

For him, although he feels that his strength is somewhat limited here, there is absolutely no problem in blocking this attack.

"This is what you said, if there is any problem, don't rely on me!"

The strong man looked a little surprised at Chen Changsheng.

"You can do it anyway."

Chen Changsheng stretched out his hand to signal the other party to come.

"That's offended."

After he finished speaking, the strong man directly punched Chen Changsheng.

Accompanied by the whistling wind, Chen Changsheng was about to be hit in the blink of an eye.

I saw that Chen Changsheng took the strong man's punch with one hand.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has done a very trivial thing.

Seeing that his fist was blocked so easily, the strong man couldn't help but widen his eyes.

With one punch, he could kill a beast, yet he was beaten down so lightly.

"Do you need to try again, can this prove my strength?"

Chen Changsheng gave a slight push and directly pushed the strong man back several dozen steps before he stopped.

"What are you arrogant about? I'm just using my physical power. I'm afraid to use my real power to punch you to death."

Although the strong man was a little shocked, he did not feel that Chen Changsheng was stronger than himself.

"If you can take my blow, I will admit you!"

As he spoke, he saw the energy in his hands surging frantically, and then a punch hit Chen Changsheng again.

This blow is obviously much more terrifying than the previous one, and seeing this strong man also used his true power.

However, for Chen Changsheng, this power was not much different from before, and he still received the blow with a light palm.

Immediately the other party was not calm.

If the previous punch was received because he did not use his full strength, then there is no doubt that this punch, he had already punched hard, but was still blocked by the opponent lightly.

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