"Out of the way! Humanity now!"

"You will never succeed today!"

Chen Changsheng shouted loudly.

The book of life and death in his hand shattered, and the boundless power of humanity appeared.

The power of endless reincarnation appeared in the body.

The power of the earth emerges.

He roared at the great land: "All beings!"

"The way of heaven has no virtue, and I want to destroy the flood!"

"I'm fighting to the death! If you want to rebel against the sky! You need to work together!"

At this time, on the endless great land.

Whether mortal or quasi-sacred.

Whether it is the witch race, the demon race, or the human race.

Whether male or female, or neither male nor female.

No matter if he has a grudge against Chen Changsheng or is not ugly.

They all knelt down.

"The Great Emperor! It is the Great Emperor of Reincarnation!"

"God save me!"

"The Great Emperor saves the flood!"

In the Beiming Palace, Kunpeng also knelt down and kowtowed.

"Chen Changsheng! Don't let me down!"

Underworld, Ping Xin (biej) Empress finally stopped the process of materializing the virtual.

"Emperor! It's longevity!"

The ghost emperors of the Ten Halls and the Five Directions of Yama all knelt down and kowtowed.


On the moon star, Xi and Changxi are also crying pear blossoms with rain.

"Brother Changsheng, this is Changxi's power, you can take it." After that, Changxi also knelt down and kowtowed to give her vows.

Xihe was also in grief and couldn't help himself: "If Brother Daoist ends, Xihe won't be able to live."

I saw that, from the prehistoric continents and four seas, the wishes of endless beings gathered in Changsheng.

It is the power of all living beings, where humanity lies.

The realm of the underworld came across the flood, although the size was less than 10% of the flood, it had boundless power.

At this time, Tiandao sneered through Hongjun's mouth.

"Hahaha! This is your method? Authentic and humane, can't replace me!"

Indeed, the Tao is the material of heaven and earth, and the human Tao is all living beings.

The way of heaven is three thousand avenues, none of which is indispensable.

Because of this, the Tao of Heaven suppresses the Tao of Humanity, but does not dare to destroy it completely.

At this time, Chen Changsheng was the same, and he didn't dare to destroy the Heavenly Dao directly.

But he was still prepared.

"I'll see if you can laugh later!"

While speaking, he waved his hand to summon the divine tree of merit!

"Sacred Tree of Merit!"

"God comes out!"

At this time, in the Great Realm of Three Thousand Universes, a boundless divine tree appeared.

Overwhelming the ages, it is the power of heaven.

Although it is weak, it has all the internal organs.

"All three!"

Hongjun was shocked!


Ask for flowers! !

Ask for collection! !

Ask for support! !

Your support is the driving force for the author's efforts to code words! .

Chapter 277 The power of the three paths is unleashed, the truth is prevalent!

"You! You are delusional!"

Heavenly Dao was furious, but Chen Changsheng did not hesitate at all at this time.

"Old thief, your plan has finally failed!"

At this time, Chen Changsheng used his own three ways to replace the prehistoric way of heaven.

Even if Tiandao Hongjun dies, the flood can be preserved.

Chen Changsheng could now kill the annoying old thief with confidence!

"Old thief! Repent!"

After saying that, Chen Changsheng shot with a bang.

Unleash the supreme fist.

At his level, no magic weapon of any level can compare to his fists.

No kind of magic can compare to his physical body.

Really back to basics!

He brought the mighty power of three thousand great worlds and the magic power of three thousand gods, all gathered on a pair of iron fists.

Thousands of avenues roared beside him, like the center of the endless universe.

"Pangu!!" Tiandao Hongjun looked at him in disbelief. From Chen Changsheng, he actually saw a trace of Pangu's shadow.

Tiandao Hongjun hurriedly attacked, but was beaten violently.

"Why! Why! You are just an acquired race!"

"You are just an acquired race!"

"Nüwa! I hate you! Why did you create such a god-defying race!"

Tian Dao Hongjun was oppressed by Chen Changsheng's aura, and his words were incoherent and mad.

Chen Changsheng's iron fist is unparalleled, it is really a big world with one punch: "You better reflect on it, why are you against this seat!"

Chen Changsheng was determined to end the battle!

"Old dog! You should repent!"

Chen Changsheng smelted a great power.

Three thousand universes.

Three thousand gods.

Fifty times are all secret.

The Eastern Emperor Bell, the mother energy of all things in the Emperor Cauldron.

The spiritual root tree in each universe.

His whole body burst into a radiant light.

Like the sun that brings endless hope to the wilderness.

He stood high in the sky, his eyes were bright, representing the new order, and he indifferently looked down at the bumbling Heavenly Dao Hongjun below.


He threw a punch.

This fist mark is unpleasant and seems to be light.

But in the eyes of Tian Dao Hongjun, it is inevitable!

"no no!!!"

In an instant, the fist mark hit Hong Jun.

Hongjun was immediately sluggish, as stiff as a puppet, and spit out six words with difficulty: "This time, you won!"

Immediately, Hongjun burst into countless pieces.

Where the Six Saints were fighting, Yuan Shi and the Western Two Saints gave up their resistance when they saw Tiandao Hongjun's defeat.

Eyeless, let it be slaughtered.

"Fellow Daoist Longevity!" Nuwa came ahead with a quasi-daughter.


"Good apprentice!" Tong Tian drove to pick him up.

"Longevity!" Taishang dragged Yuanshi with a whisk.

The four meet.

All start with longevity.

Changsheng dissipated all his mana and returned to peace.

But his face did not relax at all.

The same is true for the Three Saints.

because they feel it.

The prehistoric world has no way of heaven, and countless avenues are in chaos in an instant.


Heaven and earth shattered.

Later, they saw that the barriers of the world dissipated, and the power of endless chaos poured in, trying to annihilate the flood.

"Changsheng... Is there a solution to this?" Tongtian asked eagerly.

"Fellow Daoist Longevity, is there a way to save this myriad spirits?" Nuwa also couldn't bear the destruction of the flood.

"Changsheng, can I still help you?" Taishang also looked solemn.

Chen Changsheng frowned, killing Tiandao Hongjun was a last resort.

Sure enough there are flaws.

Changsheng sighed, "You can only try."

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