Taishang is also slightly angry, this Heavenly Dao is insulting his master! How dare you say that Master is wrong!

Tiandao Hongjun didn't talk nonsense with Taishang, and wanted to change the situation quickly, so he suddenly lowered his mighty force and fell on Ersheng.


The strength soared after receiving the lead, and the counter pressure was so strong that he was defeated.

Seeing you so much, she said to Nuwa in the distance:

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa! Go and help him!"

After Taishang finished speaking, Taishang shot again, and sent a nine-turn golden pill to Nuwa.

Nu Wa didn't dare to neglect, she immediately ate the golden pill, and her whole body was full of brilliance!

"Thank you, sage!"


Nuwa hurriedly thanked her.

I saw Nu Wa's injuries healed, and the snake body flew into the battlefield.

But at this time, a stream of light flew out from the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

One person driving the Pangu flag came, it was the Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Chen Changsheng will not return to this world! When he died at this moment!"

"Don't make any mistakes!" Yuan Shi revealed the secret, and pointed out that Chen Changsheng was not a living creature.

After all, Yuan Shi actually shot and killed Nu Wa.

Yuan Shi shouted angrily, Tai Shang frowned.

Could it be that Yuanshi Tianzun was also assimilated by the way of heaven?


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Chapter 273 The sage of Yuanshi was also controlled by the way of heaven! (Please subscribe!)

"Yuanshi, you are under the control of heaven."

Too self-conscious, can no longer be alone!

After Taishang said it, a black and white brilliance shot first.

The Taiji map shows the two paths of yin and yang, and actually traps Yuanshi in it.

Taishang then flew over, because he knew that this Taiji map would not last Yuanshi for long.

Sure enough, the Taiji map was blown up by Yuanshi with the Pangu banner, and it was reincarnated into the yin and yang and returned to Taishang.

Taishang casts supreme spells and starts a war with Yuanshi. "Nine Eight Three"

At this time, the six saints were actually entangled with each other.

I saw the battlefield in the sky.

Tongtian used the four swords of Zhuxian to suppress Jie Zhunti, while Nu Wa swept the formation.

Tongtian is indeed the strongest killing saint!

Facing the soaring strength of Jie Yin Zhun Ti, with only a little help from Nu Wa, he was able to immobilize the Western Second Saints with his supreme sword power.

But under the blessing of heaven, it is impossible to kill these two Western saints.

The Second Taishang trapped Yuanshi and did not kill or defeat it.

Both sides are at a stalemate, and the winner naturally falls on Changsheng.

At this time, Chen Changsheng faced the way of heaven alone.

Changsheng was extremely confident at this moment, and said disdainfully to Tiandao Hongjun:

"With the body of the Taoist ancestor, although you are manifesting power, how much power can you have beyond the Holy Tao?"

"You are just the way of heaven, not the three ways of the flood!"

After saying that, Chen Changsheng angrily shot.

The whole body is full of radiance.

Three thousand universes manifested.

Although it was only three thousand universes, Chen Changsheng was the supreme controller of these three thousand universes.

At this time, the power is not weaker than Heavenly Dao at all.

With the power of three thousand great realms, he smashed the Heavenly Dao Hongjun with one palm.

Tiandao Hongjun was furious, for hundreds of millions of years, no one dared to treat it like this.

How dare you offend without kneeling down!

He actually wanted to slap himself to fly!

Immediately, Heavenly Dao was furious, and he suppressed it in a rage.

"Boy! I'll let you die today without a burial!"

After all, Hongjun also flew out with a palm.

Hongjun's palm collided with Changsheng's palm!

Infinite robbery erupted!

This robbery spread throughout the entire prehistoric world!

All continents trembled!

The world is boiling.

Countless creatures are crawling on the ground!

Countless great ancestors are worried!

Countless mortals died because of this.

The underworld was also affected, and the aura of the Netherworld was no longer calm and steady, but scurried everywhere!

Yama in the Tenth Palace was so busy at the moment that he didn't even have time to watch the battle outside the Thirty-Three Layers.

Because this is a battle involving saints, and even the main force of the battle has surpassed saints!

The impact on the flood is devastating!

At the moment, countless creatures die and enter reincarnation......

The underworld has become a pot of porridge!

And the Wufang Ghost Emperor was also busy suppressing the Nether Qi that was escaping everywhere.

The underworld frontier is also slightly cracked, and they need to be suppressed at this time.

Prevent the spirits from running out and become lonely ghosts!

Only Empress Pingxin watched the battle in the 33rd level attentively.

I see, after the collision.

Tiandao Hongjun and Chen Changsheng retreated one after another.

Tiandao Hongjun retreated 100,000 miles, while Changsheng only retreated about 50,000 miles.

Chen Changsheng smiled lightly.

"God's way! But Er'er!"

Tiandao Hongjun finally couldn't hold his breath: "Shuzi! An dare to humiliate me!"

Changsheng smiled contemptuously: "Before I started fighting, I thought you were capable of 4.9, but I didn't think you were capable of that. If you can't fight, then get out of here!"

"Take another move from this seat!"

In the wave of his hand, there is boundless divine might again.

Changsheng is determined to make a quick decision, and at this moment, he has shown his strongest form!


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Chapter 274 All characters are secret, fifty times the combat power, and the ancestors of the battle! (Please subscribe!)

"Every word is secret, fifty times the combat power!"

At this time, Chen Changsheng's body was blessed by the Three Thousand Universe Realm, with fifty times the combat power, without any damage.

Fifty times the mana surged, it was as vast as the energy of billions of suns and stars!

At this time, the prehistoric creatures all raised their heads in fear.

"This is... is this the power that Honghuang should appear!"

"This... goes far beyond the category of saints..."

"I dare to believe that this kind of mana will shatter the Great Desolate Continent."

Countless great ancestors trembled.

At this level of fighting, they are actually no different from mortals.

If they are not serious, they will not be able to resist the aftermath!

Longevity has endless divine power, and three thousand gods have shot together, and they have directly suppressed the way of heaven!

The Three Thousand Universe Realm rotates rapidly, providing boundless mana.

"This Shuzi! How can there be such a tyrannical mana! Never seen it! Never seen it!"

Tiandao Hongjun panicked!

How could this Chen Changsheng be so tyrannical!

At this time, Chen Changsheng's cultivation realm was no longer something that could be measured in the prehistoric realm.

In creating the three thousand universes, only the former Pangu Chen Changsheng is inferior.

However, Pangu created a world of prehistoric and desolate worlds and transformed into thousands of people.

Chen Changsheng created 3,000 worlds, but he still maintained himself!

Chen Changsheng's cultivation base at this time has not yet reached the highest level!

Instead of measuring it with the realm of the Great Desolation, it is better to measure it with the Star Transformation Technique.

If Longevity breaks through completely, it will evolve into three thousand universes!

I'm afraid that even if Pan Gu came to him personally, he was suppressed by his thoughts.

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