The third ancestor of the human race said in surprise: "It's the Holy Emperor!"

And through the call of the book of life and death, there must be some important things to discuss.

The three of them meet, and the eight eyes meet.

Immediately, he jumped up: "The emperor calls, don't neglect! I'll go to the underworld quickly!"

The four returned quickly.

After Changsheng waited for a while, all the important members of the underworld had arrived.

"." God! "The four of them bowed to Changsheng.

"Wait back to your place!"

Changsheng nodded, and then flew to the sky high in the underworld.

The four of them heard it and returned to the queue.

I saw that Changsheng, who was hanging high in the sky, made a grand voice, and the sound spread to the world of the underworld.

It's not even just the world of the underworld, because it involves the emperor's conferring of the underworld, and it involves the tunnel, which is naturally what everyone in the prehistoric must hear.

"Hong (Nuo Wang Zhao) all living beings in the wild!"

"This seat is the Great Emperor of Reincarnation!"

"I feel the life of the tunnel, this seat will fix the five sides of the underworld, and seal the five sides ghost emperor!"

"This ghost emperor of the five directions! Suppresses the underworld, defends against foreign enemies, enjoys boundless merit, and is worshipped by all spirits. When this seat and the empress are not there, he is the supreme ruler of the underworld."


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Chapter 247 It is actually the position of the ghost emperor of the five parties, the supreme opportunity! (Please subscribe!)

In the underworld, there were countless uproars.

The emperor is going to appoint the five-party ghost emperor!

Styx thought: "The emperor said earlier that we could improve our strength. Could this be one of the means?"

Ao Qing suppressed the shock in his heart: "Wufang Ghost Emperor! This is a great opportunity!"

Only Zhen Yuanzi's mind is more agile: "I'm afraid it's not that the emperor is dissatisfied with the establishment of the following underworld and wants to make reforms, but this is also in accordance with the order of the authentic, the authentic and the people below, the five ghost emperors are afraid that the benefits will be unimaginable. ."

In an instant, there were not only three people, but countless beings in the prehistoric world had fiery eyes.

This time, the determination of the five ghost emperors must be a great opportunity!


At this time, among the Great Desolate Emperors, countless great ancestors were talking about it.

"I didn't wait when the Great Reincarnation Emperor set Samsara to seal Yama, this time I must seize the opportunity!"

"Yeah, the underworld is indistinctly powerful, and it has an inexplicable relationship with the Intercepting Sect. Even if you just go to the underworld to seek a nefarious job, you can be regarded as a saint's sect. In the future, you can protect yourself from worry."

"Cut, if you want me to say, we don't have much chance. The last time I sealed Yan Luo's Six Paths, the emperor used all his own people. It's none of our business!" Someone poured cold water.

"Isn't there a Styx?" Someone retorted.

"Hey, I have to try it anyway, what if it succeeds?" Some people cheered.

The entire underworld was a sensation.

Empress Pingxin also heard Changsheng's voice.

This time, she is the emperor of the underworld, and she, the ruler of the underworld, will naturally be present.

The incarnation of Pingxin appeared, hanging above the realm of the underworld, standing opposite the emperor.

Chen Changsheng bowed his hands to Pingxin, calling him Niangniang.

He nodded calmly, and then stood beside Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng turned around.

Holding the book of life and death, the boundless ghostly aura lingered around him at this time, making him more and more sacred.

It seems that he is the master of the underworld, and he can set the reincarnation path of hundreds of millions of creatures with a single thought.

He opened his mouth slowly: "The Eastern Ghost Emperor of the Five Fang Ghost Emperors! Be the elder of the Dragon Clan, Ao Qing!"

Then, he recounted Ao Qing's achievements: "Elder Ao Qing, he has done great work in suppressing reincarnation, calmed the turmoil in the underworld, and was named the Eastern Ghost Emperor, well-deserved!"

"Elder Ao (biej), are you willing?" Changsheng asked with a smile.

I saw Ao Qing standing up and transforming into the real body of the dragon family!

"Report to the emperor, Ao Qing is willing!"


Immediately, Changsheng waved the judge's pen.

In an instant, the underworld had a vision.

The grand Nether Qi splits out, entwining Ao Qing's dragon body of ten thousand feet.

Ao Qing slowly ascended into the sky accompanied by the spirit of the ghost, and suddenly the whole body radiated a lot of light.

Immediately, Ao Qing recovered and lived in the east with the emperor's seal in hand.

"Thank God!"

Flood shock

Countless beings looked at the realm of the underworld at this time.

The Six Saints were shocked.

In the Eight Views Palace of Shouyang Mountain.

Taishang looked sideways, eyebrows moved slightly.

"The Emperor of the Underworld?"

Taishang knows that this is an excellent good thing for the underworld.

This represents a further improvement in the order of the underworld.

Moreover, this was in accordance with the order of the Tao, and the five-party ghost emperor would benefit from it, and Chen Changsheng, the host, would benefit even more.

Moreover, this time, the emperor of the underworld has actually caused fluctuations in the heavens!

"Chen Changsheng, it is immeasurable!"

This son is the luck of Xuanmen!

Penglai Island Biyou Palace.

Tongtian had just returned to the island, and the members of the church were welcoming him, and they were very concerned about Changsheng's situation at this time.


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Chapter 248 The Great Desolation Shakes, Following Chen Changsheng Has Such Benefits! (Please subscribe!)

Tongtian also told the disciples one by one that their elder brother was fine, and reassured them.

At this time, Tongtian sensed the breath from the underworld and the fluctuation of heaven.

Immediately stunned, he said goodbye to the disciples, and went straight back to the Biyou Palace.

Tongtian is overjoyed, his own disciple~, what's the good thing?

Immediately after a careful perception, I couldn't help but be moved: "-Underworld Emperor!"

"The way of heaven also fluctuates!"

Immediately laughing, his disciple is afraid - will be a little stronger!

"Very good, very good, Xiao Xiao is afraid that he has no guts to make trouble again!"

On Kunlun Mountain, the Yuxu Palace is crowded.

Yuan Shiben was playing chess, but suddenly his hands shook.

He also sensed the fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao, and this time he carefully sensed it, and he was so angry that he crushed the chess pieces!

"Underworld? Chen Changsheng?"

Yuan Shi was gloomy, what was Chen Changsheng planning?

He looked in the direction of the underworld, and found that Chen Changsheng was actually conferred emperor in the underworld.

"Such a matter of great merit... I'm afraid this Shuzi will improve his cultivation since then!"


Yuan Shi was furious!

He stood up, his eyes cloudy.

If Chen Changsheng was allowed to develop again, his own teaching would definitely be suppressed.

After thinking about it for a while, he also sighed heavily: "How come there is no such a god-defying person in my group of disciples!"

Thirty-three Heavens.

Nuwa was surprised.


Because she also sensed the fluctuations of heaven.

"And under careful perception, there is actually a change in the underworld."

"I think it's the handwriting of that longevity friend."

Empress Nuwa was suppressed here by the way of heaven, and her mana was limited. At this time, she did not know that Changsheng was consecrating a ghost emperor.

But it is still a surprise, after all, Changsheng can already make the Heavenly Dao fluctuate.

It must be getting closer and closer to the day when I get out of trouble.

The stronger Chen Changsheng was, the happier she was.

"Fellow Daoist Changsheng, I'll wait for the flowers to bloom, don't let me down!"

Then he played with the hydrangea on his own, waiting for that day to come.

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