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Chapter 240 Breaking through the difficulty, the realm of heaven and earth is comparable to a saint! (Please subscribe!)

It is no longer like the origin world, illusory, and cannot tolerate any living beings.

At this level, the acupoints can no longer only plant some innate spiritual roots, and can even accommodate living people.

If there is a battle of conferring gods in the future, and close relatives and friends are surrounded and blocked, he can also use this to save someone's life.

You can even transfer all the teachers, brothers and sisters to this place.

And the Qiankun realm goes further, and it is the cosmic realm.

Cosmic realm, in the world of stars changing, it is the supreme and powerful existence that can be named on the Hongmeng Golden List!

It is no exaggeration to say that such a supreme and powerful existence is above the heaven.

The law of heaven? It's just the rules they made, and if you want to break 18, you can break it.

When Chen Changsheng thought of this, he was immediately excited.

Although the imagination is the imagination, the down-to-earth practice cannot be left behind.

As a result, Chen Changsheng started to change the stars again.

I want to see how far the combination of these three powers and the three thousand origins can go.

Can you support him to open up the universe!

The power of the three paths turned into three-color divine light at this time,

These three colors of divine light turned into three thousand shimmers.

Although these three thousand shimmers are extremely faint.

But its energy level is still very high.

It can be said that those who are qualified to touch in the Great Desolation are saints!

Look at that Pingxin Empress, as a saint of the Great Way of Reincarnation, can only master the power of the authentic way.

These three thousand shimmers circled around the three thousand origins.

The two complemented each other, and in the origin, Chen Changsheng realized a trace of the change of the universe.

It felt like seeing shoots emerge from dead soil.

Like a cracked egg.

Like a bud opening!

"Quick! Let me see your abilities!"

Chen Changsheng was also very anxious, and kept encouraging and cheering.

Three thousand origins and three thousand shimmers seemed to have heard his words.

They resonated even more, the feeling of exuberance became stronger, and the atmosphere of the opening up of the world became more distant.

But in the end it was a little off.

The three realms of heaven, earth and human are constantly circulating, but the last step has not been carried out.

In the end, the three shimmering lights stopped resonating with the three thousand origins, and quietly wrapped around the origin.

"It's a pity..." Chen Changsheng was slightly disappointed.

However, with this change, he has already gained a lot of benefits.

Although the Star Transformation Technique has not yet completely broken through, it has already made him much stronger than before.

If you use Zhunti as a combat unit, you can fight against the normal Zhunti with more than a hundred moves undefeated.

This is already amazing.

But want to beat Zunti...

Still have to be quasi-Saint Great Consummation.

As for how to transform the stars into the real state of the cultivation technique, Chen Changsheng thought that either he would use force to break it. When his own mana realm broke through, the star-changing cultivation technique would also break the mirror.

If the two are broken together, it will be another surge in combat power.

Or gather enough power of the three paths!

Anyway, right now, neither of the two is easy.

"You can't be impatient. If you break through the realm of heaven and earth, I'm afraid that 967 will be able to match the saints. You can't be in a hurry." Changsheng told himself.

Then, Chen Changsheng didn't wake up in a hurry.

Anyway, at the moment, Master Tongtian is staying in the outside world, and there is no safer place in the world than this.

You might as well practice and realize it again in a quiet way, so as to grasp the newly acquired power.

It's a good thing to have a surge of power every time, but if you don't use it skillfully in time, it's probably not beautiful.

Immediately, Changsheng meditated in his mind.



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Chapter 241 My Disciple Can Refine the Six Paths of Reincarnation! Absorb the power of the earth! (Please subscribe!)

Here Chen Changsheng was still meditating leisurely.

The sky outside is heartbreaking.

How cautious is that like a savage saint who kills decisively!

When Tongtian first saw Chen Changsheng inhaling the six-path reincarnation disk into his body, it seemed like he had seen a ghost.

Then Chen Changsheng suddenly rioted in his body, so frightened that Tongtian felt that Chen Changsheng was going to explode and die in the next moment!

He didn't dare to act rashly, so he hurriedly sent a message to Empress Pingxin.

At this time, his good disciple was no longer rioting with breath.

Now the breath is very stable, and even the face is peaceful and the corner of the mouth is smiling.

But Tongtian still felt like he had seen a ghost.

Because, all the sky can see, Chen Changsheng is sitting cross-legged.

An extremely high-level power emerged from the whole body, and it turned out to be the power of the Chaos Great Realm!

Tongtian tsk tsk amazement.

The authentic power was swallowed by him just now.

But now he has more than authentic power.

At this time, Chen Changsheng was wrapped around not only the power of the Great Way of Reincarnation.

There is the power of heaven, which is familiar to the sky, and the power of the six paths of reincarnation.

There was also the power of humanity that had never appeared in the Great Desolation, all manifested in Chen Changsheng at this time.

"This kid, is he trying to evolve the world by himself~"?"

"Where do these powers come from?"

The sky is horrified, how many secrets does this eldest disciple have!

How many means are there!

Immediately he shook his head and smiled: "I'm afraid that the apprentice will surpass my master soon."

"It seems that fellow Daoist Pingxin is going to run for nothing."

Right now, Changsheng can be said to have "refined" the power of the earth. The three-colored divine light around him is looming, and there is no sense of dangerous rioting.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, at this time, I saw a hole beside Tongtian.

Stepping out calmly, murderous.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian! But the Western Daoist people are here again to make troubles? Don't be afraid, this time, I have prepared enough for this time. I have opened up a large void tunnel, which is enough to allow me to maintain half of the power of a saint!"

Seeing this, Tongtian quickly waved his hand: "Niangniang, don't worry! It's not that the two Westerners are coming..."

At this time, Empress Pingxin saw Changsheng at a glance.


"Changsheng! Could it be that Changsheng was plotted against!"

She took an anxious step and walked to Changsheng.

Tongtian immediately explained: "Don't worry, I'm really worried about this call..."

So Tongtian told the whole story.

Niang Niang just let go of her eager heart.

He looked at Changsheng with peace of mind, at the looming three-color divine light around him.

"How is Changsheng now?"

I was completely surprised, how could Chen Changsheng possess the authentic power?

There is also the power of heaven and humanity.

These powers, almost all unobtainable treasures, were gathered in one person at this time.

What shocked her even more was that Chen Changsheng still had the power of the boundless world.

It is comparable to the realm of the underworld!

Tongtian said: "." After the war, Changsheng found the forged six-path reincarnation disk among tens of thousands of pieces of Western Paradise! "

"That fake six-path reincarnation disk!" Ping Xin exclaimed, and then secretly annoyed himself for being careless (Nuo Wang Zhao). This thing is not bad in Changsheng's hands. If it is taken back by the West, I am afraid that there will be a day when the Western religion will come back.

Tongtian continued: "Then Changsheng refined it into the body, and then the breath skyrocketed, and then three worlds and people appeared around him, and until now, he has not woken up."


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Chapter 242 The west shakes, this child can absorb the power of the tunnel! (Please subscribe!)

Hearing it calmly.

Is this the work of a quasi-sage?

Although she knew the fundamentals of Changsheng, she still felt that what Changsheng did this time was too shocking.

In the Eight Views Palace on Shouyang Mountain.

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