"Could it be that I pulled out the spiritual root and caused the Sunstar riot?"

"Not good!"

(Honored Zhao) Chen Changsheng's secret path was bad, he saw the boundless sun fire on this sun star rushing in like a tide.

"Ordinary people have only seen tsunamis, but I didn't expect this constellation to see a fire roar on the sun star."

Although he was a little surprised, Chen Changsheng was not at all flustered. After all, he was the first person under the saints!


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Chapter 187 Just in time! This seat will devour the power of the boundless sun to break through! (Please subscribe!)

Chen Changsheng looked at the vision of this world.

I saw the sun star riot, and the boundless power of the sun erupted, and thousands of fire essence burned everything.

Even the void was scorched to pieces.

The sun star is extremely huge, and it is too late to run now.

But Chen Changsheng didn't panic in the slightest, and he wasn't ready to run away. Because he had something to rely on, this Sunstar riot might not be an opportunity for him.

Chen Changsheng had been thinking about it recently. Although the three thousand gods had greatly improved his combat power, the problem was also obvious.

It's that his recent practice has been very slow.

Although it said "slow", it was only compared to the previous Chen Changsheng, and it was extremely fast for ordinary people.

And ordinary 937 people only need to break through themselves, and he needs to break through three thousand gods first.

Chen Changsheng embraced the Great Furnace Refining Dao of Heaven and Earth, and he could have devoured the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and even the physical body of the enemy could rapidly improve.

But now the energy he needs is enormous.

Even if it devours the flesh and blood of the quasi-sage peak, it can only provide one-tenth of the energy of a Venerable God.

Three thousand gods, if you want to break through to the peak of the quasi-sage, you don't know how many quasi-sages you have to kill.

As a result, how can there be so many quasi-sages in the great land.

Second, even if there is him, he is unwilling to make endless murders before conferring gods and calamities.

Thinking like this, if you can swallow the blood of the saint, you can enter the country quickly.


But the blood of the saint...isn't this a joke.

The Second Saint of the West hated him so much that it was impossible to give it.

Although the Supreme Sage is optimistic about him, it is impossible to do such self-destructive things.

The sage Nuwa is swaying, how cherishes her body, and she can't do such things.

Empress Houtu has become a realm, and she has no real essence and blood.

It is even more impossible for Yuanshi Tianzun. He is unwilling to help the enemy.

As for the leader of Tongtian... even if Tongtian is happy, he is not willing to damage the master's cultivation.

Are you going to grab it? If he has this kind of himself, he can **** the body of the saint, he is already a saint, why come to this sun star.

In this way, breaking through one's own cultivation base to the Great Perfection of Quasi-Saint is as difficult as reaching the sky.

To cultivate to the Great Perfection, it is estimated that you can only meditate every day to gain enlightenment and draw spiritual energy from heaven and earth (biej).

This is too slow, I am afraid that from now on, when the Conferred God Quantum Tribulation comes, it may not be able to break through to the Quansheng Great Perfection.

Absolutely not!

If you can't pass the test of conferred gods and calamities, all your hard work will be in vain!

Chen Changsheng glanced at Sunstar rioting on the soles of his feet, and couldn't help but reveal his face.

"The sun star itself is a planet with huge energy. As long as it is a collection of energy in the universe, it can be refined by the furnace of heaven and earth!"

After making up his mind, Chen Changsheng immediately sat cross-legged.

At this point, the solar star riot had reached its peak.

If you look up at the sky from the Great Desolate Continent, you will find that there are thousands of red clouds in the sky, the air is hot and dry, and the spiritual energy is rioting.

The power of the sun of the sun star has been concentrated to the extreme, and it contains powerful destructive energy.

I saw that Chen Changsheng's clothes were scorched black by the fire of the sun god.

"It's time!" Changsheng thought like electricity and shouted!

"Heaven and Earth Oven!"

I saw a boundless heaven and earth oven suddenly appeared on the sun star!

This oven is simple and has a long atmosphere.

It is as if the world has existed since the beginning of time.

Threads of avenues of avenues came from it, making people feel as if they were in the ancient times.


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Chapter 188 Dingding the mountains and rivers, the power of innate treasures, the power to suppress the sun! (Please subscribe!)

There are three thousand great mills all over it, like three thousand great mills.

At this time, it erupted with boundless suction, pulling the Sun God Fire, trying to inhale it into the furnace.

How can the Sun God Fire, which contains the power of the sun, sit still, trying to pull and absorb it is as difficult as going to the sky.

Even things like the Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth are difficult to control.

I saw countless sun fires being pulled into a vortex, but just hovering at the oven mouth - not entering.

On the contrary, countless sun **** fires gathered together, and even had the power of a saint.

They rioted against the furnace of heaven and earth.




Attacking again and again is like a saint's shot.

Even if the world is flooded, it is difficult to resist.

After the oven has been subjected to countless impacts, it is finally full of cracks.

Chen Changsheng naturally noticed this.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Even the heaven and earth oven can't resist this riotous sun fire!"

Chen Changsheng watched the cracks on the furnace of heaven and earth continue to grow and deepen.

His brows also furrowed deeply.

"If the sun **** fire is allowed to smash the furnace of heaven and earth to pieces, then the sun star will completely riot."

"If the sun star riots, the boundless firepower will scorch the flood and cause catastrophe."

"Also, even if I run now, it's too late, and I will definitely be buried in Sunstar."

Although Chen Changsheng had a deeper understanding of the Tao of the Sun because of the hibiscus tree, this improvement at this time was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

If Chen Changsheng was given a hundred years of comprehension to fully comprehend the way of the sun, then the Sun Star riot would completely defeat him.

He will swim like a fish in water in the fire of the sun.

Unfortunately, time does not allow him to do so.

It can be said that this is the biggest crisis he has encountered since he entered the flood!


The more calm Chen Changsheng became, the quicker he would die in a crisis.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Chen Changsheng's mind, and he was looking for a way to break the situation!

Suddenly, he thought of the fact that he used the Eastern Emperor Bell to suppress the Qiao Qi fortune a thousand years ago.

He thought: "The innate treasure has the function of suppressing Qi, so does it also have the ability to suppress the spiritual energy of riots?"

"If I threw the innate treasure into this place, calmed down the power of the rioting sun, and then absorbed it later?"

On Chen Changsheng's body, there were two Innate Babies, one was the Donghuang Bell and the other was the Emperor Cauldron.

After thinking about it, he still felt that the Emperor Cauldron was more suitable.

Because the cauldron is a great tool, it has the ability to suppress all things more than the bell.


Chen Changsheng made up his mind and flew the Emperor Cauldron out.

"Emperor Cauldron!"

I saw that this Emperor Cauldron grew rapidly, and it became a heavy weapon that spanned thousands of miles!

Its body is engraved with all the spirits of the wild and wild, and it is all-encompassing and engraving.

The tripod body trembled slightly, playing the sound of the avenue.

The Eastern Emperor Bell is only engraved with demons and all races, while the Emperor Cauldron is engraved with all spirits. Such a comparison can be said to be a high judgment!


The emperor's cauldron revealed a trace of innate mother energy, which was more original than the energy of the sun and the fire of the sun.

Wherever the innate mother qi went, the fire of the sun retreated.

The Emperor Cauldron was running slowly in the sky, and the fire of the sun that had been rioting was actually calmed down.

Of course this is only a small part of how huge the entire sun star is.

It is obviously unrealistic to stabilize the entire Sun Star with only one Emperor Cauldron.

Only the fire of the sun in all directions of the Emperor Cauldron subdued.

That's enough, at this moment Chen Changsheng exhaled.


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