At this moment, he had already used the body of the Great Dao, and the power of the three thousand origins in his body erupted.

With Chen Changsheng's efforts, the Heavenly Pillar was gradually raised and inserted into the South Pole, tens of thousands of miles away.

At this time, Chen Changsheng also loosened the shackles on the Tianzhu.


After a loud bang, Tianzhu suddenly erupted with a huge power, directly blasting the surrounding mountains and floods into nothingness.

God is mighty and mighty, I don't know where to go and play hundreds of millions of miles away.

At this time, the pillar of the day was also getting bigger and higher, and it quickly stood up.

The heavy sky was also slowly rising at this moment, constantly rising.

Open up the world, the world will be clear again!


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Chapter 173 In the future, this child will become a major problem for interpretation and teaching! (Please subscribe!)

Feeling the increase in the luck of the human race, the Supreme Saint and Nuwa were both delighted.

Although the expression on the old face of the sage Taishang did not change, there was a gleam in his eyes.

"However, I didn't expect that Chen Changsheng's harvest of merits would actually lead to the growth of the human race's luck."

"This son is really extraordinary, and he cannot be judged by common sense."

The sage Taishang was originally the leader of the Human Religion. Because of the way he cultivated himself, he ruled by inaction, and he paid attention to one thing that followed the flow.

Therefore, I never ask about the human race. As long as the human race is not destroyed, the human religion will last forever.

However, the human race can become stronger and stronger, and he is also happy to see it.

The stronger the human race, the more luck condenses, and the more profit you can share.

Therefore, looking at Chen Changsheng, the Supreme Sage became more and more fond of him.

Of course, at this time, it is inevitable to think of the two saints of the Western religion.

After all, if everything remained the same, Chen Changsheng's current position should be dominated by Western saints.

"The two Westerners this time are too smart in their calculations, and they have suffered a lot."

Originally, the Western sages were in charge, and this merit was naturally also theirs.

It's a pity that Western religions still have wishful thinking at such a time.

As a result, he and others left them directly.

Did they get nothing? Instead, they missed the great opportunity and were ridiculed by all beings.

"With this disciple here, why should my Xuanmen be afraid of calamity!"

The Supreme Sage looked at that Chen Changsheng, sighed with such emotion, and quite admired it.

Nuwa's mouth was also slightly raised at this time, quite happy.

"This Chen Changsheng is indeed a lucky star, and his surprises come one after another."

The stronger the human race, the more benefits she can gain as a human mother.

Sure enough, it was a wise choice to give up the demon clan that would only act viciously and do evil, and choose the human clan.

Even if Chen Changsheng had stepped down from the role of the emperor, Nuwa knew that, with Chen Changsheng's temperament, he would not leave the human race alone.

Therefore, in the future, the human race will definitely be able to reach a higher level, and the future can be expected.

"Listening to what Senior Brother Tongtian said this time, I won't lose money by giving Chen Changsheng this chance."

Nuwa smiled at the extreme south, full of expectations for Chen Changsheng's future and the future of the human race.

"Haha, everyone, how are you?"

The sect master of Tongtian laughed, and the laughter was passed on among the saints.

"I just said that this disciple of mine can take on such a heavy responsibility and is much more reliable than those two in the West!"

Chen Changsheng shook his head helplessly when he heard that his master was showing off to others again.


The sage Taishang was succinct, and replied a word softly.


Just a word, but it is extremely rare to appreciate others.

"Shan, Senior Brother Tongtian has really accepted a good disciple."

Nuwa did not hesitate to praise Chen Changsheng, and at the same time, she said a good word along with the Tongtian Sect Master.

When the Tongtian Sect Master heard this, he even smiled and looked bright.

"Chen Changsheng, you will go to the Wa Palace later, and I will return the Emperor Cauldron to you."

Nuwa also took this opportunity to speak to Chen Changsheng.


Chen Changsheng was slightly surprised, can't it be done now?

Just thinking that since Nu Wa said so, there must be her reasoning, Chen Changsheng agreed.

Anyway, with sages protecting him, and beings in the wild watching, he, Chen Changsheng, really wasn't afraid of Nuwa's greed for his Emperor Cauldron.

What's more, she is the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, and Nuwa is also the Holy Mother of the Human Race.

Even if Nuwa really had that kind of heart, she had to consider the feelings of the human race.

All of the saints who together mended the sky today praised Chen Changsheng for such a feat today, but Tianzun Yuanshi had a gloomy expression and said nothing.

"In the future, this child will inevitably become a major problem for interpretation and teaching!"


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Chapter 174 The Western Religion is furious, if this son is not removed, my Western Religion will be uneasy! (Please subscribe!)

Yuanshi Tianzun thought so in his heart. Because of fundamentally different teachings, the two religions are in constant conflict.

Even himself and Tongtian are tit-for-tat, and the disciples below need not say more.

This is a fundamental problem, and it is impossible to reconcile it, even Senior Senior Brother Taishang is helpless.

If things go on like this, there will inevitably be a huge conflict between the two religions in the future.

At that time, I don't know what kind of amazing person Chen Changsheng has grown into.

With his words in the "September 20th", the disciples of Chanjiao are destined to get nothing.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time. If there is a chance to get rid of this person, the deity will naturally not miss it."

But does such an opportunity really exist?

Could it be that he really wanted to join forces with those two in the West to deal with Chen Changsheng together?

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head helplessly, sighed, and disappeared directly in place.

"Hehe, the guy who looked down on people is gone."

Tongtian sect master sneered, "Changsheng, remember to go home early, I will stop teaching."

Saying that, he also disappeared in place and returned to the interception.

The Supreme Sage looked at the two junior brothers and was quite helpless.

It's just that the two of them have always been like this, and there is no way to mediate even the Supreme Saint.

"Forget it, as long as they don't fight each other and affect the development of my Xuanmen, let them go!"

The Supreme Saint is also helpless, and can only reduce the bottom line to a minimum.

As long as this bottom line is not exceeded, they can make trouble as they like.

At this time, above the Western Lingshan Mountain, there was a haze, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing and solemn.

All Western disciples are cautious and dare not move around and talk at will.

Because at the moment where the two saints were, there was a constant shout of anger.

"Damn! This **** Chen Changsheng, how dare he take my chance to teach in the West!"

"This son is so abhorrent that he dares to act as a quasi-saint and do the thing of mending the sky, and he is not afraid of a contingency that will cause the flood to suffer even greater calamities!"

Jieyin and Zhunti gritted their teeth at this moment, their vicious appearance was like a lunatic on the street, where is there any sainthood?

They kept swearing at Chen Changsheng, wishing that the sage would come to him immediately and beat him to the point of disappearing, his spirit and soul completely destroyed!

Originally, according to what the Second Saints of the West thought, the four saints of the Wa Palace had to seek the West for the sake of the prehistoric world.

No matter how angry or unwilling they were, they had to bow their heads to the West.

Therefore, this calamity cannot be solved without the joint efforts of the saints......

Western religions can also put forward conditions to Xuanmen and strive for some benefits.

Unexpectedly, these few people were so ignorant, they immediately gave up contact, and turned around and called Chen Changsheng to Li Tianzhu to mend the sky.

The most infuriating thing is, that's it, they actually succeeded!

Seeing that boundless merit and virtue descended on Chen Changsheng's place, Xie Ying Zhun said that he regretted it at the same time, but he also hated it.

I hate those saints, and I hate that Chen Changsheng even more!

"Damn Chen Changsheng, he has fought against us over and over again. Next time, if there is a chance, I will definitely kill it with my own hands!"

Under Zhunti's anger, he had already put Chen Changsheng on the death list.


The Daoist Receiver also nodded again and again, "You don't need to keep your hands next time you meet, just kill them on 4.9."

"If I don't get rid of this son, I will be uneasy in the West!"

This boundless merit should have been an opportunity for Western teaching.

Chen Changsheng now has such an opportunity, so prepare to bear the wrath of the Western religion!


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Chapter 175 Fuxi's remnant soul, one of the three emperors! Nuwa gift treasure (please subscribe!)

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