Chapter 159 Ding Hai Shenzhu, Ding thousands of floods! The emperor is here! (Please subscribe!)

The land of the human race is mourning at this moment.

The sudden flood caught everyone off guard.

Under such earth-shattering changes, the manpower is extremely small, and the human race is even more insignificant.

Almost in a blink of an eye, their homes were washed away by the flood, and even the people around them who got along day and night were directly washed away by the flood.

People suddenly woke up and ran to the high place to avoid the flood.

The human race's "Nine-Two" practitioners were also dispatched at the first time, and went around to rescue the human race in distress.

However, even if they are successful in cultivation, their strength is far higher than that of mortals.

In this disaster that affected the entire flood and famine, it also seemed insignificant.

They go around and can only help those who are close to them, and the human races in other remote places can only ask for more blessings for themselves.

At this time, most of the human race had moved to high places.

Wife and estranged, family devastated.

Looking at the surging flood in front of them, the faces of the human race were all sad and gloomy.

"Could it be that God wants to kill my human race?"

"My human race has survived to this day. How many generations have it been difficult to maintain? Is it going to be destroyed today?"

"The way of heaven is unfair, I will not accept it!"

Everyone looked up at the sky and couldn't help but curse.

How many generations of the human race have been through and through, and it has only been maintained to this day.

Now that I finally have some hope for life, did I die in the flood like this?

"Wait, what is that?"

When everyone was in despair, someone suddenly noticed that the light was flickering in the sky.

Immediately, the eyes of the entire human race were attracted, looking at the radiant sky.

I saw a flash of light, and huge beads began to appear, shining in the sky.

In an instant.

The place where the entire human race is located, invariably lit up.

Thirty huge | large beads were revealed, closely surrounding the place where the human race was.

"Dinghai Divine Pearl!"

A human race practitioner has sharp eyes and revealed the origin of this bead.

"This is the magic weapon of His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Human Emperor!"

The human race was suddenly shocked. Is this His Majesty the Emperor coming back to save them?

"Great! His Majesty the Emperor is back!"

"I knew that His Majesty the Emperor will not abandon his people, he will definitely come back!"

"His Majesty the Emperor has taken action, and now my human race is saved!"

The human race suddenly burst into cheers, and everyone in the human race cheered and jumped up...  

No matter where you are, on a mountain, on a tree, or on a roof.

Looking at the Dinghai Divine Pearl that appeared, everyone felt at ease in their hearts.

Even just seeing the emperor's magic weapon has already made them excited.

For the Emperor, they naturally admired him immensely. In his heart, this was an omnipotent existence.

It's just that the people of the human race looked at the fixed **** bead in the sky and couldn't help but be a little curious.

Your Majesty, how are you going to deal with this flood?

People looked up at the sky one after another to see how His Majesty the Emperor did.

At this moment, the thirty-six Sea Ding Divine Pearls hang in the sky, closely surrounding the place where the human race is.

Suddenly, the thirty Dinghai Divine Orbs suddenly shook, and they trembled violently.

"This is?"

People were in shock and wondered what happened to 4.9.

Immediately afterwards, the Dinghai Divine Bead was suddenly motionless, as if it had frozen.

Immediately afterwards, a violent shock wave rippled out from the various Dinghai Divine Pearls and shot directly in all directions.


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Chapter 160 The Emperor's Trial Comes Out, Suppresses Qiankun, The Emperor's Great Virtue! (Please subscribe!)

Wherever the impact reached, the flood was quickly separated, and the stormy waves were set off.

When the wind was calm, he saw that with the Dinghai Divine Pearl as the boundary, the place where the human race was located was completely separated from the wild land.

At the same time, the Dinghai Divine Pearl also burst out with great suction, and began to absorb the floods in the land of the human race.

The monstrous flood actually subsided at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, all the human races who fell into the water were also carried to the heights by the light of the Dinghai Divine Pearl.


The human race looked at this scene in shock. Is this the means of the emperor?

"Human Emperor Dade!"


"The emperor is indeed the emperor, the hope of our human race!"

"Your Majesty, please accept me!"

The human race fell to the ground one after another, thanking the sky far away.

At this moment, Chen Changsheng's figure slowly emerged from the void.

The heroic appearance like a savior caused a sensation in the human race, and he kept shouting to express his gratitude and worship.

Chen Changsheng nodded slightly and said nothing.

Looking back at the monstrous flood, he frowned slightly.

Although the Dinghai Divine Pearl separates the place where the human race is located, it is not affected by the floods.

However, after all, this flood was huge, and it kept hitting the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

The rolling flood, Rao Dinghai Divine Pearl, was actually trembling slightly at this moment.

"If you go on like this, the body of a thousand miles will collapse in the ant's nest, and it will be easy to fail."

Chen Changsheng pondered for a while, his mind moved.


A gigantic treasure cauldron appeared in the sky of the human race, and there was no one to compete with it.

Emperor Ding!

The Emperor Ding flew all the way and landed straight on Kongtong Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race.


After a loud | loud sound, the Emperor Cauldron accurately landed in the great formation of the sky.

In an instant.

The entire array of mana flowed, the rays of light flashed, and the boundless Dao rhyme rippled away.

But in a moment, the Skyline Great Array has been completely activated and enhanced.

Immediately afterwards, with this great formation in the sky as the center, a huge force rippled away, heading in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, this power has spread to the border of the human race, complementing the Dinghai Divine Pearl in the sky, and together they form a huge barrier of light.

At this moment, the entire human race is under the great formation, let him be flooded and flooded, I will stand still!

Wherever the gods are, they shelter hundreds of millions of people!

The human race is overjoyed, looking beyond the barrier, the flood has become a vast ocean.

The flood on the Terran side is gradually diminishing and shrinking.

Everyone of the human race looked at Chen Changsheng standing against the wind in the sky, and they all naturally gave birth to a deep admiration, and fell to their knees.

"Many thanks to His Majesty the Emperor for saving his life!"

"The emperor's benevolence and righteousness will last forever!"

"His Majesty the Emperor, please accept the little one again!"

Chen Changsheng didn't respond to them, at this moment he was finally completely relieved.

"In this way, it can be regarded as protecting the human race."

However, watching the Dinghai Divine Pearl absorb the flood, although its power is amazing, there are only thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearl Bi 920, and the territory of the human race is hundreds of millions of miles away.

Therefore, even if Dinghai Shenzhu was running at full power, it was a drop in the bucket.

"Let's go like this, I don't know if it's going to be the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon!"

Seeing this, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

Quickly thinking about what other way, I can quickly eliminate this flood and let the people return to normal life.

"Huh? Donghuang Bell?"

Chen Changsheng suddenly saw the Eastern Emperor Bell he had just harvested, his brows lit up with joy, and he was thinking about it.


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Chapter 161 The East Emperor Bell shelters? Hmph, this emperor's subordinates, refining is correct! (Please subscribe!)

Chen Changsheng looked at the Eastern Emperor Bell, and immediately thought of using the Eastern Emperor Bell to absorb the monstrous flood in the land of the human race, so that the human race could return to normal as soon as possible and live and work in peace and contentment.

After thinking about it, Chen Changsheng didn't hesitate too much, and immediately started refining the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The boundless mana rippled out, Chen Changsheng's thoughts moved, and he concentrated them in one place to refine the Eastern Emperor Bell.

However, this mana kept entering | into the Eastern Emperor Bell, but the Eastern Emperor Bell did not respond.

Chen Changsheng was furious and couldn't help roaring.

"East Emperor Taiyi, you are a remnant soul, how dare you disobey this emperor so much?"

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