Lin Feng

didn't know what to say for a while, and when the fifth Qingmeng saw Lin Feng so decisive, the aggressive posture from before was gradually let go!

"I know that my cultivation is not enough, but I have to go to this place of burial, because I want to retrieve my father's bones!"

Isn't she the daughter of the Fifth Supreme God?

This is a bit of a mess! At least judging from the surname, her guess is fine, but this Fifth Qingmeng is not deceiving herself at the moment

! Moreover, the other party's danger with the cultivation of the Ancient God Realm is even more illustrative

! Lin Feng suddenly sighed in his heart!

"City Lord, I can... What to do?

" Fifth Qingmeng's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and the previous sadness was swept away, and Lin Feng, who saw it, muttered in his heart, was he fooled! But Fifth Qingmeng's

next words dispelled his last doubts

! "If possible, I like you to help me find my father's bones, I want to take him home..."

Lin Feng nodded slowly, and he agreed!

This matter is not a big deal, anyway, I have to find the godhead of the supreme godhead, it is estimated that I have to turn the place where the god is buried upside down, and help the fifth Qingmeng find his father, it is just a matter of the way!

The fifth Qingmeng saw Lin Feng agreeing so readily, the expression on his face also became relaxed, and he thanked Lin Feng and left.

Lin Feng looked at the slender figure that was gradually walking away, and couldn't help but think of his little junior sister Chen Ling'er in his mind.

His little junior sister has been an abandoned baby since she was a child, and she was raised by her master Chen Chengren, and the topic of her biological parents Lin Feng has never been mentioned in front of him, after all, he doesn't want to mention this topic that will make the little junior sister rush to be sad!

In fact, Lin Feng later directly mobilized the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao to deduce Chen Ling'er's life experience, and the answer he got also made him a little stunned.

Chen Linger's parents were both mortals, and they died in a war, leaving only Chen Ling'er who was still in infancy, so in fact, Chen Ling'er was not an abandoned baby

! But he didn't tell Chen Ling'er this secret, after all, the past is over, and it is enough for his little junior sister to be happy now

! Lin Feng walked out of his reminiscences and turned around and returned to his room

! Alas! I still have to hurry up and cultivate!

Three days later.

Lin Feng, who was sleeping, got the transmission of the Fifth Clear Dream, and hurriedly got up and walked outside

! And as soon as he came to the air, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel shocked when he looked at the scene in front

of him! In front of him was a very huge spatial crack, about tens of thousands of zhang in size, although this thing was not worth making a fuss about, but this was in

the Divine Realm! Even with Lin Feng's current cultivation, a full blow could not have the slightest impact on the space of the Divine Realm!

And the person who can make this crack can imagine his strength!

Lin Feng turned his head to look at

the Divine Venerable who led the team, and slowly spoke: "Senior, is this the entrance that I mentioned earlier?"

The Divine Venerable nodded, and said in a somewhat solemn tone:

"That's right, it's here! This place will appear every ten thousand epochs of spatial rifts, and now the spatial rift is stabilizing, and you will be able to enter it soon!"

When Lin Feng and the others heard this, their faces all showed strange looks

! But at this moment, like a hearty voice came

! "Haha, Old Ghost He, I didn't expect you to lead the team this time!"

Everyone followed the prestige, only to see a man who looked like a jade tree in the wind stepped into the air, followed by three men

! When Lin Feng looked at these people, his pupils suddenly shrank!

This beautiful man's cultivation naturally doesn't need to be said, he can't see through it, then it should be the existence of the Divine Venerable Realm, and the next three people are all characters at the peak of the Divine King Realm!

This made Lin Feng very puzzled, it was obvious that others were well prepared and sent their right-hand men, but the Demon Suppression City was a weak group

! There was no comparison at all!

The beautiful man glanced at Lin Feng and the three of them, and his eyes stayed on the Fifth Qingmeng for a while, and then he said to the old

ghost He: "Old ghost He, is the situation in Demon Suppression City already so grim?"

The person known as Old Ghost He nodded solemnly when he heard this

, "There has been an abnormality on the plague god's side recently, and my Demon Suppression City can only be like this!"

"Alas, this is really embarrassing for you!".

Lin Feng on the side listened to the conversation

between these two people, and suddenly understood a little! Bullshit's chance

! These three people had been coaxing themselves to come to this place of burial gods, and they had completely used themselves

as cannon fodder! But then he frowned again

! Because he found that there were some loopholes in this idea, because the background of the Fifth Qingmeng was not simple, if the Demon Suppression City only chose cannon fodder, there was no need to involve her as well!

So this made Lin Feng a little confused

! In the end, he really couldn't figure it out, so he had to wait and see!

Old Ghost He smiled and said to the beautiful man

, "This trip to the Land of the Burial God is far more dangerous than before, I heard that the Fallen Legion seems to have some intention of fighting a decisive battle!"

I've also heard that this time when they enter the land of the burial gods, it would be good if thirty percent of them came out alive, alas!"

The six people who followed the two were all a little dumbfounded, no one had ever said that this place of burial gods was so dangerous before they came

! The mortality rate is as high as seventy percent, what kind of concept is this!

Just among the six people present, four people must stay in the place of the burial gods forever!

Although everyone thinks that the person who is left in the place of burial will not be themselves, the risk is still too great

! And listening to the meaning of the words of the two gods, it seems that this time the fallen legion will fight with them endlessly!

However, no one opened their mouths to refuse to enter the place of the burial god, because everyone also knew that entering it was an unchangeable fact, and the next most important thing was how to survive, killing the enemy was secondary

! Although Lin Feng was also slandered in his heart, his face was light and light, and he was full of absolute confidence in his own strength, and when he inadvertently glanced at the fifth clear dream, he found that the other party was also fearless!

Where did this woman get her confidence? It can't be that he has already gone with the mentality of death, but it doesn't look like

it! Lin Feng had a trace of curiosity about this woman for the first time

! It seems that this woman must have relied on the cultivation of the ancient god realm to enter here, maybe it is the handiwork of the fifth supreme god!

So what is the relationship between the fifth supreme god and the father of the fifth clear dream?

While I was thinking about these things, the spatial rift not far away had completely stabilized!

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