But in the end, someone couldn't help but speak first!

"Lin Feng, I came to you today because I have two great happy events to tell you!" Lin Feng

looked at the person who spoke, showing a look of doubt

! What are you kidding, there are still happy events for yourself, and there are two more things?

However, before Lin Feng could open his mouth to refuse, the person who spoke before seemed to see through Lin Feng's thoughts, and then continued

: "Don't be in a hurry to refuse, do you want to hear what is going on first?"

Lin Feng immediately felt very reasonable when he heard it, seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, it didn't hurt to hear about this happy event!

Seeing that Lin Feng was stabilized, the Divine Venerable seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said in a kind tone:

" This first thing is actually related to your

life's events!" ???

Lin Feng felt that his brain was a little insufficient, what the hell, how did he get involved in his life's events?

But his casual glance at the Fifth Qingmeng, who was already sitting next to him with a flushed face, suddenly felt a pang in his heart

! Although this woman is impeccable in terms of appearance and figure, I, Lin Feng, am not such a casual person

! So without waiting for the god to finish speaking, Lin Feng directly waved his hand and said:

"I'm sorry, Lin already has a heart, and I won't bother you with the major events of my life! If there is nothing else

, I will leave first!" After saying that, Lin Feng is about to leave!"

Suddenly, a god venerable shouted at him!Lin Feng's footsteps were also stunned, and his eyes looked at each other lightly!

"Alas!, let's not talk about this matter for now, anyway, it's not what we meant, let's talk about the second happy event!" "

Recently, the 'Land of the Burial of the Gods' is about to open, and you are now advanced to the realm of the God King, so you are naturally qualified to enter it, we have discussed, you will become one of the three representatives of my Demon City!"

Why does it sound so unlucky? I still have to go in as a representative, what kind of divine realm joke is

it! But looking at Lin Feng's appearance that he didn't seem interested at all, the three gods all looked at each other, how could this be different from what he imagined

! By the way, he hadn't told this guy about the benefits, as long as he said it, the other party would definitely not be able to refuse!

"Ahem!Lin Feng, this 'place of burial of the gods', but it is extraordinary, it only opens once in 10,000 epochs, and there are countless creations and opportunities in it, it is a place that all people in the god realm dream of, of course, there is a little danger in it, so you can only enter it if you cultivate at least the god king realm!"

But after speaking, Lin Feng still looked uninterested

! Lin Feng: Lao Tzu really laughed, the creation and chance of bullshit, am I the one who lacks those things!

At this time, the three gods couldn't hold back! The other party seemed to be dead or alive and didn't want to go

! It seemed that they could only use a big move

! "That, Lin Feng, there is another legendary big chance in this 'burial god land'!"

Lin Feng was immediately aroused by curiosity when he heard this

! The legendary chance seems to have something!

"What big chance?" The

god venerable smiled and said

"Legend has it that there is a complete lineage of the first god in the 'Land of the Burial God', of course, its inheritance is secondary, and the most important thing

is that his godhead is also in the 'Land of the Buried God'!" Lin Feng couldn't help but start thinking

about it! If

there is anything that can make him tempted now, then it is obvious that this godhead is one of them, because of his own chaos The evolution of the godhead needs to constantly devour other godheads, and the godhead experience pack that he signs in every day is a little insufficient, and now his cultivation has caught up with

the godhead, so it is urgent to improve the level of the godhead! Since there is a supreme godhead hidden in this "burial godhead", it is of great significance to himself

! In this way, it seems that this "burial godland" is a must-go! After

a while, Lin Feng had a plan in his heart!

"Well, a few seniors are right, I really want to go to the 'Land of Burial Gods', but it's not for any chance, it's purely to represent our Demon City!" When

the three gods heard Lin Feng's agreement, their faces immediately showed joy, and they nodded again and again:

"Since that's the case, then I still have to tell you about some of the dangers of this 'Land of Burial Gods'!"

After talking for about an hour, Lin Feng was able to finish listening, and in general, there were still a lot of dangers in this land of burial gods.

First of all, there is a threat from the Fallen Legion, every time the place of burial is opened, it is actually a contest between the high-level combat power of the two sides, otherwise a total of thousands of God King Realm will not be sent out!

Basically, the number of God Kings sent by both sides is about the same every time, and most of the God Kings have also fallen into the hands of the opposing camp!

It sounds very dangerous, but it is a great opportunity for Lin Feng! Killing this group of fallen army god kings can also plunder the godhead, so that his godhead can go to the next level, after all, even if he gets the godhead of the supreme godhead, Lin Feng is estimated not to be enough to rise to the golden one!

And another big danger in the land of the burial gods is this place itself, the reason why it is called the land of the burial gods is because there are many gods who have died in it, and this place is a chaotic and disorderly place, many strange existences have been born in it for countless years, and its highest cultivation has even reached the realm of gods!

Of course, Lin Feng doesn't care much about this threat, after all, even if he can't beat it, can't he run yet?

Thinking that there is no one who can keep himself in this place of burial gods, it doesn't matter if he is weird or not, as long as he doesn't have the eyesight to see all the way

! Thinking of this, Lin Feng is full of confidence! After asking again, he said goodbye and left, there is still a month before the place of burial of gods opens, and he can make more preparations!

And just after Lin Feng left, the three gods looked at each other with a hint of shame on their faces!"

Alas, do you think it's okay for us

to lie to him like this?" "This is also a helpless thing, I really can't find anyone to fill it, and the other god kings can't move, so we can only wronged him, and we can't be a lie, after all, there is really

the inheritance of the supreme god in it!" "Alas, having said that, how many eras have passed, and no one has ever found the slightest trace of the supreme god's inheritance, this kid is probably going to be disappointed..."

And the fifth Qingmeng below, looking at the departing Lin Feng's figure, sighed faintly, and his face seemed to show a trace of disappointment.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know anything about all this.

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