The female city lord directly slashed towards Lin Feng with a sword in the air, and a cold sword light slashed through, slashing straight towards Lin Feng's front door! Lin Feng's

pupils shrank, and a spear directly appeared in his hand, stabbing towards the sword light, and suddenly the sword light collapsed!

And after this shot, Lin Feng's figure flickered, and the next moment he appeared behind the female city lord, grabbing the back of the opponent's neck!

The female city lord didn't expect that the other party could actually

teleport! This is simply beyond her imagination! If it is said that in a place like the Nether, teleportation is just commonplace, and anyone who has a little spatial power can do it, but this divine realm space is extremely special, and it is impossible to teleport!

Of course, Lin Feng also knows this, the reason why he can teleport is completely because of the Absolute God Domain!

Although the area of the Absolute Divine Domain that he can unleash at present is not large, but within the scope of this Absolute Divine Domain, to a certain extent

, it is not inferior to the Divine Realm! Lin Feng can teleport in it at will

! And it was his unexpected sneak attack, the female city lord was quickly pressed to the ground

, and Lin Feng directly sealed it! Although it is also the peak of the Ancient God Realm, it is obvious that Lin Feng is more clever in both cultivation and means!

And the reason why he wanted to make a quick decision was also because he was worried

that this female city lord would have some backhand! At this time, this female city lord's cultivation was sealed, and the whole person was lying in Lin Feng's absolute divine domain, completely becoming a lamb to the slaughter

! Lin Feng looked at the other party carefully, and I have to say that this female city lord has indeed changed a lot after changing her clothes

! Although her face is still full of murderous intent, it is much more feminine than before!

And the delicate figure, although the dress is very loose, but there are still some places that are difficult to hide

! Lin Feng looked a little dry, and the female city lord looked at Lin Feng looking at

his eyes, and her eyes gradually showed fear! Lin Feng smiled

! The feeling is that he is a pervert

! But then his thoughts turned, and he suddenly thought about it!

Lin Feng gradually approached the female city lord with a lewd smile on her face, and her hands seemed to be rubbing back and forth a little impatiently

! The female city lord was about to cry when she saw Lin Feng's appearance

! She thought that with her own strength, and with this nine-curved square circle array, she could directly capture the other party, and when the time came, she tortured him for the purpose of infiltrating the Demon Suppression City, but she didn't expect that the reversal would be so fast, and she was actually taken down by the other party with one move!

Lin Feng's gaze looked at the other party's body unscrupulously, and the female city lord suddenly turned red, and her chest could rise and fall violently

! Now Lin Feng looked even more energetic!

But Lin Feng didn't really look at these things, and only said lightly when he felt that the female city lord was about to cry:

" City Lord, you and I have no grievances, and I don't want to hurt you, but there are some issues that still need to be clarified, otherwise I don't mind doing something out of the ordinary!"

If you have any questions, just ask

!" Lin Feng was amused in his heart!

When he first saw this woman, he only felt that the other party had a noble and elegant temperament, and he looked like no one was close to him, but now he actually became like this

! I have to say that his three views have been greatly impacted!

"City Lord, why are you setting up a big array to sneak attack me!"

The female city lord sighed and said quietly:

"I... I want to capture you personally, and then torture you to find out the purpose of approaching

the City Lord's Mansion!" Lin Feng couldn't help frowning when he heard this, arresting

me?" "Go on, why do you want to arrest me, and what purpose can I have

!" "Isn't there a purpose for you to hide your cultivation and enter the City Lord's Mansion?!"

"I hide my cultivation?"


Feng suddenly understood!

It seems that the strength she showed earlier was known to this female city lord, and she wanted to trick herself into going to the city lord's mansion to catch

her! But isn't this a bit redundant?

Not to mention that there are three gods in the Demon Suppression City, even those dozen god kings are enough to drink a pot by themselves, so why do you have to take risks by yourself

! This woman must have a secret!

Lin Feng asked viciously

, "What is your name, and which supreme god do you have a relationship with?"

The female city lord hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke:

"My name is Fifth Qingmeng!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but swallow his saliva, although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, but when he really got the confirmation, he still couldn't accept

it! This surname had a lot to do with the Fifth Supreme God

! But whether it was the other party's daughter or a descendant, it was hard to say!

Lin Feng smiled wryly and said:

" City Lord, in fact, I am not an undercover spy, and I have no purpose in coming to this Demon City, I really just ascended a hundred years ago, as for my cultivation, I can't explain it to you for a while, if you don't believe it, I can swear on the spot!"

Lin Feng said righteous words, and Fifth Qingmeng couldn't help but start doubting his guess!

And he really didn't give the other party a chance to explain, but subjectively thought that the other party's purpose was not pure!

The most important thing is that she found out at this time that Lin Feng's previous posture was completely to intimidate herself, and she didn't mean to belittle herself!


! Disappointment?

Fifth Qingmeng didn't know why he suddenly had such a strange emotion

! Because of his special identity, he had never suffered any setbacks since he was a child, and there was no one among his peers

who could match him! Later, after he cultivated to the ancient god realm, he was arranged to be the city lord by himself, because of his background, everyone respected him very much, even those three gods, they were all respectful when they saw themselves!

But the man in front of him actually suppressed himself fiercely

! And the expression he had just now really scared him

! But now it seems that this guy really has no malice, he is not very old, and his cultivation is even better than himself!

The most important thing is that if this Lin Feng is not lying, then his cultivation speed can no longer be described as terrifying, and there must be a shocking big secret hidden in his body!

Lin Feng looked at the strange light emitted from the other party's eyes, and immediately guessed what the other party was thinking, and at the same time, his heart was also a mess

! Although he couldn't say what he expected, this woman was hiding a big secret!

But this secret was not good for him in the slightest, and how the scene in front of him ended had become a headache for him!

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