After stepping into the Dutong Mansion, Lin Feng and the

others had passed through seven or eight checkpoints in a row, and the two of them could be regarded as entering the core area of the Dutong Mansion

! According to Li Da's guidance, the two of them came to a very magnificent hall

! Good guy

! Lin Feng felt that his eyes were about to be blinded!

This taste is really low-level home!

The two of them stepped into the main hall without hurrying, and Li Da followed behind Lin Feng very carefully!

As soon as Lin Feng stepped into this hall, he immediately looked at him with more than a hundred pairs of eyes! Among them, Lin Feng also found his old acquaintance Yuan Hongyun, with a trace of unkindness in his eyes!

Lin Feng smiled faintly, arched his hand and said

, "Lin Feng, the new leader of the Tiger Ben Regiment, you fellow Daoists are polite!"

The first moment Lin Feng stepped into the main hall, everyone noticed that Lin Feng's cultivation was abnormal, and they couldn't help muttering in their hearts, guessing this Lin Feng's cultivation!


Hmph, you blame us for coming early!" Seeing

that the two seemed to be about to quarrel, Gao Yi on the high seat suddenly spoke

!" Commander Fu has something to say, presumably Commander Lin is unfamiliar with the road

when he first came, so he came late!" However, Commander Fu didn't seem to buy it, and sneered:

"Commander Lin doesn't know the way, is the captain next to him also a road idiot?!" Lin Feng couldn't

help frowning when he heard this!

If it weren't for the existence of the Divine Venerable Realm in this Demon City, he really wanted to go up directly and shoot this cheap-mouthed guy to death

! It's really that the tiger doesn't exert his might, and he thinks he is a Hello

! And that Gao Yi seems to be a peacemaker, but in fact, he is arching the fire! Ma Dan! Find a chance to do it together

! Lin Feng also didn't expect that the first thing he wanted to do when he had just taken office was to kill his colleagues!

It seems that he is still not suitable to be an official

! And just after Commander Fu said this, Li Da behind him was suddenly taken aback, and hurriedly came out to explain

! But he was stopped by Lin Feng

! Lin Feng said with a nonchalant face:

"Commander Fu, right? I just came late on purpose, so you can say what's wrong!"

That Commander Fu was immediately furious when he heard this

! "You, presumptuous! What are you doing

in front of the Dutong Mansion!" Then he said to

Gao Yi: "Dutong, I suggest that this fanatic be dealt with by military law!"

But Gao Yi didn't speak, just squinted at Lin Feng in front of

him! I don't know why, he always felt that this Lin Feng gave him a very dangerous feeling, and he couldn't see through the other party's cultivation!

But he knew very well that this Lin Feng had just soared for less than a hundred years, and his original cultivation was in the Heavenly God Realm, but he didn't believe that the other party would be able to break the mirror in just a hundred years

! But why was this Lin Feng so arrogant! Where did his confidence come from?

Gao Yi thought about all possibilities, and finally came to the only possible conclusion: The relationship between this Lin Feng and the city lord!

Seeing that Lin Feng is very young, and his face is like jade, his demeanor is good, and his cultivation is also good, if he says that he has entered the eyes of the city lord, it is not impossible...

Of course, Lin Feng, who was labeled as the "face of the city lord" in a moment, didn't know anything

! He could only say that this Gao Yi had too much imagination

! Seeing that Gao Yi had not spoken for a long time! That Commander

Fu was a little anxious! Why didn't this Gao Du Tong speak, did he change his mind temporarily? But if this was the case, wouldn't he have become a clown! How could this work

! At that moment, this Commander Fu made a decision!

Gao Dutong, his subordinates want

to go head-to-head with Commander Lin!" "Heads-up?"

Gao Yi finally came to his senses, but he didn't expect that after thinking for a while, the two sides actually developed to the point of going head-to-head

! Lin Feng also had a question mark on his

head! Did this surnamed Fu take the wrong medicine!

It was the first time he had met him, and he actually wanted to go head-to-head with himself? It was really crazy!

If Yuan Hongyun jumped out and went head-to-head with himself, of course, Yuan Hongyun had suffered a loss once, and he would definitely not be humiliated

again! The other more than 100 commanders were also very surprised

! What happened to this Fu commander today? He is usually quite amiable with everyone, why is he so irritable today, as if he has taken an expired aphrodisiac! Something's

wrong! There must be something wrong here!

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Feng again!

In fact, they had already heard of this newcomer, and it seemed that Commander Yuan had suffered

losses in his hands! Now there was a lot of excitement to watch! The

most important thing was how Gao Yi handled this matter, if he didn't get it right, it would be easy to lose face

! Lin Feng had also inquired in advance, and this Gao Yi's prestige was not so strong in the Dikui Brigade, and many commanders were not so convinced of it! It was mainly because of his personal character!

This Gao Yi is a little undignified, and the whole person likes to play conspiracy and tricks

! This is somewhat contrary to the atmosphere of happiness and enmity

in the army

! At this time, Lin Feng turned a blind eye to the provocation of the commander Fu, and just looked at Gao Yi quietly, waiting for him to speak

! Gao Yi was also secretly scolding in his heart at this time!

He just thought about it for a moment, but as a result, this surnamed Fu actually made such a show for himself!

Not long ago, he heard that this Lin Feng had killed a captain in the late stage of the Heavenly God in the big tent

! If the two really started fighting, if Lin Feng died, it would be better to say, if this surnamed Fu was killed, then he would really be slapped in

the face! Thinking of this, Gao Yi's face was a little gloomy!

He could only really be a peacemaker for the time being!"

The two commanders, everyone dissipated their anger, now we are all comrades, we should be separated from the battlefield from the highs and lows, although the internal fighting can be temporary, but no matter what the result

is, it is the loss of our army! "Gao Yi's words are very beautiful, and for a time they can be regarded as perfectly resolving the contradictions between the two! Then Commander Fu also stopped talking

! After all, in the final analysis, there is no deep hatred between the two, and they are both under the command of one general, if you really fight to the death, it will definitely make people laugh!

Lin Feng doesn't care, if people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone, and if I don't fight, I won't fight, but if this surnamed Fu continues to do things later, he doesn't mind letting the other party evaporate quietly!

But since this Gao Yi is an old peacemaker, it is not good for him to slap him in the face directly, so he smiled and found a vacant seat and sat down, while Li Da stood behind him.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall had finally eased, Gao Yi said,

"Summoning all the generals here today is actually an important military situation to discuss!"

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