However, although the identity of this female city lord was a little mysterious, Lin Feng didn't care so much, and asked about some things in the army.

The two of them chatted as they walked, and many of Lin Feng's doubts

were also solved! The position he was going to take up was that of the commander, and there were more than 10,000 gods and soldiers under his command! Lin Feng was also shocked when he first heard this number

! This true god who could turn the chaotic sea upside down was so common in the god realm, and there were 10,000 under a small legion!

After such a rough calculation, there are simply a lot of existences above

the true gods of this god realm, which is a bit outrageous! But soon Lin Feng figured it out, there are too many chaotic domains below the god realm, and the longevity of the true god realm is infinite, since the birth of the god realm, I don't know how many gods have been accumulated, so it is normal to look at it! If it weren't for the continuous outbreak of wars in these recent eras, and many gods have fallen, the current god realm is probably full of gods!

However, the vast majority of people have stopped at the True God Realm, and it can be said that it is more difficult to go further than ascending to the sky

! Moreover, Lin Feng also got some news, after joining the army, it is actually not all dangerous, such as military merits can be obtained by killing enemies, and military merits can be exchanged for some things

! Of course, Lin Feng is not very interested in these military exploits, after all, he lacks nothing

! No way, it is so arrogant!

While the two of them were talking, they had already arrived in a military camp

, and Feng Shan led Lin Feng into a big tent! It was said to be a big tent, but in fact, it was more like a big hall, and Lin Feng could see that this should be a kind of treasure of the cave, except that the materials were more exquisite, and there was nothing too unusual about it!

At this time, there were many people in the big tent, and dozens of people in armor were discussing something around a table.

Seeing someone coming

in, everyone turned their heads to look at it in unison! Everyone looked at Feng Shan directly, and all of them fell on Lin Feng's body! Lin Feng was calm and calm, and he was not afraid of everyone's gaze at all

! At this time, everyone also discovered that they couldn't see through the cultivation of the person in front of them at all, and they immediately showed doubts on their faces!

Feng Shan coughed lightly, took out a cyan token from his arms and said:

" According to the order of the city lord, this is the new commander of the Dikui Brigade Tiger Regiment, Lin Feng!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard

this! They had already received a notice in advance, saying that a new commander was coming, but they didn't expect

it to be this person! It seemed to be very young! And the other party directly served as the commander, but no one had heard of this person at all!

Could it be that he was parachuted from other cities?


in the big tent was thinking about it in their hearts! Lin Feng squinted at everyone and didn't make a sound

! After a while, someone finally took the lead in speaking:

"Subordinate Li Da to see Commander Lin!"

Lin Feng looked at the person who spoke, and saw that it was a big man, and at first glance he was a fierce general

! Seeing that someone took the lead, the others also saluted one after another!

Lin Feng replied lightly, and then Feng Shan's task was completed, and he took the lead in saying goodbye

! And when he left, he whispered a few words in Lin Feng's ear, and Lin Feng's pupils suddenly shrank

! I see

! The Tiger Ben Regiment he belonged to belonged to the Dikui Brigade, and the capital of this Dikui Brigade was Gao Yi, Yuan Hongyun's boss a hundred years ago!

So wouldn't he say that he and Yuan Hongyun were colleagues now?

Lin Feng could also guess with his feet that this arrangement was definitely not a coincidence, he had slapped Yuan Hongyun in the face in the Jushen Building before, and now he was directly assigned to it, no matter how you look at it, it was a conspiracy

! However, with Lin Feng's cultivation, that Gao Yi was naturally not afraid at all, but Lin Feng was very distressed by these troubles

! The tree wanted to be quiet and the wind did not stop

! After Feng Shan left, Lin Feng directly strode to the chair in the middle of the big tent and sat down!


it just to be a general! I think we all commanded the Nether Guardian War back then, and it's just pediatrics

! I have to say that as soon as Lin Feng sat there, his momentum suddenly changed, and he seemed to be like a commander of a party who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years

! The group of captains below looked at each other, obviously also shocked by Lin Feng's momentum!

After Lin Feng glanced at the crowd, he said in a dignified tone:

" Now that I have assumed the position

of the commander of this Tiger Regiment, in addition to the rules of the army, I also want to talk about my Lin Feng's rules!" Everyone sat upright, pricking up their ears to listen to Lin Feng's speech

! "I have just joined the army, and I am not familiar with everything yet, so all the conventions remain the same, and I only have one requirement, that is, to be obedient

!" "In the future, my Lin Feng's words will be military orders! No one in the Tiger Regiment can listen to anyone except my orders, even if he is the commander of the capital, the marshal!"


soon as Lin Feng said this, there was a chill in the big tent! No one dared to say yes

! This is really too domineering

! If this word spreads, this commander must not be resigned in an instant

! However, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, he just looked at everyone coldly!

After a long time.

Finally someone spoke

!"Commander Lin, it's not that I don't want to wait, it's just that there are rules in the army, I don't know if Commander Lin's words have been agreed by Gao Dutong?"

Lin Feng looked at the person who opened his mouth lightly, and saw that the other party seemed to be a Confucian general, and he was quite good-looking!

"I don't need anyone's consent to say this, since it is my subordinate, then unless I die, it can only be commanded by me!"


this Commander Lin was a little overbearing, what he said was not wrong, if the superior casually interfered with the command of the lower-level army, wouldn't it be a mess?

However, the Confucian general sneered

: "Commander Lin is inevitably a little too arrogant, and he doesn't even pay attention to the high capital!"

Lin Feng said lightly

: "What's your name?"

The man replied:

"In Xia Xin Junhao, he is a little captain of this tiger regiment

!" Lin Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth:

"You still know that you are just a small captain, do you know that you are already offending me when you speak in that tone just now!"

Xin Junhao is neither humble nor arrogant, and he looks at Lin Feng

! There was a sudden atmosphere of solemnity in the big tent!

Many people were shocked!

I didn't expect that this Lin Commander had just taken office, and he actually encountered a provocation, and the person who provoked

him was still Xin Junhao! Although Xin Junhao was just a school captain, his cultivation was a real late stage of the Heavenly God Realm, and everyone originally thought that the leader of this Tiger Ben Regiment was already in his bag, but he didn't expect to kill a Lin Feng halfway!

This is interesting!

Many people were thinking of watching the excitement, and they were also people from the Heavenly God Realm, but they didn't know who was stronger

! Of course, they naturally didn't know Lin Feng's true cultivation

! At this time, Lin Feng looked at that Xin Junhao, and suddenly couldn't help laughing!

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