And the next moment, Lin Feng's figure holding a spear appeared behind the Demon God! The Demon God only noticed the appearance of the other party without warning at

this time! But it was already too late

! Lin Feng's Killing God Spear had already pierced his chest directly, and the holy divine power frantically poured into his huge body

! "You..."

At this time, the Demon God had already discovered the ancient lamp in Lin Feng's hand! This is the understanding of everything!

In fact, the ancient lamp, formerly known as the space-time glass lamp, is an artifact with a certain power of time and space, and Lin Feng quickly understood the mystery as soon as he got his hands

on it! Previously, Na Mo Fei could not exert the true power of this lamp at all, but now he ignited the wick, and then activated the power of time and space to teleport, so that he could really control this treasure

! And the demon god did not expect that the other party actually had this thing in his hand, and he was caught off guard by a shot through the heart!

At this time, the Demon God's body was collided by Lin Feng's divine power, and its already sluggish aura couldn't withstand this toss at all

! And Lin Feng didn't intend to give the other party any chance

! "Fire God Seal!" A

golden mark appeared, and it slapped directly into the Demon God's head!


The color gradually dimmed in its green eyes

! A moment later, the huge body of the demon god began to dissipate

! Finally, only a yellow crystalline object floated in place

! Lin Feng beckoned him to take it into his hand

! "It's a godhead!" It didn't

seem to be a low level!

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded in his heart!

Congratulations to the host for completing the quest 'Killing Gods' and getting rewards: Godhead Experience Pack*10000, Eternal Eye*1, God-King Bone*10, Primordial Breath*1, Shenyuan Dan*1000...]

Lin Feng suddenly perked up

! Good guy

! The rewards after completing the task are a bit powerful! Many of them are things that I have heard of for the first time, and I think they must be things that only exist in the Divine Realm!

For example, the God King Bone should be the bone of a strong person in

the God King Realm! I didn't expect the system to collect

these things! And this "Eternal Eye" seems to be a kind of supernatural power exercise! At this time, it is definitely not an ordinary product to give to yourself

! There are so many Divine Yuan Pills, with these things, you can still cultivate even if you don't go to the God Realm

! However, Lin Feng was not happy for too long, and soon the voice of the system came again!

Congratulations to the host for unlocking the limited-time quest 'Ascension to the Divine Realm' (10 years in a limited time), and the reward can be unlocked after completion

, and the self-destruct program will be started if the timeout is not completed!] Lin Feng is really confused this time

! The system still plays like this

! Actually engaged in a time-limited mission, the key is that if you can't play, you still have to self-destruct! The system will self-destruct, and you won't

even blow yourself up when the time comes!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little dry

! And this system only gave him

ten years! The problem is that even if he has reached the true god realm, it is not difficult to soar

! However, I heard what the demon god said before, the ascension seems to be related to the opening of the Chaos Temple, but the ghost knows when the Chaos Temple will appear

! Now he only has ten years left

! Alas! Let's take a step at a time!

Lin Feng looked around, and the flames all over his body reappeared, disappearing directly on the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to the thatched house.

At this time, the Haotian Realm Lord and the others, who had already noticed that there was no movement of the battle, finally mustered up the courage to come and investigate

! What surprised them was that there was nothing left at the scene except for some traces of the fight

! However, looking at the traces left by the place where the battle had been made, it was definitely an earth-shattering battle!

One of the Realm Lords asked in a low voice,

"As a result... Who won?"

the Haotian Realm Lord shook his head, he didn't know who had won! But since the Demon God didn't go to trouble them, it at least means that the Demon God didn't win, and the worst case is that the Demon God

and the other party both lose! Thinking of this, the Haotian Realm Lord's heart calmed down a little

! Then he motioned to everyone to leave here quickly, maybe the other party would kill them again, and then his group of people would be lambs to be slaughtered!

Inside the Tianxuan Sect.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged behind the thatched cottage and pinched

the yellow godhead in his hand and looked at it carefully! According to his understanding, the color of the godhead was directly linked to the grade, and from high to low, there were seven levels: gold, purple, red

, yellow, cyan, green, and black! And the quality of the godhead also directly determined the upper limit of the monk's

future cultivation! The yellow godhead in front of him should be a medium godhead according to the level, and the future cultivation can reach the ancient god realm!

The hierarchy of the divine realm is relatively not complicated

, the true god, the heavenly god, the mysterious god, the ancient god, the god king, the god venerable, and the first god! These realms also correspond to different godheads!

However, for Lin Feng, there is no need to change his godhead, because his chaotic godhead is the top godhead, and he can achieve self-evolution!

Lin Feng gently placed the yellow godhead on his forehead, and then the black mark at the center of his eyebrows suddenly released a light, directly inhaling the yellow godhead into it!

Half an hour later.

Lin Feng's godhead color change at the center of his eyebrows, and finally turned

cyan! Lin Feng frowned!

It stands to reason that this Chaos Godhead ate a yellow godhead, and it should at least be purified into a cyan godhead, but it only reached cyan, which made

him a little disappointed! Lin Feng was a little unrelenting, and devoured all those godhead experience packs that the system gave him to the Chaos Godhead!

After devouring these experience packs

, the color of the godhead finally turned yellow! Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction

! He now has a godhead experience pack when he signs in every day, so it is only a matter of time before the godhead rises to the top, but the task period given

by the system is only ten years! After ten years, he is likely to be taken away by the system

! But Lin Feng also knows that he is in a hurry and there is nothing he can do, everything still needs to wait for the appearance of the Chaos Temple!

It stands to reason that the system should not set such a deadline for itself for no reason, so this Chaos Temple will definitely appear within ten years

! Thinking of this, Lin Feng finally put his mind at ease

! Then he took out a bunch of bones that glowed with colored light

! It was the God King Bone that the system gave him!

This thing...

Lin Feng touched his chin and pondered the usefulness

of these bones! Could it be that these bones could be used to refine weapons?

It seems that they are indeed some rare materials!

However, the magic weapon made of bones made of Lin Feng felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and it was too low-grade!

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