Lin Feng felt a trace of mysterious aura from the black light, if he didn't guess wrong, it should be the demon god breath in the mouth of those demon commanders

! That demon god actually took action himself

! This made him have a very bad premonition

! And the demon handsome just now seemed to have been killed by the demon god!

But why did the other party do this?

Could it be that this has something to do with his recovery from his injuries?

This made Lin Feng can't help but think of the strange black light that each alien race carries, the root of which seems to come from the demon god, this black light cannot be eliminated, and can only be expelled with nine dirty spring water

! Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but gasp

! At this time, he had a very bold guess in his heart!

Those black lights seem to be to make those demon commanders and demon generals more powerful, but in fact, the black light is also like a seed, with the continuous enhancement of those alien races, the black light will gradually grow, and when the alien race dies or reaches a certain level, the black light will take the initiative to devour the alien race directly to strengthen itself!

This is just like the demon commander who just disappeared!

Therefore, the behavior of the alien army to plunder the origin of the world was originally facilitated by the demon god, and no matter what the result was, he was the one who won the game

! Lin Feng's heart was a little anxious, he had to hurry back and inform the others

! But then he smiled bitterly in his heart

! Even if he told everyone the truth, what was the use

! The two sides are now inseparable, basically either you die or I live!

So at the moment, he can only destroy all the alien races to protect himself

! And Lin Feng also has a hunch, that demon god will definitely not recover so easily, otherwise he will not make a desperate attempt to force a decisive battle

! Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Half an hour later.

Lin Feng returned to the main battlefield with his gun.

At this time, the two sides were fighting extremely fiercely

! Lin Feng's arrival immediately lifted the spirits of all the realm masters

! Kill another demon commander

! Stabilize it!

And that Mo Fei was also shocked when he saw Lin Feng coming, this guy killed two of his own demon commanders in a row, it was really too rebellious! And

as soon as Lin Feng came back, he directly found Mo Fei, and flew towards the other party with a sneer!"

Haotian Realm Lord, leave this person to me! You take someone to support the rear battlefield!"


Seeing that Lin Feng took the initiative to come, the Haotian Realm Lord also withdrew very decisively and left

! At this time, Lin Feng stood in front of Mo Fei with a spear in his arms, looking at each other with a smile

! While Mo Fei had a gloomy face

! But soon Mo Fei felt the difference in Lin Feng's body, and suddenly burst out laughing!

Lin Feng was suddenly a little speechless, and said

with a smile: "Can you still laugh at this time?"

Mo Fei's face suddenly surged with a strong sense of confidence:

"I thought you were really that strong, it turned out that you just used a secret technique to stimulate your potential, and now you are afraid that you will not be able to use it for the second time, right?"

Lin Feng was suddenly a little surprised, he didn't expect that this Mo Fei had already guessed himself almost, and it was really a foreign race with a bit of brains!

But Lin Feng was still unhurried and

said, "So what? Damn or do you have to die?"

Mo Fei sneered and said

, "Then let's see who killed the deer!"

After speaking, the magic was directly smashed towards Lin Feng with a punch!

Lin Feng looked at the punch that was thrown at him, and his eyes suddenly narrowed

! This Mofei's weapon was really strange

! It was actually a pair of fist gloves made of Shenjin

! When the punch came, Lin Feng also stabbed out a shot

! Suddenly the flames were splashing! Both

sides retreated dozens of steps

at the same time! "What a lot of strength!" After

all, Lin Feng was only a cultivator of the Realm King Realm at this time, and he was not using the Heavenly God Transformation In the face of the Realm Venerable Realm, Mo Fei is indeed not so easy to kill the other party! But it is already rare to be able to fight like

this! And after the two sides fought a few times, Mo Fei became more and more convinced of the speculation in his heart

! He was already desperate and rekindled his hope

! As long as he can kill this kid, and then he will support other demon commanders, and finally the battle will be won under the cover of the army!

When the time comes, Lord Demon God will be able to take himself to the Divine Realm when he recovers!

Thinking about it, he is a little excited?

And at this time, Lin Feng is also a question mark in his head, how can this Mo Fei in front of him be as brave as taking medicine, and the Mo Fei who ran away when he saw him before is simply like two people

! But even so, Lin Feng actually had no trouble dealing with

it! The two sides fought back and forth for an hour!

The other battlefields are also in a state of stalemate

! If it continues to drag on now, the situation seems

to be a little bad! Lin Feng also didn't want to continue to entangle with this Mo Fei, so he directly slapped the black gourd on his waist, and suddenly a black column of water erupted from it

! That Mo Fei seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he just dodged with a dodge! His face showed a hideous color, and said:

"I already knew that you were going to use this method!" Lin

Feng couldn't help but be happy!

This Mo Fei is a surge in intelligence! But it doesn't seem to be of much use! But what Mo Fei didn't

expect was that the Nine Dirty Spring Water in the gourd seemed to be endless, and then it directly formed a long river

! Although his body opened a layer of shields to resist, this also greatly limited his mobility

! Lin Feng was

also in the Nine Dirty Spring Water, but compared to Mo Fei, he was less affected!

Lin Feng roared angrily

, and directly killed Mo Fei! And Mo Fei wanted to leave the range of the Nine Dirty Springs, but found that these Nine Dirty Springs were like having long legs, and they would actually move with him! And

now that Lin Feng had already killed, he had no way to retreat, so he had to fight hard

! But what he didn't expect was that Lin Feng actually changed his style!

Lin Feng actually ignored his own attack and forcibly exchanged injuries with himself

! Good

guy! This guy has taken medicine

! As soon as the two sides first fought, they were each injured

! But Lin Feng's injuries recovered in the blink of an eye! And Mo Fei had not healed for a long time! Because the power of the demon god had already hidden in his body by itself at this time!

Mo Fei was suddenly shocked in his heart!

He understood Lin Feng's thoughts in an instant

!But how did the other party achieve such a powerful recovery ability

! Of course, what he didn't know was that Lin Feng's supreme divine body was already immortal and indestructible, unless it was directly evaporated completely, otherwise as long as there was a hair left, it could be reborn!

Moreover, Lin Feng still has a lot of immortal tree sap in his hands, although it is no longer so strong for people in Lin Feng's realm, but it does have the effect of amplifying when used with his supreme divine body

! Just when Mo Fei was thinking about a way to get out, Lin Feng's new offensive was killed again!

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