After the atmosphere froze for a while, someone finally took the lead in asking

, "Mo Fei, don't pretend to be a ghost, if there is any news, hurry up and say it, we will attack the Haotian Realm in a while!"

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately echoed them.

"Yes!Mo Fei, if you have something to say, hurry up, why did you still sell Guanzi and become like a mother-in-law like the human race

!" "Don't tell me you still need to make it

up!" "Hurry up, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty

!" Mo Fei glanced at everyone in the main hall, and snorted coldly:

"I think the matter of attacking the Haotian Realm should be slowed down!"

Everyone was in an uproar when they heard this!

"Mo Fei, what are you kidding your mother!Are you stupid by the Terrans

!""That's right! You won't be scared by the Terrans, right? Look at the location of your injury, you

haven't been stabbed by someone!" "Mo Fei, there's no place for you to speak here, don't be blind here!"

"Cut! It's just a lost dog, come here to pretend to be an uncle!".

In the face of everyone's ridicule and insults, Mo Fei took a deep breath, his fists were also clenched, although the three demon marshals next to him were also very angry in their hearts, but after all, everyone was talking about Mo Fei, so they were not so exaggerated, but they didn't dare to speak, so as not to provoke themselves.

However, Mo Fei finally held back, and waited until everyone was almost scolded, and then continued to speak:

"The news I just wanted to say is that the Terran has mastered the method of restraining the Holy Light!"

Mo Fei, aren't you trying to save face and be alarmist?"

However, compared to before, this group of demon commanders has been much more restrained, especially after seeing Mo Fei's indifferent eyes, they suddenly chuckled in their hearts

! Mo Fei sneered at the corner of his mouth:

"What? Now I know that I'm scared? Hmph! If it weren't for the other party mastering the method of restraining the Holy Light, how could we have been defeated so completely!".

After saying that, they threw out a cloud of pitch-black

liquid! Everyone took the ball of liquid, and immediately threw away the ball of liquid as if they had been pricked by needles

!"What is this!"

"I feel that the Holy Light seems to be afraid of these liquids!"

At this time, after seeing this cloud of black liquid, everyone no longer had the previous doubts! Everything that Mo Fei said was true!

In fact, they were also very shocked when they received the news that the five Mofei were wiped out and another person had fallen

! Because they had never suffered such a loss for so many years! And they actually knew very well about the strength of the Mofei five, and they were able to wipe out the five of them in an instant, and they had been discussing it for a long time at that time

! And now after seeing this black liquid, they finally understood the crux of the problem! It turned out that the Terrans had really mastered the method that could restrain the Holy Light!

This is tantamount to a heavy blow to everyone

! In the past, their biggest reliance was the power of holy light bestowed by the demon god, which could enable them to recover quickly no matter how seriously injured they were, so even if there were many strong people in the other realm, there was still nothing they could do

! But now the situation has changed, and their innate advantage is gone! Then in the next battle

, the Dragon Demon Marshal is a lesson from their past, and if they are not careful, they will face the end of their fall! For a while, the hall became silent!

Mo Fei Demon Marshal couldn't help but sneer and said

, "What? Where is the momentum just now? Didn't you say that you were going to rush to the war? If my expectations are correct, at this time, the Hao Heaven Realm may have opened a big net and is waiting for you!"

Mo Fei's words were undoubtedly heart-wrenching, and they made everyone look at each other, but they were not easy to refute! The

three demon commanders beside Mo Fei were immediately moved to tears

! Seeing everyone's reaction, they finally regained their self-confidence! It turned out that it was really not that we couldn't do it, it turned out that everyone couldn't!

But in fact, Mo Fei thought a little too much, Lin Feng and they had not yet arrived at the Haotian Realm at this time, so if everyone attacked at this time, the chances of winning would be very high, but Mo Fei's words directly made everyone retreat

! And Mo Fei's purpose in saying this was actually to seize power

! Seeing that no one spoke, Mo Fei directly took a chair, put it in the front, and then sat down with a big grin!

Although some people are very dissatisfied with his behavior, but no one has opened his mouth to stop

it! In terms of prestige, Mo Fei is actually very high among the demon commanders, and he also has treasures given by the demon god, and the demon god also trusts

him! And the current situation is a bit special, the human race has found a way to restrain the holy light, and only Mo Fei, who has been in direct contact with those human races, has the most right to speak, so at this time, Mo Fei is blatantly sitting in front of him, which makes it difficult for everyone to reprimand

! ! The situation can be said to be changing rapidly, just now Mo Fei was ridiculed and ridiculed by all kinds of ridicule, but now it has directly shocked the audience

! Although everyone did not speak, but it was already a tacit acquiescence!

After a long time, finally a demon commander spoke

: "Mo Fei, then how do you say we should meet the enemy?" That Mo Fei

seemed to have a plan in his heart, and said:

" Although this thing can restrain the Holy Light, it is actually not a great threat to us, but now that the army under my command has been completely lost, it is difficult to have an effect even if I take the initiative to attack!"

Speaking of this, Mo Fei looked at the people in the main hall and said

, "I think we should send someone to deliver the news to the other two Holy Army camps, we are thirty-six... The Thirty-Fifth Route Army joined forces and directly took down the Haotian Realm with a crushing force! Not long ago, Lord Demon God sent me news that his injuries were about to heal!""

What?!Lord Demon God's injuries are almost healed!"

At this time, the Demon Commanders in the main hall were all excited when they heard this! If the Demon God came out, then those Terrans would just be chickens and dogs!

Of course, the reason why they were even more excited was

that the Demon God had promised them that he would take them to the God Realm after he recovered from his injuries! This is also one of the reasons why everyone served so much!

At this time, a demon marshal spoke:

"In other words, we only need to take down the world origin of the Haotian Realm, and the Demon God Lord can use these origins to completely restore his strength?"

Mo Fei nodded when he heard this.

He also received the transmission of the Demon God Lord on the way here, so he had already formulated this strategic plan on the way here

!And what he needs to do now is to integrate the other two armies here, and when the whole army attacks, it will be difficult to stop a single Haotian Realm!

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