At this time, the middle-aged man was already frightened, it was obvious that Lin Feng had already shown mercy to his subordinates just now, otherwise he would have to be seriously injured! Seeing that

the competition between the two sides was over, the Dragon Realm Lord hurriedly snorted and said

, "Zhen Daoyou Lin Daoyou, if you have something to say, after all, we are allies on the same front now!"

Seeing that the Panlong Realm Lord took the initiative to come out to be a peacemaker, Lin Feng also came down the steps, arched his hand to the Panlong Realm Lord, and returned to the Xuanyuan Realm Lord to sit down!

And for this matter, the Panlong Realm Lord actually acquiesced, Lin Feng is now in the Realm King Realm, and he can sense that the cultivation of the Panlong Realm Lord is much higher than himself

! Maybe he is already a master of the Realm Venerable Realm, and this time he is also sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight to see what his strength

is! Since he is here to help in the battle, he can't hide anything, otherwise he will be looked down upon!

And after he showed the strength of the Realm King Realm, sure enough, the atmosphere became very different! The face of the Panlong Realm Lord also showed a look of satisfaction

! Of course, Lin Feng didn't care about the twists and turns between these people, he came here just to repay the favor, and secondly, to touch the bottom of the Demon God, after all, he still had the task of the system, if he could fish in troubled waters and kill the Demon God, it would be the best, but this seemed to be a little difficult!

After the two of them finished making a move, everyone present continued the previous discussion!The

Panlong Realm Lord was the first to speak: "Fellow Daoists, now that the Demon God Army has five Demon Marshals personally leading the army, we have already fought with each other before, although we don't want to admit it, but I have to say that we are indeed at a disadvantage!"

Speaking of this, the Panlong Realm Lord

glanced at Lin Feng with a smile and said:"

" Of course, now that we have Lin Daoyou joining, I believe that the next time we fight against the alien army again, we will definitely turn the situation around! But for now, we still have to discuss the strategy against the enemy!" Lin

Feng couldn't help but be speechless for a while when he saw that Dragon Realm Lord giving himself face like

this! Good guy, this is directly holding himself up so high, is it to force himself to work hard? What are you kidding! Lao Tzu is not stupid!

Just after the words of the Lord of the Panlong Realm fell, an old man in the main hall spoke

: "The old man thinks that we should still focus on defense, and the purpose of those alien armies is just for the origin of the Great Dao, as long as they are not allowed to succeed!"

But as soon as the old man finished speaking, someone immediately sneered at him:

"Old man, I think you are really getting older and more confused!"

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the person who spoke, only to see that the person was actually a young man who was a little more handsome than himself, with red lips and white teeth, but his skin was a little too good, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was a woman

in a different outfit! Lin Feng felt a pang in his heart! The people of the main realm of the capital realm, what do you have to do with such a non-yin and yang!

I only heard the man continue:

" I thought that we should immediately assemble a large army and preemptively attack the base camp of the alien army!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall! Without him! Just because this idea is too bold

! Even if they are now in the realm master realm, they are not immortal and immortal, and in the face of the demon commander of the same realm, once they are surrounded, it will be difficult to escape the end of a dead

end! So as soon as these words came out

, many people in the hall shook their heads!

However, Lin Feng admired this young man very much, because in fact, he also thought so! And at the same time, the eyes of the

Panlong Realm Lord also showed a fine light! After noticing Lin Feng's expression, the Panlong Realm Lord suddenly spoke:

"I don't know what Lin Daoyou thinks of Ran Daoyou's strategy?"

was suddenly named, and Lin Feng was also stunned!

However, he immediately understood the reason, and it seemed that the expression of appreciation he had just revealed was discovered by the Dragon Realm Lord! But I just don't know how the Dragon Realm Lord planned it

! Lin Feng arched his hand and said loudly:

"I think Ran Daoyou's plan is very good!"

As soon as Lin Feng's words came out, there was an uproar in the hall again! Even the Xuanyuan Realm Lord beside him couldn't help but want to dissuade him from continuing to speak! But

Lin Feng did Not caring at all, he continued:

"The wasteland where I am has been attacked by an alien army before, and as far as my personal feelings are concerned, there is only one advantage of that alien army!

And those alien armies are inexhaustible, and they are endless, once they are approached by them, then no matter what the final result is, we are all the losing side! The monsters of the alien army are endless, but the high-level monks in our realm are one less than one to die

!" "Therefore, although Ran Daoyou's strategy is very risky, at least transferring the battlefield to the other party can ensure that our realm is well-organized!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, there was silence in the main hall, and the eyes of the Coiling Dragon Realm Lord showed appreciation!

I have to say that Lin Feng's words are exactly what the Panlong Realm Lord thinks, now that the alien army is already in the Panlong Realm, the thousands of worlds that have been fighting like this are undoubtedly the biggest losses

! In fact, which of the realm masters in the Great Hall of these truths does not know? It's just pretending to be confused! The alien army has not arrived at their doorstep now, so naturally they don't have to worry about the casualties in the realm, this is selfishness!

And go to attack the alien base camp? What if you encounter that demon god? Compared with his own small lives, the losses of some low-level cultivators are nothing

! Lin Feng is naturally very clear about the psychology of this group of people! On the surface, he is here to support, but in fact, it is just for self-preservation, and the battlefield is placed in someone else's house, without the slightest psychological pressure

! Just like the old man surnamed Mu before, he is completely in the posture of being able to defend and never take the initiative to attack, no wonder the alien army can always drive straight in!

Lin Feng sighed secretly in his heart, what time has it been now, this group of realm lords still has their own ghosts! It is really that they will not wake up until they die

! The dragon realm lord looked at the reaction of everyone in the main hall, and suddenly his face showed a trace of disappointment

! But before he could speak, everyone present was shocked

! "Tell me! The alien army is here again!"

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