In front of the farm, the

middle-aged man in charge of the live broadcast turned off his mobile phone, walked to the side alley, stretched out his hand to a young man who was guarding there, and muttered: "What about the money?" Didn't you say that if you broadcast it, you will give me 100 yuan?

The little young man took out a hundred from his pocket, slapped it into the middle-aged man's hand, and "sighed": "I still rely on you for this little money?" But the duration of your live broadcast is getting shorter and shorter, tomorrow you have to broadcast longer so that more people can see it, otherwise it will be ineffective! The

middle-aged man unfolded the hundred-piece sheet, checked the authenticity against the sun, and after confirming that it was true, stuffed it into his inner pocket, rolled his eyes, and said: "Broadcast the same thing every day, my mouth is going to be broken, and others have nothing new to say, is this really effective?" When will you get this land down?

The little young man squinted his eyes to observe the abandoned farm, and said with a bad smile: "It's fast, it's fast, today the above has arranged for people to expedite the report, and when the matter on your side is big, they can't set up a factory there, and this land is ours."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was relieved and repeatedly confirmed: "You have to talk and count, and when you take this land, you will provide us with a job, two thousand five a month, not less!"

The little young man smiled, did not speak, just waved his hand to the middle-aged man, and said, "You know, go back and bring some rhythm, I will capture some intense photos later."

After waiting for the middle-aged man to leave, Xiao Xiao picked up the phone and dialed Deng Yunpeng, and said respectfully: "Boss, I've been staring here, no problem, today those people also came to make trouble, scared the gang under Chen Yao so that none of them dared to come over, so someone came in the morning to come and watch and left!"

Deng Yunpeng sneered on the other side of the phone: "I thought how powerful Chen Yao was, and successively took away two groups of people from my side, Red Wolf and Huang Yu, but I didn't expect that if it was really big, he would only pretend to be a shrunken turtle!" That kid of the red wolf betrayed me first, ran to recognize Chen Yao as the boss, and this time it can be regarded as letting him taste the end of betraying me! The

little young man nodded again and again and said flatteringly: "It's still the boss and mighty!" I heard that the red wolf went directly to the intensive ward after being sent to the hospital, and it is difficult to say whether he will live or not! If he really let him pick up a life, he will definitely not dare to fight the boss in the future! By the way, boss, those people who called to make trouble all thought that we would really provide them with jobs, if they didn't provide it later, I don't know how to tell them..." Deng

Yunpeng laughed and said indifferently: "In Daxian County, there is nothing that the domineering group wants to do, there is nothing that cannot be done!" Similarly, if the overbearing group does not want to do something, no one can force us to do it! What do these rabble have to say to them? Have the ability to run a domineering group to make trouble? Unless they don't want to mess around in Daxian in the future! The

little young man was about to respond to Deng Yunpeng, when he suddenly saw a car driving in the distance, and the first person to get out of the car seemed to be Chen Yao, and said busily: "Boss!" Chen Yao is coming!

Deng Yunpeng took a breath and gritted his teeth: "He still dares to show up?" Sure enough, young and not afraid of death, you wait there, I will take those people over now!

At the same time, after getting off the car, Chen Yao walked directly to the group of people who gathered at the gate of the farm to make trouble, and said loudly: "Everyone, I am Chen Yao, the owner of this farm, I just came back from a business trip today, what do you want, tell me about it?" Although

he has already decided to provide positions for these people, but taking the initiative to say his intentions as soon as he comes up will inevitably let some people exploit loopholes and deliberately raise the conditions, and he knows very well that some of these people are really affected by the layoff, but some people must have colluded with the overbearing group to deliberately come and make trouble for him.

Sure enough, after he said this, everyone present rushed over and talked about it.

"You are the boss, Boss Chen, you have made us so miserable! We did a good job, suddenly there was no job, we couldn't eat enough, not to mention the old and the young, and we had to support our families!

"It's not easy for us to find a job in this small place, we have been working here for half our lives, we can't do anything else, no one will ask for another job when we go out, and there is no way to say anything, we haven't even given us some compensation, and we won't pay my salary directly, so that I can't even pay the mortgage!"

"Anyway, we didn't mean to make trouble, just want some compensation, not to mention more, thousands of yuan must always be there, right?" Normal job search also has to find a few months, so let's make the transition, otherwise we really can't live, and if you are in a hurry, you will crash and die here!

Although these people don't speak well, but looking at their clothes and expressions, they are indeed telling the truth, it should be that life is indeed difficult, so they followed over to ask for some compensation, Chen Yao probably glanced at them and wrote down the appearance of these people.

Some people, obviously, deliberately provoked trouble, and let Chen Yao get out of Daxian without leaving a word.

"I heard that you came back from out of town, no wonder you came so messy! Not conformist at all! Don't take the life and death of our Daxian people seriously! I see that you still honestly give up the land, transfer it to whomever you want, and get out of Daxian as soon as possible!

"Exactly! Stop it! You simply can't develop in Daxian County! We are also for your good, you left Daxian early, the loss is still small, and after the delay, I worked hard to invest money into it, only to find that I couldn't drive it at all, and then the loss would be heavy!

"Stay where it's cool!" Don't come to the county to make it lively! We in Daxian don't need a boss with no conscience like you! Even if you really let you open, the people of our Daxian County will not eat what comes out of your farm! Resist the black-hearted boss!

Chen Yao sneered and also wrote down the person who said these words.

Then, he waved his hand and asked Xiang Xupeng to surround the gate of the farm with veteran bodyguards.

The veterans' bodyguards were very loud, and when they rushed over, they frightened those who made trouble, and they squatted down and hugged their heads and begged for mercy.

"Boss Chen has something to say! Don't do it!

"You don't want us to stay here, let's just go, don't hit people!" After the fight, it will affect our job search!

"Don't be so unreasonable, how can you come up and beat people?" Aren't you afraid of bad influence?

Chen Yao cleared his throat, and when no one dared to speak, he said slowly: "It is impossible for me to give compensation."

He glanced at it, saw disappointed expressions on some people's faces, and gloating expressions on others' faces, paused, and said, "But work, I can provide you with it." "

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